
Department of Physical Education, Recreation and Camp Administration, and Athletics Roger G. Soule, Ph.D., Chair Faculty Professor: Soule Associate Professors: Frembli ng (Director, Recreation and Camp Administration), Henry, Holmquist Lyon, McDougall, B. Norman, C. Sarver, Chas. Sarver Assistant Professors: Cowan, Heritage, Orr . Objectives: The objectives of the phys­ ical education program are (I) to teach the fundamental sports skills for present and future years : (2) to teach the necessity for and the techniques of a lifetime of physical fitness; (3) to provide wholesome recreational activities and int ramura l sports: (4) t o conduct a program of inter­ col legiate athletics: (5) to provide Chr istian perspectives on physical fitness, recreation and athletics; and (6) to provide a major with _emphases in teaching and sports physiology and a minor in physical educa­ tion or a minor with a coaching emphasis. Each student is required to complete four semesters of physical education if un­ der twenty-one at the time of entrance (students turning 21 during their first se­ mester of enrollment a_re exempt). Phys­ ical education Orientation I 00 is requ ired of all students and 1s foundational for all other physical educat ion activity cour·ses. Transfer students who have upon entrance rnto B1ola University completed at least tv-10 semesters of physical education are exempt from P.E. I 00. Students may select

303 MODERN PHILOSOPHY (3) The hist ory of philosophy from the Renais­ sance through the schools of the nine­ teenth century 305 ETHICS (3) Princi pal ethical theories and thinkers ; basic problems and biblical teaching. 307 AESTHETI CS (3) Principal problems and theories of art cre­ ation, appreciation and criticism. 3 10 PHILOSOPHY OF RELIGION (3) A critical exam1nat1on of the relationship of philosophy to religion, of crucial religious concepts and of problems of re ligious be­ lief. Alternate years. 3 1 I_THEO RIESO F KNOWLEDGE (3) A historical and critical examinati on of the nature, validity and scope of human thought and knowledge. Alternate years. 313 THEORIES OF REALITY (3) A historical and critical examination of se­ lected metaphysical systems and topics. Al­ ternate years. 402 PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE (3) A historical and critical examination of t he methodology, theory and limits of sc ience and its relat ionship to other fie lds. Alter­ nate years. 404 CONTEMPORARY PHILOSOPHY (3) Recent American philosophy and the ana­ lytic and speculative traditions. 440 PHILOSOPHICAL TOPICS (2-3) Special studies 1n the history, or problems, of philosophy. Prerequisite: 202 or con­ sent. Offered on sufficient demand. 458 PHI LOSO PHY OF WORLD RELIGIO NS (3) The philosophies and bel iefs of the world's leading religions. 480 DIRECTED RESEARCH ( 1-2) Guided reading and research in philos­ ophers or philosophical topics. Prerequi­ site: consent.

one unit of recreation and camping pro­ gram skills to meet the general education requirement. No activity may be taken more than twrce for general education purposes. Credit for varsity sports may be substituted for two regular ly scheduled physical education classes. In addition to the four semest ers of physical education act1v1t1es r·equired for general education, the student may complete four more semesers for credit (a maximum of eight) for graduation. . Students studying for the multiple sub­ Ject teaching credential but not selecting physical edu(ation as a minor area of con­ centration, should select P.E. 20 I and three other physical education activity classes to fulfill the general education requirement. Department Major: Teaching Emphasis: 42-43 units, 29-3 1 of which must be upper division , includ ing skills act1v1ty courses. A candidate for the physical education major must demon­ str_ate acceptable physical qualifications and abil1t1es. Included in the 42-43 units re­ quirement will be eight units of skills activ­ ity for men and seven units for women. These units will be in addition to the four semester general education requirement. In addition, the followi ng courses must be completed: 205, 30 I, 302, 307, 308 or 309, 400, 404, 408, 420, Recreati on and Camp Admi nistration 180. Men will take and select any th ree from 3 I 0, 3 I I , 3 12, 31 3, 3 14, 317. Women will take four· 320 321 and two from 323, 324, 325 or 326 ' Brology 271 and 272 are required as sup­ porting courses for all physical education maJors. B1ological science 300 is required for those seeking a California teaching cre­ dential. Sports Physiology Emphasis: 45 units, 3 I upper division. This is a course of study emphas1z1ng t he human sciences and pre­ paring students for continued study in physical therapy, at hletic train ing, industrial physical fitness and similar programs. Re­ quired courses are: Psychology 200, which may be used t o fulfill the general education behavioral science requirement physical education 30 I , 302, one 300 level analysis course, 400, 404, 408, 420, 480, nine units of upper division electives, psychology

find it ex-

tremely beneficial to at-

tend a Christian school

such as Bio/a University,

where the Bible is

taught as the infallible

Word of God. I count

this a true blessing and

consider myself privi-

leged to be at Bio/a.

Darius Brown, junior


biblical studies major


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