
Physics I I I PHYSICS WITH HUMAN APPLICA­ TIONS (3) Mechanics, heat, and sound. Emphasis on applications to body movement, music, and speech. Prerequisite: Math I00. I 12 LABORATORY IN PHYSICS W ITH HUMAN APPLICATION S( I ) A three hou r laboratory to accompany Physics I I I . I I 3 PHYSICS WITH TECHNOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS (3) Electrici ty, magnetism, elementary elec­ tronics, and optics. Emphasis on applica­ tions to biology and instrumentation. Pre­ requisite: Physics I I I or Math IO I . I 14 LABORATORY IN PHYSICS WITH TECHNOLOGICAL APPLICATIONS ( I ) A three hour laboratory to accompany Physics I 13. 21 I GENERAL PHYSICS: MECHANICS (4) Elementary Newtonian mechanics; conser­ vation of energy and momentum; oscilla­ tions ; and wave motion. Prerequisite: Mathematical Sciences I05. Three hours lecture, three hours laboratory. Lab fee: $15. 222 GENERAL PHYSICS ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM (4) Electrostatics; conductors and currents; magnetic fields; electromagnetic induction; electromagnetic waves . Prerequisite: 21 I . Mathematical Sciences I 06. Three hours lecture, three hours laboratory. Lab fee: $15. 32 1CIRCUITS AND INSTRUMENTA­ TION I (3) An introduction to electroni c circuit analy­ sis and design. Prerequisite: 222. 322 CIRCUITS AND INSTRUMENTA­ TION II (3) A continuation of Physics 32 1.

Department of Political Science and Public Administration C. David Peters, PhD., Chair Faculty Professor: Peters Objectives: The department of political science and public administration seeks to equip students to understand the funda­ mental socio-political institutions of society, and their effect on contemporary life; to participate in and contribute to the political process ; to assess the propriety of political issues and government policies; and to rec­ ognize and help meet t he needs of the lo­ cal, state, national and int ernational com­ munit y; all in a manner consistent with bib­ lical Christian ity. The department of politi cal sc ience and public administration offers 15 units as one of the areas of con­ cent rat ion for social science majors. See p. 7 1 for information on the social science major. A concentration in public administration will equip a Christian student to practice t he fundamental principles of public admin­ ist rati on and wil l provide the opportunity to interface Christian pr inciples in bot h a secular and Christian setti ng. The public admi nistration major contains both busi ­ ness and political science courses in expos­ ing the student to the role of government and private business as they interact in set­ ting public pol icy. A major in this fi eld is in­ terdisciplinary within the social science framework and draws upon such disci­ pl ines as business, psychology, sociology and communication. A major in this field includes a review of the alternative routes of action to public policy choices, an analy-

33 1THERMODYNAMICS (3) Introduction to energy, heat, work, entro­ py, temperatu re and states of matter. The first, second and third laws of thermody­ namics with an emphasis on applications. Prerequisite: 21 I . 332 STATIST ICAL PHYSICS (3) Introduction to the statistical theory of physical systems. Including the theory of temperature dependent properties and the relationship between statistical theory and thermodynamics . Prerequisite: 2 1I . 34 1WAVE MOTION, OPTICS AND SPE­ CIAL RELATIVITY (3) Wave motion, optics and an introduction to special relativity. Prerequisite: 222. 41 I QUANTUM MECHANICS I (3) An introduction to quantum mechanics. Prerequisite: 222.

sis of the t echniques of budgeti ng, an overview of the diverse t heor ies of man­ agi ng both private and public agencies and an introduction to the various personnel systems used in regulat ing manpower in the public sector. In addition to course work, each student wil l enroll in an intern­ ship (of eight un its during their junior or senior year) thus providing one with the opportunity to view the actual day to day workings of a public agency. Completion of the public administration major wil l give the students a background for evaluating t he role of government in designing and implementing public policy. Public Administration Major: 6 1 un its, of which 24 must be upper division. All majors are required to take a core cur r icu­ lum of: 200, 30 I , 304, 306, 391, 470, 485, 486 and 488; Business 20 I, 202, 21 I , 2 12 and 361 ; and Computer Science I00 or IOI . The remaining IO units of the maior must be fulfil led through electives from political science or economics. In addition, Mathematics 21 0 must be taken as a sup­ port course. Mathemat ics 2 10 can be used for the general education math require­ ment. Even though the public administration maior is an interdisciplinary major, the ad­ visement of majors wi ll be handled by the faculty of the department of pol itical sci­ ence and publ ic administrati on. Biola Universit y cooperates with the American Studies Program in Washington, D.C. This program provides work/study opportuniti es for students each semester in all of the disciplines offered at Biola but especially politi cal science. Based on the principle of integrating faith, learni ng and living, students are invited to spend time in the nation 's capital serving as interns, par­ ticipating in an academic seminar program and livi ng in a unique community of Chris­ tian students from different geographical regions and denominational backgrounds. The American Studies Program is designed for juniors and seniors with a wide range


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