
Interdiscipl inary in Communication If none of the other communication concentrations is exactly right for you, this concent ration will give you maximum lati­ tude in creati ng a course of study to sui t your particular needs. If you choose this option, begi n by consulting w it h an advisor from the communication department. Your advisor w ill help you choose appro­ priate courses, which may include courses from other departments. You will then complete a form (available from the com­ munication office) in which you describe your career goals and give a rationale for each of the courses selected. The form will be submitted to a com­ mittee made up of your advisor, the com­ munication department chairman , and a third faculty member. The committee may accept the proposal as submitted, make minor modifications before accepti ng it. or reject it. If accepted the proposal becomes part of your graduation requirements. In making its decision the committee wil l consider the following: ( I ) The proposed courses should prepare you well for your stated career object ives. (2) The proposal should focus study to a limited area which can be covered in depth. (3) The academic rigor of the proposal should be at least equal to that expected of other communi­ cation concentrations. (4) If, in the judg­ ment of the committee, these goals can be met better through another major or con ­ centration the proposal will be reJected Concentration: Must include a mini­ mum of 36 units, of which at least 21 units must be from the department of commu­ nication. Two specific courses, 458 and 478 are required. A minimum of 27 units must be upper division. The interdisciplinary proposal must be completed and ap­ proved not later than one calendar year prior to graduation.

D r ama Minor Objectives: The courses in drama are intended to (I) provide opportunities for all students to participate in drama in or­ der to develop communicati on skills and gain confidence and stage presence and (2) equip students desiring to use drama in Christian ministry, elementary or secon­ dary education, missions, or ot her careers using Christian drama. W hile the communicat ion department seeks to offer top quality training, our goal is to prepare graduates to use dramatic arts in Christian ministry and education. We do not endeavor to prepare students for a secular career in theatre. Minor: 18 units in drama, including: 261, 356, 467, 468. 160 INTRODUCTIO N TO DRAMA (3) Appreciation of drama through an un­ derstanding of its historical development, forms and styles, and production tech­ niques. 220 VOICE AND ARTICULATION (3) (See communication disorders major.) 261 BEGINNING ACT ING (3) Lectures, demonst rations and labora­ tory experience in acting. Content includes concentration, observation, control and ef­ fective use of the body, pantomime, im­ provisation, stage techniques, the actor's resources and methods of character de­ velopment. 280 ORAL INTERPRETATION (3) (See public and organizational communi­ cation major.) 356 DRAMATIC SCRIPT WRITING (3) Writing of dramatic scripts for televi ­ sion, film, or stage, with emphasis on pro­

360 WORKSHOP IN DRAMA ( 1-3) Specialized offerings in drama produc­ tion in areas such as: scene study, theatre management, mime, stagecraft and makeup. May be repeated with different course content. 361 REHEARSAUPERFORMANCE ( 1-3) Enrollment by audition only. Active par­ tici pation in Universit y sponsored dramatic productions. May be repeated for a maxi­ mum of 6 units. 362 ADVANCED ACTING (3) Development of the actor's individual creativity and expression: applying tech­ niques to various acting styles and charac­ terizations ; ensemble playing. Prerequisite: 261. 461 READERSTHEATRE (3) Programming and presentation of prose, poetry and drama by two or more actors using the skil ls of oral interpretation as well as t hose of the actor. Methods of preparation, performance and directing. 467 DIRECTING (3) Fundamentals of play directing and re­ hearsing. Includes basic concepts of script analysis, blocking, casting, rehearsal proce­ dures, t raining the actor and presentation of scenes. 468 DRAMA IN CHRISTIAN MIN ISTRY (3) How to select appropriate material, stage and direct several types of dramatic presentations in a church or other Chris­ tian ministry setting.

356 DRAMATIC SCRI PT WRIT ING (3) Writing of dramat ic scripts for televi­ sion, film, or stage, with emphasis on pro­ ducing scripts which communicate elements of the Chr istian message. 453 ADVANCED TELEVISION PRO­ DUCTION (3) The cou rse gives intensive experience in professional level television product ion. Members of t he course produce a regular weekly television program for cable, among other projects. Prerequisit e: 353. Lab fee: $50. 455 BROADCAST MANAGEMENT (3) Problems of operating a broadcast sta­ tion from t he perspective of management. Students complet e a project outl ini ng mar ­ ket research, physical facil ities, program­ mi ng, personnel and budget for a pro­ posed radio or television station. 456 BROADCAST SALES AND PRO­ MOT ION (3) Broadcast sales, developing presentation materials for various types of clients, orga­ nization of a successful sales staff, selling the advertising agency and the advertising staff of client companies; sales and listener promotion. 457 MASS COMMUNICAT ION THEO RY (3) (See core courses.) 458 METHODS OF COMMUN ICATIO N RESEARCH (3) (See core courses.) 459 PRACTICAL AND ETHICAL ISSUES IN BROADCASTING AND FILM (3) Covers ethical and moral problems re­ lated to employment, current issues in the industry, and career planning. 478 PRAGMAT IC SOCIA LTHEORIESO F COMMUN ICAT ION (3) (See core courses.)

ducing scri pts which communicate elements of the Christian message.


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