
Recreation and Camp Administration

400 ADMINISTRATION AND PRINCI ­ PLES O F PHYSICAL EDUCATION (3) Implementing the activity program through proper organization; use of tests and measurements; purchase and care of equipment; public relations at all levels; auxiliary activity programs offered by or­ ganizations outside the school; the place of the intramu ral and inter-school program; development of principles which serve as a basis of the profession. Lecture/demon­ strat ions team-taught with cooperating de­ partments. Offered alternate years. 404 CARE AND PREVENTION OF ATHLETIC INJURIES (3) Theory and practice of principles and techn iques pertai ning to ath letic condition­ ing; care of athletic injuries. Offered alter­ nate years. 405 ADAPTED PHYSICAL EDUCATION (3) Analysis of the principles underlying the physical educat ion program for the handi­ capped; survey of specific disabilities and the implication of each for physical educa­ t ion. Offered alternate years. 408 MOTOR LEARN ING (3) Overview of significant factors which in­ fluence and determine the learning of mo­ tor ski lls . Basic pr inciples of learning theory, transfer, cues, coding, pract ice, reminis­ cence, perception, motivation, reinforce­ ment, extinction and similar concepts ap­ plied to motor performance. 420 PSYCHOLOGICAL AND SOCIO­ LOGICAL ASPECTSOF SPORT (3) The socio-psychological nature of games, sport and physical activity; the psy­ chology of play and competit ion; symbol ­ ism in sports. 480 RESEARCH IN PHYSICAL EDUCA­ TION ( 1-3) Independent study, readings and/or re­ search in the fi elds. Senior standing with consent and consultation. Maximum of six units.

320 ANALYSIS OF INDIVIDUAL AND DUAL SPORTS I (Women) (2) The organization and conduct of tennis, badminton and archery competition; pro­ gression drills, and practice techniques; coaching; selection and care of equipment. Prerequisite: I I 0. Offered alternate years. 321 ANALYSIS OF INDIVIDUAL AND DUAL SPORTS II (Women) (2) The organizat ion and conduct of gol f, gymnastics; balance and posture. Prerequ i­ site: I I 0, 120, 140. Offered alternate years. 323 ANALYSIS OF VOLLEYBALL (Wom­ en) (2) A theory and laboratory class designed to acquaint students with progression, practice techniques, selection and care of equ ipment, and the teaching and coaching of volleyball. Prerequ isites: I I 0, I 50. Of­ fered alternate years. 324 ANALYSISOF RHYTHMICAL AC­ T IVITIES (Women) (2) Instruct ional materials and methods suit­ able for all areas of rhythmical activities. Prerequisites: I I 0, 20 I . Offered alternate years. 325 ANALYSIS OF SOFTBALL (Women) (2) A theory and laboratory class designed to acquaint students with progression, practice techni ques, selection and care of equipment and the teach ing and coaching of softball. Prerequisites: I I 0, I 50. Of­ fered alternate years. 326 ANALYSIS OF BASKETBALL (Women) (2) A theory and laboratory course de­ signed to acquaint students with progres­ sion, practice techniques, selection and care of equipment and the teaching and coachi ng of baskeball. Prerequisites: I I 0, I 50. Offered alternate years. 330 PSYCHOLOGY OF COACHING (2) Analysis of factors in coaching in areas of motivation, attitude formation and behav­ ior, leadership and techniques of coaching.

approved skills courses in other depart­ ments that may be taken toward this skills requ irement.) In addition, the following courses are required: RCA I00, I I0, 172, 180, and 24 units upper division including 340, 341, 342, 350, 40 I, 450 and 460 and five upper division units from selected oth­ er majors by advisement. CE 150 is re­ quired as a support course and should be taken during the first year of enrollment at Biola. The recreation and camp administration maJor prepares people to enter the fields of: recreation administration and program­ ming; camp administration and program­ ming, and camp administration and pro­ gramming on the mission fields. Department minor: 18-20 units includ­ ing RCA I00, 172 or 180, 220, 340, 350, 341 or 40 I, 450 and 460. Special Note Admission Requirements: Admission into Biola University does not guarantee admission into the recreation and camp administration major. A student may be admitted to the recreation and camp ad­ ministration major upon meeti ng the re ­ quirements for university admission and successfully completing, with a "B" or bet­ ter, Christian Educat ion I 50 and RCA I00, one skills class at Biola, completion of de­ partmental application process and an evaluation by the RCA staff I00 INTRODUCTION TO RECREATION AND CAMP ADMINIS­ TRAT ION (4) History, objectives and philosophy of recreation and camping. Overview of the fields and definition of terms and basic concepts related to these two fields. 110 FIRST AID AND CPR (I) Basic Life Support. Red Cross Multimedia First Aid and CPR instruction. Certification given upon completion.

Objectives: This major has as its central and unique focus a concern for the effect of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the Holy Bible on the leisure behavior of mankind. Upon completion of the recreation and camp administration major our graduates will have the ability to: ( I ) communicate in both written and oral forms; (2) utilize leadership processes ; (3) carry out bot h program planning and organizational plan­ ning; ( 4) provide educational experiences for staff and participants; (5) organize avail­ able resources and his/her own time ener­ gies; ( 6) evaluate both programs (or oper­ ations) and staff; (7) manage resources, in­ cluding budgetary resources and others such as personnel, facilities and supplies; (8) perceive relevant information about the populati on (and community) he/she serves which has potential for influenc ing service; (9) develop appropriate relationships with other professional and commun ity groups; ( I0) verbalize and establish a phi losophy of recreat ion and camping on which his/her professional practices can be based incor­ porating discipleship and leadership con­ cepts; ( I I) perceive and work within the framework of legal considerat ions; ( 12) un­ derstand and use the "special language" which is associated with his/her profession­ al responsibilities ; ( I 3) perform a variet y of general technical skills related to office practices, paper work management and media utilization; ( 14) realize his/her identi ­ ty in relation to his/her position in Christ and his/her spiritual gifts and abilities; ( 15) develop his/her gifts and abilities related to Christian ministries. Major Requi rements: 38 units, of which 24 must be upper division with a skills block requiri ng a 220, 340, 350 series in a departmentally approved skill and addi­ tional skill classes as follows 220 (3 units), 340 ( I unit). (A student may only transfer two skills classes into this skills block from another school. Further, there is a list of


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