Christian Education A Division of Talbot Theological Seminary and School of Theology Dean: Wendell G. Johnston, Th.D. Associate Dean: Dennis H. Dirks, Ph.D. Charles 0. Bradshaw, Ph.D. , Chair Reibert Radcliffe, Ph.D. , Undergraduate Coordinator Faculty Associat e Professors: Leonard, Radcl iffe Assistant Professors: Anthony, Wilson Objectives: The Christian education major is designed to prepare its graduates for professional ministries in church and parachurch agencies and to provide a foundation for graduate training. There fore, at t he completion of this maior, the student will have: realized his identity in re lation to his position in Christ and his spiri tual gifts and abilities; developed his gifts and abilities related to Christian ministries; demonstrated the essential knowledge and skills to study Scriptures inductively and to communicate biblical truths effectively; es tablished a basic philosophy of Christian education which incorporates the biblical concepts of discipleship and leadership; demonst rated his ability to be sensitive t o others as persons, understanding how people function in both individual and group learning experiences; developed and demonstrated his ability to function successfully in teaching roles and/or in lead ershi p roles. Department Major: A core of 30 un its is requ ired in specified courses which in clude: 150, 251, 252, 260, 261, 350, 360, 382, 450, 460 and one of the following: 371, 372, 373, 374. Bible 220 must be tak en as the Bible elective. Specializations: Each student is required to select a specialization of I 8 to 23 units in addition to the 30 unit core. There are
Required Core Courses: 150 FOUNDATIONS OF MINISTRY (3) Fundamentals upon which a Christian education ministry is bu ilt. Relationships between worsh ip, edification and w itness will be explored with special emphasis on the educational process, staff roles and vo cational oppor tun ities in Christian educa tion. Prerequisites: none. 220 INDUCTIVE BIBLE STUDY (3) Essentials of inductive study applied to biblical narrative and epistolary literature. Prerequisites: none. 251 FOUNDATIONS OF LEADERSHIP (3) Basics of leadership for a Christian edu cation ministry. Emphasis upon develop ment of personal leadership qualities in cl uding Bible study, worship, prayer and in terpersonal deve lopment which relate to spiritual gifts and the church as an organ ism. Prerequisites: none. 252 FOUNDATIONS OF THE TEACH ING MINISTRY (3) Major emphasis upon learni ng theories and their appl ication to teaching the Bible within the cont ext of the local church and parachurch agencies. Also considered will be lesson planning. Prerequisites: none. 260 FOUNDATIONS OF INTERPER SONAL RELATIONSHIPS (3) Essentials of theory and experience nee- essary to initiate, develop and maintain ef fective interpersonal communication skills. Development and maintenance of trust, fellowship, cohesiveness, effective commu nication styles, constructive confrontation and confl ict resolut ion skills are applied to ministry situations. Prerequisites: none. 261 FOUNDATIONS OF DEVELOP- MENT (3) . Introduction to human developmental characteristics. Aspects of development wi ll include the physical, intellectual , social, personal, moral, faith and spiritual covering the whole lifespan as a base for a more hol istic Christian education ministry. Pre requisites: none.
Students wishing to do graduate work in the field of Christian education may w ish to take advantage of the Master of Arts program offered at Talbot Theological Seminary and School of Theology. The un dergraduate and graduate programs have been designed to minimize overlap and to maximize conti nued development and growth of the st udent in the field. There are three specializations designed for stu dents who wish to plan for graduate work at Talbot Theological Seminary and School of Theology. One speciali zation is designed for the M.A. in Christian education at Tal bot Theological Seminary and School of Theology, another for the Master of Arts in marriage and family ministries and the third is the Master of Divin ity degree. Detai led information regarding these areas of special ization may be secured in the Christian education office or from any Christian education faculty member. Department M inor: To minor in Chris tian education, a student is required to take I 8 units includ ing the following courses: 150, 251, 26 1 and one of the age level courses (37 1, 372, 373, 374). Five ad ditional units are also required which may be selected by the student from any C.E. departmental offerings. Bible 220 must be taken as the Bible elective. Chr istian Service Assignment: Christian education maiors should choose assign ments for Christian service during the freshman and sophomore years that in clude experiences of Bible teaching. During the junior and senior years, the field ex perience requirements substitute for the Christian service assignment. General Education: The general educa tion requirement for a foreign language for those majoring in Christian education de pends upon the number of years that were completed in high school of the same fore ign language. Specific requ irements are listed under "general education require ments" for the Bachelor of Arts degree.
eight specializations from which a student may choose that reflect the broad variety of ministry options in this fi eld. The diversi fied special ization allows t he student to de sign a program that best suits hisiher voca t ional interests. All specialization courses are subject to departmental approval. I) Children. Vocational opportunities with this option include children's director or minister in a local church, a staff member with organizations that minister to children in the United States or on a mission field, a writer of materials for use with children. 2) Youth. Vocational opportunities for youth special ization would include a local church youth director or minister, a club director for youth parachurch agencies, a youth camp director, a Christian education director in a church that emphasizes youth or an assistant or associate pastor with re sponsi bilities for youth . 3) lntercultural. Vocational opportun ities with this option include service on a foreign mission field or service in one of the many subcultures in the pluralistic society of the United States. 4) Diversified . This option is for those who wish to design a specialization unique to their interests such as church-related camping, counseling, commun ication, busi ness, music, computer science, etc. 5) Elementary Teacher Credential Pro gram. This option combines the C.E. major core with California State Prel iminary Cre dential course requirements. This special ization requires more units than the others do but some units in the C.E. core are sub stituted for credential requirements. 6) Pre-seminary in Christian Education. If a student plans to pursue graduate work in Christian education, there are specializa tion courses appropriate to a broader foundation in specified areas. 7) Pre-semi nary in Fami ly Ministries. This specializa tion is designed to prepare the student for the graduate work in marriage and family mi nistries. 8) Pre-seminary in Pastoral Ministr y. This specialization provides a strong foundat ion in Christian education upon which to build a well-rounded pasto ral ministry.
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