205 HISTORYAND PHILOSOPHY OF PHYSICAL EDUCAT ION (3) A historical review of physical education and sports; objectives of physical educa tion; development of a basic philosophy and background for professional educa tion. Offered alternate years. 30 I KINESIOLOGY (3) Human movement with emphasis on the structure and function of the skelet al, muscular and nervous systems, w ith simple mechanical principles involved in move ment skil ls. Prerequisite Biology 27 1, 272 (see prerequisites). Offered alternate years. 302 PHYSIOLOGY OF EXERCISE (3) Immediate and long-range effects of muscular activity on the human organisms. Prerequisite: Biology 271, 272 (see pre requisites). Offered alternate years. 306 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PHYSICAL EDUCATION (2) Elementary school physical education procedures including postural and rhyth mic exercises. fundamentals of games, techniques covering the simplest primary skills through the mo1·e difficult seasonal sports, such as baseball, basketball, football and volleyball; development of a program of physical education on the elementary school level. Offered alternate years. 307 TESTS AND MEASUREMENTS IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION (3) Lecture. laboratory and field experience in the development, evaluation and appli cation of tests in health and physical educa tion; use and interpretation of elementary statistics. Offered alternate years. 308 SPORTS OFFICIATING (Men) (2) Rules, scoring and mechanics of officiat ing athletic events; selected activities and practice in actual officiating required. Of fered alternate years . 309 SPORTS OFFICIATING (Women) (2) Rules, scoring and mechanics of officiat ing athletic events; selected activities and practice in actual officiating required. Of fered alternate years.
310 ANALYSIS OF SOCCER (Men) (2) Emphasis on the analysis of individual skills and team play; various techniques of offensive and defensive tactics and strategy Prerequisite: I I 0. Offered alternate years. 31 I ANALYSIS OF BASKETBALL (Men) (2) History, rules, elementary mastery of in dividual and team play; and methods of teaching basketball. Prerequisite: I IO or 150. Offered alternate years. 312 ANALYSIS OF TRACK AND FIELD (Men) (2) Rules governing individual events and the conduct of meets; elemental mastery of form; mechanical principles involved; methods of coaching the various events. Prerequisite: 130. Offered alternate years. 313 ANALYSIS OF BASEBALL (Men) (2) History. rules, nomenclature, care of field; elemental mastery of each position, including base running, sliding and base coaching; offensive and defensive play; strategy and methods of coaching softball. Offered alternate years. 3 14 ANALYSIS OF WRESTLING (Men) (2) Essential techniques of wrestling; devel opment of a team; conditioning and con duct of practice sessions; mechanical prin ciples which govern performance. Prereq uisite: 130. Offered alternate yea rs. 316 ANALYSIS OF TEACHING INDIVID UAL AND TEAM SPORTS (2) A theory and laboratory course de signed to acquaint students with teaching progression, practice techniques, selection and care of equipment for selected sports activities. Prerequisite: Completion of all required I00 level courses. Offered alter nate years. 317 ANALYSIS OF FOOTBALL (Men) (2) Analysis of teaching individual skills and team play; various techniques of offensive and defens ive tactics and strategy Offered alternate years.
308, biological science 120 (Nutrition), 31 I and statistics or computer science or PED 307. The following courses are required and may be used to fulfill the general edu cation math/science requirement: biological science 271 and 272, mathematical science IO I. Required as support courses: chemis try I 05 and I 06 and physical science I I I , I 12, I 13 and I 14. Department Minor: Physical Education Minor: 205, 30 I , or 302, 307, 400, 408 and any two courses 310-317 (for men) or 320-326 (for women). Coaching Minor: Primarily for those who wish to coach in a formal school setting. Requires 205, 30 I or 302, 309 and two of 310-317 (for men) or 320-326 (for women). Additional activ ity classes are suggested for minors as schedules permit Both minors require a total of 18 units, of which 12 units must be upper division courses. I00 PHYSICAL EDUCATION ORIENTA TION (I) Place, purpose and importance of phys ical education to the individual; instruction and laboratory experiences in physical fit ness with discussion of total fitness; guid ance in the selection of subsequent activity classes. Required of all entering students. Lab fee $8. I IO PHYSICAL EDUCATION SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES (I) Fundamental techniques of individual skills, basic strategy and rules. Archery and badminton, bowling, conditioning, golf, basketball, tennis. tumbling and gymnastics, volleyball. May be repeated. Lab fees: $8, (except for bowling, golf and racquetball. Lab fee: $20.) I 17 JUNIOR VARSITY AND FRESHMAN ATHLETICS (I) For intercollegiate athletic teams at ju nior varsity and freshman level. Enrollment during registration period necessary Lab fee: $8. I 18 VARSITY ATHLETICS ( I ) Reserved for intercol legiate athletic teams. Enrollment during the registration period necessary Lab fee: $8.
120 PHYSICAL EDUCATION SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES (Women) (I) Fundamental techniques of individual skil ls, basic strategy and rules. Field hockey, soccer, softball and track, slimnastics, fie ld sports. May be repeated. Lab fee : $8. 130 PHYSICAL EDUCATION SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES (Men) (I) Fundamental techniques of individual skills, basic strategy and rules . Flag football, soccer, softbal l, track and field, wrestling, body building. May be repeated. Lab fee: $8. 132 ADAPTED PHYSICAL EDUCATION (I) Individual program of activities to meet the physical development needs of a stu dent 133 GAMES AND RHYTHMIC ACTIVI TIES (I) Games of low to high organization for grades K through I 2. Basic rhythmical and dance principles emphasis on development of basic motor skills. Lab fee $8. 140 PHYSICAL EDUCATION SKILLS AND TECHN IQUES -AQUATICS (I) Fundamental and advanced techniques of individual skills. Life saving, swimming, water safety instruct ion. Prerequisite for WSI: Valid ARC senior Life Saving Certifi cate or equivalent May be repeated. Lab fee: $8. 150 PHYSICAL EDUCATION SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES (I) Advanced skills, individual and team strategy and rules in gymnastics. golf, ten nis, soccer, basketball, volleyball. May be repeated. Lab fee: $8. (Except for golf, bowling, racquetball; Lab fee: $20. ) 20 I ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ACTIVITIES (I) Games. basic rhythmic skills and physical activities designed for the elementary child; preparation for the upper division professional methods course in the teach ing of physical education. (Education ma jors only)
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