360 ECONOMIC HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES (3) Growth and development of the Ameri can economy from the Colonial period to contemporary times. Emphasis on such dy namic factors as political, social, legal, tech nological and international developments affecti ng changes in agricul ture, transporta tion, communicati on, commerce, industry and finance. 370 TEACHING ASSISTANT PREPARA TION ( I ) Instruction and practice in general and spe cific methods of teaching as an assistant to professors of large classes. Taught jointly by inst ructors from the education and his tory departments. 400 STUDIES IN DEVELOPING NA T IONS (3) Regional studies in t he Third World; stress on indigenous cultu res, European explora t ion and colonization; independence movements in the post World War II era; contemporary problems including eco nomic growth and cultural conflict. 40 I THE RISE OF MODERN AMERICA, 1877-1920 (3) Post-Civil War economic growth, immigra tion, trans-Mississippi settlement, industri alization, urbanization; America's rise to world power, Progressive Era and Wor ld War I. Shaping of American social, economic, po litical, religious and intellectual life and for eign policy in the era of the Twenties, New Deal, World War II, Cold War; emphasis on America's new role in a world of global interdependence. 402 THE UNITED STATES SINCE 1920 (3) 403 CALIFORNIA HISTORY (3) Exploration and colonization; the Mexican period; the coming of the Americans : statehood; the social, economic and politi cal developments as a part of the United States.
405 PROBLEMS IN AMERICAN DIPLO MACY (3) Growth and development of American foreign relations from the Revolut ion to the present. Analysis of the conduct of for eign relations, its objectives and limitat ions. 408 THE CHURCH IN THE AMERICAN EXPERIENCE (3) A religious history of the United States from the colonial to the contemporary pe riod, emphasizing the Church's effect on and its response to Puritanism, the west ward movement, social and intellectual fer ment, industrialization, immigration, urban ization and war. Offered alternate years. 4 10 STUDIES IN LATIN AMERICAN HIS TORY (3) Sect ions offered in such areas as Contem porary Problems, H istory of Religion, Po litical Movements and Reforms, as well as various national histories. 419 HISTORY OF COMMUNISM (3) Background, origin, development, teachings and techniques of expansion of international Communism; the role of the Soviet Union in the Communist move ment. Alternate years. 420 HISTORY OF RUSSIA (3) Russia from the origin of the nation to the contemporary Soviet state. Analysis of Czardom, the Revolut ion and international relations in the modern world. 422 RENAISSANCE AND REFORMA TION (3) Europe from the late-fourteenth to early seventeenth century. Stress on changes in augurated by the Renaissance and Refor mation; rise of nation-states and founda tions of modern European society. Of fered alternate years.
327 HISTORIOGRAPHY (3) Philosophies and problems of history; his torical methodology. Development of the historical discipline and introduction to re search and writing. 328 INTRODUCT IO N TO PUBLIC HIS TORY (3) A survey of the applications of historical concepts and skills outside of academic settings, including the areas of cultural re source management, public policy, busi ness, information management, museum studies, editing and community/family his tory. Prerequisites: history I00 and 200. 330 GERMAN CIVI LIZATION AND CULTURE (3) Typical aspects of German civi lization and the signifi cant historical events and major contributions of the German people. Read ings in records of histor ical, literary and cultural importance. 33 1GREAT ASIAN CIVILIZATIONS (3) Survey of Inda-Aryan, Chinese and Japa nese civilizations from ancient times to the present, stressing the religio-philosophical developments and their impact upon cul ture. 332 STUDI ES IN ASIAN CIVI LIZATIONS (3) In-depth study of specific regions of Asia. One or more sections offered every year in such areas as Emergent China, Emergent Japan, Emergent India, and Emergent Southeast Asia, and the undergraduate col loquia on topics of relevance dealing with Asia in the modern world. 340 FRENCH CIVI LIZATION AND CUL TURE (3) Typical aspects of French civilization and the signi ficant historical events and major contributions of t he French people. Read ing in records of historical , literary and cul tural importance. (See French 340.)
post-war Europe; the Cold War, economic integration and the Soviet Union as a ma JOr power. 430 HISTORY OF THEJEWISH PEOPLE (3) Post-biblical per iod to the present social, political and cultu ral history of the Jew in the Middle East, Europe and the Americas; Ant i-Semit ism, the Holocaust, the State of Israel and Arab-Israeli tensions in the con temporary world. Offered alternate years. 440 THE ISLAMIC WORLD (3) Political, social and cultural history of the Arab, Persian, Turkish and Afro-Asian Islamic peoples from the 7th century to the present. Major emphasis on post
World War II developments. (See intercultural studies 440.)
450 INTRODUCTION TO FOLKLORE AND MYTHOLOGY (3) Major traditional and recessive elements in Western civilization and culture from the time of an Inda-European unity to the present. Cross-cultural influences; relation ship of history, myth and Bible; universality of some mythological manifestations. Ma jor schools of interpretation and tools of research. (See intercultural studies 430.) 458 PURITANISM (3) A survey of the Puritan movement with emphasis on its establishment and practice in New England. Theological, social, pol iti cal, economic and cultural aspects consid ered, including analysis of the Puritan influ ence on American Evange licalism. 460 THE EVANGELICAL TRADITION (3) A historical and theological comparative study of the origins and development of Lutheranism, Calvinism, Anglicanism and the Anabaptist and Free Church traditions. Emphasis on the beliefs and practices of these groups today and their relationshi p to the evangelical Christian.
Europe during and after World War I with emphasis on the consequences of that war, crisis of European democracy, rise of Communism, Fascism and Nazism; failure of collective security; World War II and
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