Department of Chemistry James Rynd , Ph.D., Chai r Faculty Professors: Fischer, Rynd
I00 INTRODUCTION TO CHEMISTRY (2) A non-lab course introducing the student to basic chemical terminology, symbols and concepts with an emphasis on biochemis try. Does not fulfi ll nursing requirement in chemist ry. Meets prerequisite to Biology 272 and is applicable t owards general edu cation science requirement. Not open to students who have had college chemistry. IO I, I02 CHEMISTRY SURVEY (3, 3) Principles and theories of general, organic and biochemistry and their applications to medici ne and nut rition. Two hours lecture, three hours laborat ory each semester. Prerequisite: high school chemistry and al gebra or passing grade on entrance exam. Lab fee: $1 5. I05, I06 GENERAL CHEMI STRY (4, 4) Principles and theor ies of atomic structure, chemical bonding and chemical reactivity; thermodynamics, chemical kinetics and electro-chemistry. Laboratory emphasizes quantitative aspects of physical and ino r ganic chemistry. Three hours lecture, four hours laboratory. Prerequisite: high school chemistry. Lab fee: $20. 30 I, 302 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY (5, 5) Structure and reactivity of carbon-cont ain ing compounds; emphasis given t o mecha nisms of organic reactions. Second semes ter includes structural biochemistry. Labo ratory emphasizes analytical organic chemistry. Three hours lecture, six hours laboratory. Prerequisite: I06. Lab fee: $30. 350 ANA LYT ICAL CHEMISTRY (4) A survey of classical chemical methods of analysis such as titrimetric and gravimet ric along with various instrumental methods including electrochemical. spectroscopic and chromat ographic. Three hours lectu re, three hours laboratory. Prerequisite: Chemistry 30 I . Lab fee: $20. 402 PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY I (3) The physical laws governing chemical reac tivity are investigated. Subjects include thermodynamics, kinetics, elect ro-chemis try and macromolecular behavior.
403 PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LAB (I) Laboratory experiments in chemical dynamics, kinetics, spectroscopy and quan tum mechanics. Prerequisite: Chemistry 402. 404 PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY II (3) Quantum chemistry, molecular structure, ·spectroscopy, macromolecules and surface chemistry. 41 I , 412 BIOCHEMISTRY (3, 3) Fundamental concepts of metabolism, bioenergetics, biosynthesis and other chemistry of li fe processes. Three hours lecture. Prerequisite: 302. 420 SPECIAL TOPICS IN CHEMISTRY (3) Short subjects in such areas as the chemical literature, various instrument al methods, polymers, organomet allics and industr ial chemist ry. Prerequisite: depar tmental ap proval. 422 LABORATORY METHODS IN BIO CHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOL OGY (2) A n integrated laboratory course t o accom pany 41 I . Modern techniques in molecular genetics, metabolic processes, bioener getics and enzyme mechanisms. Six hours laboratory. One hour discussion/quiz. Pre requisites: Biology 3 12 and Chemistry 4 1I . A lternate years. Lab fee: $30. 450 SEMINAR IN CHEMISTRY (I) A series of seminar topics dealing with cur rent research subjects, vocational opportu nities, philosophy of science and faith. Ev ery student presents one seminar on some area of research. Prerequisite: departmen tal approval. 480 SPECIAL PROJECTS IN CHEMISTRY ( I -3) Research or industrial int ernships. Requires a written report. Prerequisit e: departmen tal approval.
Associate Professors : P. Coad, R. Coad Objectives: Upon completion of the chemistry program a student will have demonstrated I) an understanding of the basic concepts of the structure of matter and the changes it undergoes, 2) an ability to do quantitative problem solving, 3) pro ficiency in common laboratory methods, and 4) a knowledge of resource material in chemistry. The program is designed to meet the requirements and needs of students goi ng into industry, into profession programs (medicine, engineering, etc.), into graduate school and into education. To satisfy the di verse interest and needs a number of course opt ions are available. A core cu r r iculum is required of all majors after which electives with gu idance of an advisor are chosen to meet specific needs. Department Major: Requires 22 units of supportive courses, 30 units of core chem istry courses and 6 units of chemistry relat ed electives. Core Courses: Math I05, I 06; Comput er Science IOI ; Physics 21 I , 222, 33 I ; Chemistry I05, I06, 30 I , 302, 350, 402, 403, 404, 450. Recommend electives for those inter ested in: Pre-medicine/biochemistry: Chemist ry 41 I , 4 12, Biology I I I, 272, 3 I 2 Industrial: Physics 321, 322; Chemistry 480 Education: Physical Science 250; Geology 103 Graduate School : Chemistry 420; Physics 321, 332 Department Minor: Chemistry I 05, I06, 30 I , 302, 350 or 402. Chemistry majors automatically meet the general education requirement of eight units of science and mathematics. The lan guage requirement is the minimum of two years in high school o r one semester in college
. s a transfer
student from a state
university, I found the
change in both atmo-
sphere and attitude at
Bio/a refreshing. Bio/a
attracted me because of
its uncompromising
stand on the Word of
God, which I find evi-
dent in both my Chris-
tian education and Bible
Scott Larson , Junior
Christian education
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