
Intercultural Studies A D ivision of t he School of lntercultural Studies and World Missions Dean: Marvi n K. Mayers, Ph.D. Marguerit e G. Kraft, D.Miss., Undergrad­ uate Coordinator Faculty Professors: Cook, Hess, Kwast, S. Lingenfelter, Mayers Associate Professors: Dollar, Kraft, Liao Assistant Professors: J. Lingenfelter Object ives: The objectives of the inter­ cultural studies major are: ( I ) to enable ev­ ery student to demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of the theological, his­ torical, sociological, anthropological and lin­ guist ic issues of the cross-cu ltu ral commu­ nication of the gospel; (2) to enable every student to demonstrate a personal re­ sponsibility to the mandate given by the Lord Jesus Christ to make disciples of ev­ ery nation; to enable every student to un­ derstand man and culture, (3) to increase his or her understanding of li nguistic and cul tural diversity, to relate more meani ng­ fully to people with a different linguistic and cultural background and to be encour­ aged to analyze and understand intercul­ tu ral problems and develop Christian per­ spectives toward t hese problems. The ca­ reers open to intercultural studies major are diverse. and include such areas as mis­ sions outreach, cross-cultural health ser­ vices, development programs and agen­ cies, social welfare, information research, bi lingual and multicultural education, cross­ cultural communications. and public and foreign service . The major program is de­ signed to allow students to pursue options which will best prepare them for their ca­ reer objectives. The missions concentra­ tion is designer! t o allow students to plan a program that w il l strongly support pioneer missions, cross-cultural church work, urban church ministry, church planting and t rain­ ing leadership. The intercultural studies

concentration offers great flexibility to sup­ port careers as diverse as Bible translation, community development, or public and foreign service . The interdisciplinary con­ centrat ion offers a unique opportunity to combine psychology, sociology, or political science to prepare students for interdisci­ plinary focused careers, such as bicultural education, cross-cultu ral mass media com­ munications. social work, cross-cultural counsel ing, missions political liaison, urban program administration, etc. Missions out­ reach has been the major th rust and the spiritual strength of our program. It is the desire of the faculty that each student in the program will find in their parti cular ca­ reer cho ice the means to effective cross­ cu lt ural personal ministry and evangelism. Toward that end the School will provide an information center which will answer inqu iries concerni ng missions and encour­ age student s and faculty to pursue aca­ demic excellence and spiritual maturity so that they can carry out with competence the Lord's program of discipling all peo­ ples. Department Major: This major (36 units), has a common core of courses ( 15 units) , and three distinctive concentrations: intercultu ral studies, Missions, and a per­ sonalized interdisciplinary program de­ signed by the student and the student's ad­ visor. The common core incl udes 300. 322, 340, and either 3 10 or 3 13, and 420 or 453 and 442. A student desiring the inte r­ cultural studies concentration will select I 5 units of courses in either anthropology or linguistics and trans lation. These courses should be chosen to support the particular career interest of the student. The remai n­ ing 6 un its are ma1or electives . A student pursuing the missions concent ration will select I 5 units of courses in history and theology of missions and/or society, tech­ nology, and missions, focusing on specific areas of anticipat ed future ministry. This concentration also offers 6 units of major electives. The interdisciplinary concentra­ tion requires only 9 units of major electives beyond the core . These courses should be chosen in consultation w ith an advisor to complement the interdiscipl in­ ary obJectives of the student. The remain­ ing I 2 upper division units are to be cho-

socio-cultural background. Practical fi eld experience in an ethnic community. Fee: $30.00. 332 PEOPLES OF THEWORLD (3) Specific area studies with emphasis on cus­ toms, social structures, religion, arts, histo­ ry and intercultural communication. May be repeated with different course content. 400 COMPARATIVE FOLKLORE AND MYTHOLOGY (3) Major traditional and recessive elements in western civilization and cul ture from the time of an lndo-European unity to the present. Cross-cultural influences; relation­ ship of history, myth and Bible; universality of some mythological manifestations. Ma­ jor schools of interpretation and tools of research. (See history 450.) 40 I MAGIC, WITCHCRAFT AND SOR­ CERY (3) A treatment of concept ions of the super­ natural, the function of religion in society, religion and social control, the nature of religious ritual and paraphernalia, sacred places and religious practit ioners. 403 ANTHROPOLOGICAL PERSPEC­ TIVES (3) A survey of the assumptions and explana­ tory models used by cultural anthropoligists to analyze and int erpret patterns in human behavior. Such ap­ proaches, includ ing structural-functional analysis, processual anal ysis, ritual analysis, ethnoscience, ecological analysis, material analysis, structuralism, and historical analy­ sis, furnish the conceptual tools for effec­ tive cross-cu ltural research . Prerequisite: 300. 404 CROSS-CULTURAL RESEARCH (3) Application of the conceptual perspectives in anthropology to pract ical fiel d research and data analysis. The student will do par ­ ticipant observation, interviewing, and sur­ vey sampling, and learn how to analyze and present research results. The course will include computer analysis of data using the SPSS Primer. Prerequisi te: 403.

sen from outside of the major in a disci­ pline that supports the student's career objectives. The student is required to take theology 468 to fu lfill t he Bi ble elective re­ quirement. All students must have 24 up­ per division cred its in their major program design. The rationale for each student pro­ gram must be presented in writi ng, ap­ proved and on file w ith the intercu ltural studies department at the beginning of the junior year. or upon declaration of the ma­ jor. The rat ionale may be reviewed and modi fi ed in consultation with t he advisor at each registration time. Students with senior standing may take 500 level courses (see SICSWM graduate offerings) by per­ m1ss1on. Department Minor: 18 units, of which 12 must be upper division, including 300, 322, 340, either 310 or 313, and 420 and 6 un its to support student's career inter­ ests. The student is expected to take the­ ology 468 for Bible elective. Students must consult with department advisor. Prerequisites: For the intercultural stud­ ies majors only, ICS 300 is prerequisite to all anthropology coursework. Fie ld Internship: The student is encour­ aged t o par ti cipate in a summer mission or semester internship program during the study program. A limited number of in­ ternship opportunities are available for a semester's credit. Consult the undergrad­ uate advisor in SI CSWM. Anthropology 300 GENERAL CULTURAL ANTHRO­ POLOGY (3) The nature of man and his culture; worldview and perception; culture change; a study of the subsystems of cu ltures, in­ cluding social organ ization, religion, lan­ guage and related topics. 322 INTERPERSONAL AND INTERCUL­ TURAL ADJUSTMENT (3) Issues relating to intercu ltural livi ng with focus on personal and interpersonal adjust­ ments with nationals and other missionaries. 33 I PEOPLES OF ETHNIC AMERICA (3) A study of non-caucasian ethnic groups in America in the light of their historical and


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