
420 INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICA­ TION (3) (See COM 472.) Principles and processes of communicating from one culture to another. Focus on dif­ ferent perceptions, ways of thinking, val­ ues, non-verbal expression, language ex­ pression and sub-groups wi th in a culture as they relate to the media and the message 475 CROSS-CULTURAL EDUCATION (3) Principles of cross cultural communication applied to education. Linguistics and Translation The student interested in Linguistics and Bible Translation is advised to take the Summer Institute of Lingu istic's beginning linguistics program. The fol lowi ng cou rses complement but do not serve as a re­ placement for such coursework. 3 10 GENERAL LINGUISTICS (3) Descriptive and historical study of lan­ guage; li nguistic analysis, language classifica­ tions, language and its cu ltural and social settings. 313 LANGUAGE LEA RNING (3) How to learn to speak another language usi ng proven techn iques and activities that can help assure success as a language learner. Practical experience in language learni ng in a foreign-speaking community Prerequisite: 3 I 0, 41 3 or consent Course may be repeat ed with different content with department permission. Fee: $30. 413 PHONETICS (3) (See COM 312.) The study of the articulation, classification, reproduction and recording of speech sounds; principles of phonetic change. 414 PHONOLOGICAL ANALYSIS (3) A study of the sound system of languages with emphasis on methods of reducing non-lndo-European languages to writing. Prerequisite 413. 417 GRAMMATICAL ANALYSIS (3) Linguistic structure and patterning beyond the phonological level, concentration on analysis of grammatical and formal opposi­ tions and their structural relationships. 52

418 ANALYSISOF MEANING (3) The study of the semantic component of the grammar of human language. 471 INTRODUCTION TO BIBLE TRANSLATION An introduction to the principles and prob lems of inter-cultural communication with special emphasis on t ranslating the Bi­ ble into indigenous languages. History and Theology of Mission 340 CONTEMPORARY INTERNATION­ AL CHRIST IANITY (3) A survey of the contemporary worldwide Christian movement, focusing on the ob­ stacles and missiological issues that are challenges fo1- missionaries and national church leaders. 444 INTRODUCTION TO CHURCH PLANTING (3) A study of t he biblical imperative of church planting and its application to the western and non-western world. Special emphasis will be given to the role of the mother church in evangelizing its own "Jerusalem" through mother-daughter church planting. 445 VARIANT RELIGIOUS MOVEMENTS (3) Survey of various religious movements in America with emphasis on their distinctive teachings which contrast with historical Christianity 446 HISTORY OF THE EXPANSION OF CHRIST IANITY (3) The background, origin, development and spread of the Christian faith from the apostolic period until today 450 INTRODUCTION TO THE THEOL­ OGY OF MISSION (3) A study of the centrality of God's redemptive acts in behalf of mankind from both the Old and New Testaments, with emphasis on their application to the mis­ sion of the Church in modern times. (See theology 468). By permission. 453 CHRISTIANITY AND CULTURE (3) Anthropological approach to Christian

473-474 PRACTICUM SEMINAR (1-3, 1-3)

theologizing; interrelationships between supracultural Christianity and human cul­ tures. 456 WORLD RELIGIONS (3) The distinctive features of the historical ethnic religions, with special emphasis on their comparison and encounter with Christianity and their bearings upon mis­ sionary strategies. Society, Technology and Mission 441 TOPICS IN APPLIED CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY (3) Application of anthropological insights to cross-cultural problems. 442 CULTURAL CHANGE (3) The study of how cultures change, the dynamics and process of change, the place of change agents and the speed and inten­ sity of change. A basic understanding of church growth concepts as related both to the local con­ gregat ions and to the task of worldwide evangelization. 457 URBAN RESEARCH AND MINIS­ TRIES (3) The use of social science techniques to learn about the people, needs and oppor­ tunities for evangelism in the city 461 SEX ROLES IN OTHER SOCIETIES The dynamics of male and female roles in Western, non-Western and biblical cul­ tures. Focus on responsibilities, obligations, expectations, leadership and interrelation­ ships as they relate to the society as a whole. 451 SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND CHURCH GROWTH (3)


490 PRACTICAL MISSION TRAINING (1-6) Topics in missionary preparation. W il l not credit to major. Department of Mathematical and .Computer Sciences Edward Thurbe r, PhD, Chair Faculty Profesor: Thurber Associate Professor: Stangl Assistant Professor: Karman Instructors: Converse, Sharrer Mathematical Sciences The department of mathematical sci­ ences at Biola University provides several areas of concentration in addition to a ba­ sic core curriculum. The student is allowed considerable flexibi lity in the major de­ pendi ng upon his vocational or profession­ al goals. The department has available a D igital Equipment Corporation VAX I 1/780 computer in add ition to twenty Apple lie microcomputers. Objectives: The department endeavors to provide (I) a strong foundationa l core curriculum for the student desiring to pur­ sue graduate study in both the pure and applied fields of mathematical science, (2) course work and training to prepare stu­ dents for applied mathematical sciences (statistics, computer science, operations research and actuarial science) and t he field of teachi ng, (3) support courses for the curriculum of other majors (biological science, physical science, business and nursi ng) and (4) courses basic to gaining some knowledge of mathematics as part of a liberal arts education. The department


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