Department of Communication
458 METHODS OF COMMUNICATION RESEARCH (3) Research methodology for communica tion research, including sampling, question naire design, introduction to statistics. Stu dents conduct su rvey research project. A major goal is to become adept at reading and evaluating research reports. Lab fee: $10. 470 COMMUNICATION SEMINAR ( 1-3) Various aspects and problems in the field of communication. 472 INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICA TION (3) (See ICS 420.) Relationship between communication and culture with emphas is on factors af fecti ng the quality and processes of inter personal commun ication between persons of different cultures or subcultures. 478 PRAGMATIC SOCIAL THEORIES OF COMMUNICATION (3) Survey and application of social theories of communication, including general se mantics, transactional analysis, commun ica tion to the grievi ng, man as manipulator, and non-verbal forms of commun ication. 480 D IRECTED RESEARCH ( 1-3) Individual research in an area of com mun ication det ermined in consu ltat ion with the instructor. May be repeated for a maximum of three units. Prerequisite: con sent. Co.ncentrations: Communication Disorders Objectives: The concentration in com municat ion disorders is a pre-professional degree that provides the student with a foundati on in normal communication and an understanding of the complexities of communicat ion problems. It is the aim of the department to set this knowledge withi n the framework of a Christian per spective and a focus on the ind ividual rath er than the disorder. Students completing this concentration should be full y prepared for the graduate work necessary for the certification or credentials in this area.
Concentration: 42 units of which 36 must be upper division and include: 3 12, 32 1, 324, 326, 458 and 478. Students are expected to take communi cat ion I 00 to fulfill the general education requirement, but it does not count toward the concen tration requirements. Biology 31 I is re quired as a supporting course. 220 VOICE AND ARTICULATION (3) Voice improvement through study of anatomical and physiological bases of the normal voice. Training in articulation, pro nunciat ion and related oral skil ls. 312 PHONETICS (3) (See ICS 4 13.) The science of the articulate sounds of human speech; classifi cation, reproduction and proper recording of speech sounds; principles of phonetic change. Alternate years. 321 INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNI CATION DISORDERS (3) Survey of the various types and class ifi cations of speedvlanguage disorders and the role of the speech pathologist in medi cal and educational settings. 324 SPEECH SCIENCE (3) Anatomy and physiology of the speech and hearing mechanisms. The normal pro cesses of respirat ion, phonat ion, articula tion, resonance, and hearing are covered. 326 LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT (3) Normal development of speech and language in children in terms of syntax, se mantics, phonology and pragmat ics. Motor and cognitive development surveyed. 328 STUTTERING (3) Review of the theories dealing with the etiology of stuttering and methods of ther apy 421 ORGANIC DISORDERS (3) Communication disorders relative to cleft palate and other cranial-facial abnor malities, cerebral pal sy, and mental retar dation. Prerequ isite: 321, 324, or permis sion.
major (page 49). This concentration is bas i cally a minor in communication, but great er fiexibi lity is possible through depart mental counseling. Core Courses (Applicabl e to any of the concentrations .) I 00 INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNI CATION (3) Overview of the major with lectures pertaining to public address, forensics, dra ma, communication disorders and mass media. Experience in the preparation and del ivery of signifi cant ideas. 340 MASS MEDIA AND SOCIETY (3) Development, structure, policies and practices of the electronic media and their impact on society and on individuals. 440 COMMUNICATION INTERNSHIP ( I -3) Limited to qualified seniors who wish to gain practical experience usually off campus in a working situation. Department permission requ ired. May be repeated for a maximum of six units. 450 COMMUNICATION PRACTICUM ( 1-3) Directed practical experience in the var ious fields of communicat ion. Permission of the department must be secured the semester prior to enroll ing for course. May be repeated for a maximum of six units. 457 MASS COMMUNICATION THEORY (3) Current theories in mass communica tion, t he useful ness of each and research support given to each. Theories unique to mass communication, as well as the appli cation of more general communication theories .
Thomas L. Nash, PhD, Chair
Faculty Professor: Saunders Associate Professors : T. Lewis, Nash, D. Shanebeck Objectives: It is the purpose of the communication department that when you complete our major you will have (I) Well developed personal communica tion skills and be able to think, write, and speak clearly and effectively; (2) Learning skills which will enable you to conti nue to develop personally and professionally after graduation; (3) Entry level skills for em ployment in your chosen field or else have suitable preparation for graduate study; (4) At least the beginnings of a workable world view which unifies your life's work and your Chr istian faith. Concentrat ions: The communication department offers concentrations in: com munication disorders, (formerly called speech pathology), public and organiza tional communication, rad io - televisi on - film, print media and an interdisciplinary program in communication . In addition we offer a drama minor. If you are considering a communication major it is strongly recommended that you see a communication department coun selor your first semester at Biola. Department Minor: 18 units, of which 12 must be upper division, including 458, 478. 12 units shou ld be taken within one of the concentrations. NOTE: Students seeking an English communication secondary credential are advised to consult with the departments of English and communication. Humanities Major: Communication Concentration Communication may be used as the area of concentration for the humanit ies
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