
Physical Science: General Education Courses IOI PHYSICAL SCIENCE AND GEOGRAPHY SURVEY - LECTURE (4) Experimental facts and physical theory ap­ plicable in geology, meterology; 1nclud1ng the basic physical elements of geography such as climate, land forms, soils and natu­ ral vegetation and their patterns of world distr ibut ion. Either semester. I 02 PHYSICAL SCIENCE AND GEOGRAPHY SURVEY - LABORATO­ RY ( I ) Introductory laboratory work designed to accompany the lecture course. Must be taken concurrently or subsequent to the lecture. Three hours of laboratory. Either semester. Lab fee: $1 0. I IO ASTRONOMY (3) Descriptive general education course, de­ signed to acquaint the student with current state of knowledge of our solar system, the Milky Way, galaxies, quasars and cos­ mology. Th ree hours lecture, one hour laborat ory. Field trip fee : $5. 250 SCIENCE AND ORIGINS (3) A survey of basic scientific theories, the ir crucial experimental evidences, and their appl ications in physics , chemistry, geology and astronomy. Particu lar attention w ill be given to comparison of scientific theories of origi ns and bibl ical revelation. Physical Science for Science Majors 420 SPECIAL PROJECTS ( 1-3) Research or industrial internship. To pro­ vide practical experience in a field of the student's interest. Designed also for work ex perience off campus in local industry. . Prerequisite: junior or senior standi ng with consent 450 SPECIAL TOPICS IN PHYSICAL SCI­ ENCE (3) Varying course content accordi ng to stu­ dent and facu lty interest. Topics such as special relativity and nuclear physics rou­ tinely offered.

Department Major: The required courses are: Chemistry I 05, I 06, 30 I , 402; Phys ics 21 I, 222, 33 1, 341; Math I 05, _ I 06; physical science, math or biology electives, 17 units ( I I units must be upper d1v1s1on). Department Major with Education Em­ phasis: Chemistry I 05, I 06, 30 I , 402; Phys ics 21 I, 222, 33 1, 341; Math I 05, I 06; 12 units of physical science or math electives and 12 units of education courses. Recommended electives for those spe­ cializi ng in the following areas are: Chemistry: Chemistry 302, 350; Comput­ er Science IOI ; Physics 4 1 I ; Math 210. Physics: Computer Science IO I ; Physics 32 1, 322, 332, 4 1 I; Math 290,430. Biochemistry: Chemistry 302, 350, 41 I , 4 12; Biology I I I, 272, 312, 322. Pre-Medical : Chemistry 302; Biology I I I , 30 I, 312, 322, 431. Medical (Lab) Technology: Chemistry 302, 350. 41 I; Biology I I I, 22 1, 312, 322; Math 210. Secondary Education: Geology I 03; As­ tronomy I I 0; Physical Science 420. Pre-Engineering: The first two years of most engineering schools are 1dent1cal to the physical science sequence at B1ola with the addition of an engi neering mechanics course. Physical science majors automatical ly meet the general education requ irement of eight un its of science and mathemat ics. The lan­ guage requirement is the min imum of two years in high school or one semester 1n college. Department minor in physical science: Chemistry I 05. I 06; Physics 21 I , 222 and six units of electives. Department minor in physics: 20 units ; Physics 21 I , 222, 33 I, 341 and 6 upper di­ vision units in physics.


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