
321 CLINICAL ENRICHMENT ( 1-4) Opportunity for additional application of the nursing process in selected health care settings. Offered interterm and summer school. Open to clinical nursing majors only. Prerequisite: NUR 30 I . 400 MENTAL HEALTH NURSING - THEORY (2) Concepts related to nursing of adults with problems of adaptation resulting in psy­ chopathology. Focus is on the application of the nursing process to problems of psy­ chopathology. Prerequisite: 302. (C*) 400 MENTAL HEALTH NURSING - CLINICAL (2) Clinical application of the nursing process with clients in mental health setting. (C*) 410 NURSING OF THE CHILDBEARING/ CHILDREARING FAMILY - THEORY (6) Implementation of the nursing process uti­ lizing a family-centered approach to child­ beari ng, maternal-child health promotion and care of the ill child. Prerequ isites: 302, Biology 221. (C*) 4 10 NURSING O F THE CHILDBEARING/ CHILDREARING FAMILY - CLIN ICAL (6) Cl inical application of the nursing process in providi ng family centered mat ernal-child health care in acute and community settings. (C*) Fee: $100.00. Implementation of the nursing process in developing countries where there is limit­ ed access to a physician. Open to Regis­ tered Nurses and Licensed Vocational Nurses and all clinical nursing majors. Of­ fered interterm and/or summer session only. 420 ADVANCED MEDICAUSURGICAL NURSING - THEORY (2) Implementation of the nursing process with adult clients experiencing complex disturbances in adaptive equilibrium. Pri­ mary focus is on pathophysiology in the physical subsystem. (C*) 415 NURSING IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES (2)

420 ADVANCED MEDICAUSURGICAL NURSING - CLINICAL (3) Clinical application of the nursing process with multicultural clients in the acute medi­ cal-surgical setting. (C*) Fee: $ I00.00. 430 NURSING IN THE COMMUNITY ­ THEORY (3) Combi nes nursing theory with concepts of community health and community mental health. Prerequisites: 400,410, 420. 430 NURSING IN THE COMMUNITY - CLINICAL (5) Cli nical application of the nursing process with individuals, families and communities to promote and maintain adapt ive equilib­ rium. Fee: $ I 00.00. 441 INTRODUCTION TO NURSING RESEARCH (2) The research process applied to nursing includes problem definitions and basic re­ search design. Each student works on de­ velop ing a basic research proposal. Pre­ requisites: 400,410, 420, Statistics (may be taken concurrently with consent of instructor). 442 APPLIED NURSING RESEARCH (I) Opportunity to critique literature, con­ tinue work on research proposal or par­ ticipat e in a research project Prerequ isite: 44 1. 450 LEADERSHIP/MANAGEMENT IN NURSING - THEORY (2) Combines theory of leadership and nursing care delivery systems with issues and trends in nursing. Prerequisites: 400, 410, 420. 450 LEADERSHI P/MANAGEMENT IN NURSING - CLI NICAL (5) Clinical application of leadership theory in giving and directing care for a group of cli­ ents. Students may elect experience from several clinical settings. Fee: $1 00.00.

465 RURAL CLINICAL NURSE PLACE­ MENT PROJECT (3 -4) A cl inical enrichment experience for Com­ munity Health Nursi ng. An educational op­ portunity in rural nursing in northern Cali­ forn ia in settings such as home nursing ser­ vice, public health departments, Indian health projects, rural physician 's offices and acut e and convalescent hospitals. Prerequi­ site: 430. Offered lnterterm only. Transfer - Challenge Policy: For transfer nursing students, regis­ tered nurses, licensed vocat ional nurses and ot her applicant s with health profes­ sion backgrounds. General Pol icies: I. Applicants planning to challenge nurs­ ing courses must first be accepted by and ful fi ll all matriculation requirements of Biola University. The Department of Nursing should be contacted at the time of admission to the University. 2. Separate application must be made to the department of nursing. The appli­ cation will be sent upon return of the university application. A $20.00 non­ refundable application fee made pay­ able to Biola University, department of nursing must accompany the applica­ tion . 3. In addit ion to the official transcripts sent to the office of admissions and records, separate official transcripts (in­ cluding high school, school of nursing and any other college or Bible school) must be sent directly to: Biola Univer­ sity, Department of Nursing, I 3800 Biola Avenue, La Mirada, CA 90639- 000 I. Transcri pts sent to the office of admissions and records are not forwarded to the nursing department. 4. All students accepted into the nursing program are expected to have a mini­ mum cumulative grade point average of 2.5. 5. Transfer-challenge students who have met prerequisites comparable to the generic students will have equal access for open spaces in all nursing courses.

30 I NURSING OF THE FAMILY I - CLINICAL (5) Clinical application of the nursi ng process with adult cl ients in acute medical-surgical, convalescent and community setti ngs. (C*) Fee: $100.00. 302 NURSING O F THE FAMILY II - THEORY (5) Continuation of 30 I . Implementation of the nursing process to facilitate adaptive equi li br ium in the client Includes normal growth and development of the infant through adolescence. Prerequisite: 30 I . (C*) 302 NURSING OF THE FAMILY II - CLINICAL (4) Clinical application of the nursing process with clients in acute medical-surgical and community sett ings with emphasis on the surgical client Includes Denver Develop­ mental Assessment of a well chil d. (C*) Fee: $ 100.00. 305 PHARMACOLOGY (2-3) A study of the characteristics of drug fam­ ilies, drug actions and metabolism, thera­ peutic uses, untoward responses, precau­ tions and contraindications. Principles for maki ng sound nursing judgments in the ad­ ministration of medicat ions. 3 IOBEHAVIORAL CONCEPTS FOR NURSING PRACTICE (2) Concepts affecting the role of the profes­ sional nurse in promoting adaptive equilib­ rium. One and one half hours lecture; one and one-half hour discussion. (C*) 320 DIRECTED INDIVIDUAL STUDIES ( 1-3) Permits students to pursue special inter­ ests related to the profession of nursing. Open to cl inical nursi ng majors only with wri tten consent of instructor: May be re­ peated with different content Maximum of si x units may be taken for cred it


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