
Computer Science Computer science is the discipline which studies the representation, storage and transformation of informat ion utilizing a computer. The department of computer science at Biola University provides two primary areas of concentration in addition to a basic core curricu lum. These two areas are information systems and scient i­ fic applications. The department also offers a selection of courses for those majoring in ot her fields who wish a minor emphasis in the area of computer science. The re­ sources available to the department in­ clude a Digital Equipment Corporation VAX I 1/780 and twenty Apple li e microcomputers. Objectives: The department endeavors to provide each student with an under­ standing of the organization and operation of modern computer systems. The cur­ riculum emphasizes software design and development and is designed to prepare students for careers that include systems analysis, computer programming and op­ erations and various computer-oriented business occupations and to enable those who wish fu rther study to pursue graduate work in computer science or in closely re­ lated fi elds. Such fields include business ad­ ministration and applied mathematics. There is a concerted attempt by the de­ partment to integrate faith and learning in the study of modern computer systems and their impact upon our society. Department Major: Al l majors are re­ qu ired to take a core curriculum of IO I, I02 and 300. Each student must also fulfill the requirements of one of the following concentrations: Information Systems (52 total un its): 20 I, 325, 402 and 425. One of 202, 302 or 400. Business 202, 21 I, 2 12, 330, 370 and 4 15. Math I03, I IO and 210. Scientific Applications (50 total units) 202, 302, 3 I0, 400 and 480. One of 20 I , 326 or 402. Math I05, I06, 290, 333 and 400. Two of 3 15,321,331,332 or 430.

The general education requirement for mathematics and science is three un its of science for a computer science major. The general educat ion requirement for a foreign language for those following a computer science major may be met by two years of high school language or the first four unit s of a college language. Department Minor: 2 1 units. Students pursuing a mi nor are required to take a core curriculum of IO I , I02 and one of 20 I or 202. The remaining requirements are fulfilled accordi ng to interest in consul­ tat ion with department advisor. At least two courses must be at the 300 or 400 level. I00 INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS (3) Elementary concepts of computers and dat a processing. Simple problem solvi ng techniques usi ng the computer. Application to stati stics, life science, business and social science. BASIC programming. Cannot be counted toward the major. Fee $1 5. IO I INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTER SCIENCE I (3) Int roduction to computer hardware and software. Problem solving methods. Elementary concepts of algorithm devel­ opment. BASIC programming. Fee: $15.


415 NUMBER THEORY AND THE HIS­ TORY OF MATHEMATICS (3) The history of mathematics from Euclid through the nineteenth century as seen by exploring developments in number theory including congruences, Diophantine equa­ tions, divisibility, theorems of Fermat and Wilson, primitive roots, indices, quadratic reciprocity and the distribution of prime numbers. Prerequisite: 298. 420 MODERN GEOMETRY (3) Homogeneous projective coordinates, invariants, dual ity, Desargues's and Pappus 's theorems, transformations, point and line conics, various axioms systems for Euclid ­ ean and non-Euclidean geometry. Prereq ­ uisite: 298. 430 STUDIES RELATED TO APPLIED MATHEMAT ICS (3) One section offered each year upon suffi­ cient demand. Course may be repeated w ih different content (section title). Complex Var iables. Comp lex variables , analytic functions, complex integral theo­ rems, power series, conformal mappings. Prerequisite: 298 or consent. Mathematics for the Physical Sciences. First order differential equations and sec­ ond order linear equations, series solu­ tions, Laplace transforms, numerical meth­ ods, partial different ial equations and Fourier series, boundary value problems and Sturm-Liouville theory. Prerequisite: 205, 290 or consent. 480 RESEARCH SEMINAR ( 1-3) Special studies in mathematics. Prerequ i­ site: senior standing or consent.

Basic concepts of computer systems and comput er archit ecture. Assembly language progr·amming. Macros, program segmenta­ tion and linkages. Prerequisite: I02. 230 PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES (3) Organ ization and structure of program­ ming languages. Run-t ime behavior and re­ quirements of programs. Introduction to programming language specificati ons and analysis. Study of various alternati ve lan­ guages. Prerequi site: 202. Fee: $1 5. 300 DATA STRUCTURES (3) Linear lists, strings, arrays and orthogonal lists; graphs, frees, binary trees, multilinked structures, searching and sorting tech­ niques, dynamic storage allocation; applica­ tions. Prerequisite 20 I or 202. Fee: $15. 302 COMPUTER ORGANIZATION (3) Organization and structuring of the maJor hardware components of computers. Me­ chanics of information t ransfer and control within a digital computer system. Fundamentals of logic design. Communica­ tions systems. Prerequisite: 20 I or 202. Fee:$15. 310 SYSTEMS PROGRAMMING (3) Design and implementation of operating systems, loaders, language translators, and utilities. Programming techniques. Applica­ tions to business, scientific, engineering, and real-time problems. Prerequisites 202 and 302 or consent. Fee $15. 325 MANAGEMENT SCIENCE (3) Application of quantitative techniques in business organizati ons, linear program­ ming, queueing and inventory models, net­ work analysis and dynamic programming and production scheduling and control. Prerequisites I00 or IO I , Math 2 10 or BUS 190, Math I03 or BUS 223 or con­ sent.


Elementary concepts of data structures, file organization and processing. Computer problem solvi ng methods. PASCAL pro­ gramming. Prerequisite: IO I. Fee: $15. 20 I SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND DATA ORGANIZATION (3) Business computing systems. Systems de­ velopment life cycle. Techniques and tools of system documentation and logical sys­ tem specifications . Concepts and tech­ niques of structur ing data on bul k storage devices. File processing techniques. COBOL programming. Prerequisite I02. Fee $1 5.


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