
346 PHOTOGRAPHY II (3) Further study in black and white tech­ niques and introduction to color, covering creative and technical aspects. Prerequ isite 245 or permission. Fee: $30. (See also art 322.) 364 WRITING THE NON-FICTION BOOK (3) Covers the basics of writ ing non-fiction booklength material , finding a publisher, preparing a final manuscript, and negotiat­ ing a book contract. Requ ires the produc­ tion of several chapters of a book the stu­ dent would like to author. 37 1 REVIEWING FOR THE MASS MEDIA (3) Methods of writing reviews of books, television productions, films and stage pre­ sentations for both print and electronic media. Requires attendance at selected media performances. 390 JOURNAL WRITING AND AUTO­ BIOGRAPHY (3) Investigates the techniques of journal keeping and autobiographical writing with attention to both secular and Christian works in these fields. Requires daily journal writing and the drafting of one's autobiog­ raphy Open to all students regardless of major. Offered only in interterm COM 430 ADVANCED STUDIES IN WRITING (3) In-depth study of various specialty writ­ ing forms including history, biography, and stage writing. May be repeated with differ­ ent cou rse content. Prerequisite: consent. 442 MAGAZINE EDITING AND PRO­ DUCTION (3) Theory and practice of editing manu­ script s for publication and all phases of pe­ r iod ical management and production. 457 MASS COMMUNICATION THEORY (3) (See core courses.)

458 METHODS OF COMMUNICAT ION RESEARCH (3) (See core courses.) 478 PRAGMATIC SOCIAL THEORI ES OF COMMUNICATION (3) (See core courses.) Radio-Television-Film Objectives: When you complete this concentrati on you should have acquired entry level skills suitable for employment in the broadcast or film industr ies. In addition you shou ld have a depth of background which wil l enable you to cont inue to grow and develop, lead ing to promotion to high­ er leve ls of respons ibility You r skil ls w ill be suitable for either Christian or secular media. Concentration: 36 units, of which 24 must be upper division. Must include: 25 I, 340, 352, 457, 458, 459, 478 and at least one of 335, 336, or 356. Minor: 18 units of which 12 must be upper division. Must include 251, 352, 457 and 458. 251 SOUND COMMUNICATION WORKSHOP (3) An introduction to the sound medium as applied to radio, television and film Lab fee $15. 253 INTRODUCTION TO BROAD­ CASTING (3) A survey of var ious aspects of radio and television in the United States, includ ing history, programming, federal regulation, ratings and ethics. Field tr ips to area radio and television stations. 335 WRITING FOR BROADCASTING (3) A laboratory course in writing for radio and television, including formats, music cont inu ity, spot announcements, documentaries and drama.

233 JOURNALI SM (3) . Techniques of news writing with a study of the st ructure of the newspaper industry, means of recogniz ing and evaluating news sources, press ethics and press laws. 234 JOURNALI SM EDITING, TYPOG­ RAPHYAND LAYOUT (3) Practical experience in copy editing and headl ine writing with the basics of typog­ raphy, layout and use of photographs in journalism 245 PHOTOGRAPHY I (3) Experience in fundamentals of black and white photography coveri ng both creative and technical aspects. Fee: $30. (Also see art 221) 330 JOURNALISM PRACTICUM (I ) Supervised practical experience in writ­ ing and/or editing The Chimes; or produc­ ing The Bio/an. Prerequisite: For The Chimes staff - completion of/or cu r rent enrollment in 233 or the equivalent. For The Bio/an staff - Communication Semi­ nar, Yearbook Product ion. 333 CREATIVE WRITING (3) The short story form, with practice in techniques of narration, characterization, plot and dialogue in segments and com­ pleted stories; requ irements for various fiction markets. 334 ARTICLE WRITING (3) Non-fiction writi ng of feature material for newspapers and magazines. Includes the interview, personal ity sketch, personal experience story and research article. Marketing requirements and techniques.

336 BROADCAST JOURNALISM (3) A laboratory course in radio and televi­ sion journalism, including all aspects of writing and delivery of broadcast news programs and documentaries. Work on the KBBK news staff is required.

340 MASS MEDIA AND SOCIETY (3) (See core courses.)

350 STUDIES IN BROADCASTING (3) Aspects of theory and practice of broadcasting: announcing, production, di­ recting and religious broadcasting. May be repeated with different course content. Offered upon sufficient demand. 351 BROADCAST ANNOUNCING AND PERFORMANCE (3) Theory and practice of professional an­ nouncing, newscasting, sports announcing, interviewing and other performance for radio and television. 352 INTRODUCTION TO TELEVISION AND FILM PRODUCTION (3) Introduces student to scripti ng for m, thinking in images, film and television cam­ eras , lighting, editing, composition, much more. Lab fee: $1 5. 353 TELEVISION PRODUCTION (3) Students wil l write and serve on pro­ duction teams to produce a variety of for­ mats for television programs . Prerequi­ sites: 251 , 352. Lab fee : $40. 354 MOTION PICTURE PRODUCT ION (3) Principles and techniques of making mo­ tion pictures, util izing both lecture and lab­ oratory approaches. Prerequisite: 352. Lab fee: $40. 355 BROADCAST PROGRAMMING (3) Programming for radio and television, includi ng audience analysis and consider­ ation of various programming theories and techniques. Includes television program­ ming computer simulation. Fee $25.

340 MASS MEDIA AND SOCIETY (3) (See core courses.)


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