474 ADVANCED STUDIES IN COMMU NICATION BEHAVIOR (3) Selected communication topics varied by semester. Sections offered include: fam ily communication, non-verbal communi cation, listening, communication and deci sion -maki ng. May be repeated w ith differ ent course content. 475 LABORATORY IN INTERPER SONAL COMMUNICATION (3) Provides the theory and exper iences necessary to initiate, develop and maintain effective interpersonal communication skills. Development and maintenance of trust, verbal and nonverbal expression of feeling, constructive confrontation and re solving interpersonal conflict. Prerequ isite : 170 or consent. 476 COMMUNICATION EDUCAT ION SEMINAR (2) Teachi ng techn iques for the introduc tory speech course and forensics team. Required for English/communication sec ondary education majors. Alternate years. 478 PRAGMAT IC SOCIAL THEORIES OF COMMUNICATION (3) (See core cou rses.) Print Media Objectives: Since the invention of writ ing and the subsequent innovation of the printing press . man has used the written media as a major and permanent means of communication. The need for skilled writ ers, editors, and photographers is perhaps greater now than at any other time in his tory This is particularly true of the Chris tian field in which there are varied and im mediate opportunities for work domesti cally and in other countries. The objective of the print media concentration is to pre pare students for careers in writing and/or production for media such as newspapers, magazines, or books. Concentration: 36 units, of which 24 must be upper division, including 233, 234, 245,333,334,340,457,458,478.
437 LANGUAGE REMEDIATION (3) In-depth study of remediation proce dures specific to language impairments in children and adults, including auditory re ception, associat ion and memory; semantic and syntactic development in verbal and graphic expression; and perceptual motor development. Prerequisite 4 36 or permis sion. 470 COMMUNICATION SEMINAR ( 1-3) May be taken for concentration credit when content is applicable to communica tion disorders area. Public and Organizational Communication Purpose: When you have completed this concentration you should be prepared for employment in fields where excellent interpersonal and group communication skills are especially important, such as sales or public relations. This concentration is also excel lent preparation for graduate train ing for careers in fie lds such as the ministry, education, or law. Concentration: 36 units, of which at least 27 must be upper division, and in clude 385, 386, 458, 475 , 478. Of the 21 remaining un its , 18 must be selected from the following courses or from core courses. 170 SMALL GROUP COMMUNICATION (3) This course focuses on the individual 's communication in a group setti ng: leader ship in groups; group communicat ion norms and processes with emphasis on problem solving and confl ict reduction techn iques. 18 1 INTRODUCTION TO ARGUMEN TATION AND DEBATE (3) Effective oral communicat ion; invention, analysis, evidence, methods of attack and defense and ar rangement of ideas. 280 O RAL INTERPRETATIO N (3) Learni ng t o read types of literat ure aloud in a manner t hat enhances and en riches t he aud ience's understandi ng and appreciati on of that lit erature.
2821382 INTERCOLLEGIATE FORENSICS (2-2) Pract ical speech experience in debate, readers theatre and individual speaki ng events. Each section may be repeated once for a total of eight units. 284 INTRODUCTION TO PUBLIC RELATIONS (3) An introduction to and appl ication of the methods and responsibilities of public relations 1n contemporary society. 383 RHETORICAL THEORI ES (3) Maior theories of rhetoric and publ ic address from classical to contemporary periods. 385 PERSUASIVE COMMUNICAT ION (3) Techniques of persuasive speaki ng and commun icati on persuasion theories. Ex perience in the preparation and delivery of speeches . Prerequisite: I 00. 386 FORMS OF PUBLIC COMMUNICA T ION (3) Application, practice and analysis of se lected communication forms from a rhe torical perspective. Sections offered in reli gious, political and social-issues communi cation. May be repeated with different course content. 387 ORGANIZATIONAL COMMUNI CAT ION (3) The dynamics of organizational commu nication centering in syst ems, structures and patterns; the role of communicat ion in organizational development. 388 PRINCIPLES O F INTERVIEWING (3) Dyadic communication as it occurs in the interview with special attention devot ed to the student's ability to engage in in formational, persuasive, and employment interviews. 458 METHODS OF COMMUNICAT ION RESEARCH (3) (See core courses.)
423 VOICE AND ARTICULAT ION PROBLEMS (3) Functional and organic problems of voice and articulation. Areas of etiology, di agnosis, and remediation covered . Prereq uisite: 321, 324, or permission. 424 DIAGNOST IC METHODS (3) Methods of t esting and evaluation, and assessment of speech and language prob lems. Prerequisite: 32 1, 324, or permis sion. Lab fee $15 .00. 425 AUD IOLOGY (3) Anat omy and physiology of the ear; heari ng problems, t esti ng and rehabil ita tion. Practical experience in pure tone t hreshold testing. Lab fee: $1 5.00. 427 THERAPEUTIC METHO DS (3) Methods of changi ng behaviors ut ilizing direct and indirect approaches of therapy such as behavior modificati on, chil d-cen tered t herapy and others. Also, specific techniques relative to articulation and lan guage habilit ati orv'rehabilitation. 428 AUDIOMETRY (3) Advanced study of procedures and problems in heari ng measurement. A reas covered will include speech audiometry, masking, recruitment, diagnostic test ing and amplificat ion. 429 CLIN ICAL PRACTICUM: Clinic ( 1-2) Supervised experience worki ng with the speech handicapped population in the Biola Speech Clinic or other agency Per mission of the department must be se cured the semester prior to enrol ling for this course. May be repeated for a total of four units. Prerequisites: 3 12, 321, 326, 424. 436 LANGUAGE D ISORDERS (3) Childhood and adult language problems. Emphasis on etiology and diagnosis. Pre requisite : 321, 324, 326, or permission.
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