Department of Music Jack Schwarz, D.MA, Chair Faculty Professors: Childs, Lock, Schwarz, Unfreid, Wiebe, Wong Associate Professors: Anderson, C. John
+ No more than one ensemble unit per semester will apply to the eight-unit re quirement. Additional ensemble units may fulfill elective requirements. 2. Performance: 42-43 units *15 1, *152, 17 1, 172, ·*25 1, *252, 273 , 274,370,375, 376, **420(2), 430,477, 478, 479, 490, Applied Secondary (4), + Ensemble (8), music electives - non voice majors (6), music electives - voice majors (5). *Voice majors only, * ·*voice majors exempt. + No more than one ensemble unit per semester will apply to the eight-unit re quirement. Additional ensemble units may fulfill elective requirements. + + Voice performance students who plan further graduate study are encour aged to take courses in French, German or Italian since proficiency in two of these is usually required for entrance 132, 181 , 233, 234, 324, 335, 336, *340(4), 437,438, 490, applied key board secondary (8), + ensemble (8), music electives (2). *In addition to core requirements. + No more than one ensemble unit per semester will apply to the eight-unit re quirement. Additional ensemble units may fulfill elective requirements . Specific additional requirements for the Bachelor of Arts are: 121, 122, 223, 224, 325,326,427,428, applied secondary and/or music electives (5), ensemble (6). Additional requirements total 19 units. Music Courses 50 A, B, C - INTRODUCTION TO THE PIANO ( I , I , I ) Designed for the non-music major. Nota tion, technique, rhythm, interpretation, sight-reading designed to develop general keyboard facility. into graduate programs. 3. Composition: 42 units 60 A, B, C - VOICE CLASS (I, I , I) For the student with no previous voice training who desires to study applied mu sic. (Section C is designated for music ma jors.)
326 SYSTEMS SIMULATION (3) Development and analysis of systems models through computer simulation, opti mization in continuous models, linear pro gramming quequing and inventory models. Prerequisite: 325 or Math 333. Fee $15. 341 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS (3) Information systems, their design, imple mentation and contribution to manage ment planning, decision making and con trol. Prerequisites: I00 or IO I, BUS 212. 400 THEORY OF ALGORITHMS (3) Analytic techniques for the determination of algorithmic efficiency. NP-complete problems, complexity hierarchies, prov ably intractable problems . Prerequisite: 300. Fee: $15. 402 DATABASE MANAGEMENT (3) Integrated database systems, logical organi zation , data description language (DDL), data manipulation language (DML), of hier archical networks and relational databases, overview of selected data base manage ment systems (DBMS). Prerequisite: 20 I or 202. Fee: $1 0.
The music department concert series features outstanding guest artists as well as its own widely-known faculty. Opportunities off Campus: The stature of Los Angeles as a music center provides exceptional opportunities for hearing the world's leading artists, as well as outstand ing college and church music organizations. Service Opportunities: The Los Ange les metropolitan area furn ishes many op portunities for remunerative service in music. There are frequent openings for competent organists, church choir direc tors, soloists, accompanists and instrumen talists. Scholarships: Music scholarships and performance awards in varying amounts are available to qualified students. Com plete information is available by writing: Chair, Music Scholarship Committee, Biola University. 13800 Biola Avenue, La Mirada, California 90639. Majors: A professional degree (Bachelor of Music) is offered with emphasis in one of the following areas: performance, com position and music education. Students in terested 1n pursuing one of these empha ses must demonstrate a high level of per formance potential and commitment to music as a profession. A non-professional degree (Bachelor of Arts) with a major in music is also offered. Candidates fo1· the Bachelor of Music degree are exempt from the general edu cation requirement in foreign language, lit erature and fine arts and need take only five units in mathematics and/or science. All music majors must complete a basic core of 35-36 units of music. Students in the major must maintain a 2.00 grade point average in the major and receive a minimum grade of "C - " in each major course. The core consists of the following: **60C, I06, I I I, I 12, I 17, 200 (4 semes ters), 207, 21 I, 212, 215, 216, 300 (3 se mesters), 306, 31 I, 312, 315, 323, 340(4), 410,440. Specific additional requirements for the available degree options for the Bachelor of Music are: I. Music Education: 42 units 161, 162, 263, 264, 320(6), 324, 334, 365, 366, 420(2), 467, 468, 470, Applied Secondary (4) + , Ensemble (8), Profes sional Education or electives (9).
son, Lak, Liesch, Lutke, Wall Assistant Professor: Owen
Objectives: I) to provide opportunities for all students to study music as an essen tial part of a liberal education; 2) to serve as a professional school preparing music specialists for teaching, graduate study, performance, the ministry of church music and other careers in music; and 3) to pre pare all of our graduates fo1· effective con tribution to the musical life of the evangeli cal church. Entrance Requirements: All students seeking admission must demonstrate musi cal background and p rformance strengths necessary for successful completion of the stated curriculum. Provisional acceptance is granted for the first year of study. Upon entrance, students will be given placement exams and auditions in music history, music theory, keyboard skills and perfo1·mance. Specific information concerning the con tent of these examinations and suggestions for preparation are available by writing the music department office. The placement examinations are given for the purpose of determining proper placement in music courses. Activities: The music department pro vides opportunities for experience 1n sev eral types of vocal and instrumental en sembles, including the Biola Chorale. Chamber Music Ensembles, University Singers, Chamber Orchestra and Sym phonic Band. All are open to non-music maJors as well as music maJors by audition at the beginning of each semester. Individual performance opportunities are offered through weekl y student recit als, weekly music-at-noon concerts and ju nior and senior recitals.
Integration of knowledge and abilities gained through other courses in the cur riculum within a comprehensive system development project. Prerequisite: 402 or consent. Fee: $ I 5.00. 480 RESEARCH SEMINAR ( 1-3) Special studies in computer science. Pre requisite: senior standing or consent.
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