460 PRINCIPAL APPLIED INSTRUCTION (For Music Majors) beyond degree requirements, any music degree objective. ( 1-3) Same areas of instruction as under 121 and I 3 I above. 470 SENIOR RECITAL, 30 minutes (0) Preparation for senior level music educa tion major (30-minute recital). 480 DIRECTED RESEARCH ( 1-3) Independent study in areas such as history, literature, pedogogy, church music. Each student assigned to a faculty member for guidance and evaluation. Prerequisites: ju nior or senior standing and consent of in structor. 490 SENIOR RECITAL, 60 minutes (2) Preparation for senior level applied major (60-mi nute recital). Credit/no credit course. Ensembles 00 I BIOLA CHORALE ( I) Performance of standard choral literature representing a variety of styles and periods. Membership by aud ition (60-70 members). 002 CHAMBER MUSIC ENSEMBLE (I) Encompasses a wide variety of chamber groupings and chamber music literature. The following ensemble combinations are commonly organized under this heading: brass quintet woodwind quintet flute en semble, string quartet percussion ensem ble, piano chamber ensembles. Open to keyboard and other instrumental students by audition. 003 CHAMBER ORCHESTRA (I) Performance of standard chamber music literature encompassing a wide variety of styles and periods. Membership by audi tion.
music literature. theory and performance practice. Special attention will be given to the analysis of selected vocal and instru mental works. 310 ELEMENTARY MUSIC WORKSHOP (2) Instruction in materials for teachi ng music in the element ary school. (Non-music ma jors - by permission.)
390 OPERA WORKSHOP ( 1-2) The study and performance of chamber operas, one-act operas, scenes from majo,r operas and selected Broadway musicals. Open to all students by audition. 410 MUSIC CULTURES OF THE WORLD (3) An introductory study of the interrelationships between music and cul ture through the examination of the music of varying cultures. Basic elements of music as they are found in world cultures will be studied with specific application to the work of the church. 420 SPECIAL STUDIES IN MUSIC LIT ERATURE (2) An in-depth study of music literature as it relates to specific instruments, ensembles, periods of history, geographical locations, individual composers or ethnic groups. One or more sections offered every year in areas such as piano literature, choral lit erature, organ literature, instrumental li t erature (strings, woodwinds, brasses, per cussion instruments), American music, the symphony, the string quartet. the concerto, the sonata. 430 PEDAGOGY (2) For the private teacher. Practical proce dures in training a student in general musi cianship, memorization, proper practice habits, sight-reading and other areas pecu liar to specific instruments. Survey of grad ed literature and methods. Sections will be offered in areas such as: piano, organ, voice , band and orchestral instruments. 440 CHURCH MUSIC (2) The biblical foundation for church music; its historical development; current trends; the development of a church music pro gram. 450 MUSIC PRACTICUM ( 1-3) Fieldwork experience in music under the supervision of the music faculty and professionals in the field. Open to Junior and senior music majors with the consent of the music faculty.
334 PHILOSOPHY OF MUSIC EDUCA TION (3) An investigation of philosophies of music education and the resulting aesthetic impli cations for teaching music in all grades. (Music majors.)
One or more courses offered periodically in such areas as Orchestration, Choral Ar ranging, Basic Techniques for Arrangers, Electronic Music. Analytical techn iques. Prerequisite: 3 12 or consent of instructor. 350 A. B ADVANCED KEYBOARD SKILLS ( I + I) Thi s course is designed to teach church service playing skills at an advanced level to pianists and organists. Areas of work in clude: harmonization, transposition, modu lation, improvisation, hymn playing, accom panying (solo and choral) and repertoire. Required of all students using organ as a principal performi ng medium. 350A - Open to pianists and organists. May be repeated for credit. 350B - Open to organists only. Will pre
Counterpoint. Emphasis on eighteenth century two- and three- voice techniques. Analysis of representative literature and writing of short style pieces. Prerequisite: 212. 312 MUSIC THEORY: WRITTEN EMPHASIS (2) Twentieth century compositional tech niques and analysis of Impressionism to re cent developments. Prerequisite: 3 I I . 3 15 MUSIC THEORY: AURAL EMPHASIS (I) Sight-singing of melodies containing leaps and that are chromatic and/or modulate. Dictation of harmonic passages that are chromatic and/or contain 9th and I 3th chords. Prerequisite: 216. 320 MUSIC EDUCATION (I) A Brass; B. Percussion; C. Strings; D. Woodwinds; E. Music Drama; F. Fretted In struments. Workshops in preparation for teaching instrumental music and music dra ma in elementary and secondary schools. 323 BASIC CONDUCTING (3) Basic conducting skills; the psychology of conducting; observation of choral and or chestral rehearsals. 324 ADVANCED STUDIES IN CON DUCTING (2) One or more sections offered periodically in the areas of choral and instrumental conducting. Continuation of the objectives of Music 323 related specifically to the technical and interpretative skills of either choral or instrumental conducting. Prereq uisite: 323.
pare the student to take the col league examination administered each June by the American Guild of Organists.
360 A. B PIANO ACCOMPANYING (2) Study and performance of piano accompa niment for vocal and instrumental litera ture; discussion of styles and performance practices; experience in public perfor mance. 370 JUNIOR RECITAL, 30 minutes (0) Preparation for junior level applied major 30-mi nute recital. 380 PERFORMANCE SEMINAR ( I ) Group performance, discussion of perfor mance practice and performance evalua tion. May be repeated for up to four units credit. Possible sections in voice, piano, or gan and various band and orchest ral instru ments.
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