Social Science Major Dietrich Buss, Ph.D., Chair Objectives: The social science major is an inter-departmental program offered by the departments of history, political science and publ ic administration and sociology. Upon completion of the social science ma jor, it is intended that the student will gain a w ider perspective of the nature of man; recognize that his present perspective is based upon the experiences of history; be aware that value systems have definite im plications for society as a whole; be able to think analytical ly and develop an under standing of and a commitment to Christian values; synthesize fragmented knowledge; have an increased awareness of his own social and political responsi bilities; have an appreciation of the wor-th of a free society; and be prepared for graduate study or ca reer opportunities in education, law, ser vice professions, research, business, gov ernment or Christian service. Major Requirements: 30 units beyond general education, of which 24 must be upper division. The student must choose a concentration of 15 units in history, politi cal science/public administration, or soci ology. Students electing a concentration in history or sociology must take six units of political science/public administration, in cluding pol itical science/public adminstration 200. The remaining units must be from the various offerings in the social sciences, such as intercultural studies, geography and economics. California Teaching Credential: To qualify for a secondary teaching credential in Social Science, the program must be tai lored to meet the guidelines for teacher education. See the history or publi~ admin istration departments for specifics.
367 FIELD INSTRUCTION I (3) Opportunity to integrate classroom learning with actual on-the-job training in a social work agency. Variety of available agency settings with placement based upon interest and academic background. 368 FIELD INSTRUCTION II (3) Professional services to clients by inte grating knowledge, attitudes and skills in more complex social work goals; applica tion to a wider variety of client problems in a social work agency. 402 SOCIOLOGY OF RELIGION (3) Analysis of religious practices that affect society and societal factors that affect reli gious practices; Christian and non-Chris tian beliefs and institutions.
444 METHODS OF SOCIO LOGICAL RE SEARCH II (3) A continuation of the Methods of Socio logical Research I course where the stu dent will be involved in plann ing and con ducting a minor research project. Prereq
354 SOCIAL INTERACTION (3) Sociological contributions to theory and research in social psychology bearing on the relationships between culture and group life to human behavior and person ality; analysis of symbolic processes, role behavior, psycho-social processes and so cial reference groups; socialization and the social aspect, attitudes, values and beliefs in relationship to groups. Prerequisite: Psy chology 210. 355 MEDICAL SOCIOLOGY (3) Sociological description and analysis of the health and medical inst itutions; cultural factors in conceptions of disease, health and the healing profession. Social structure and the role of personnel in medical facili ties; relation of illness to income, housing, occupation, place of residence and other socio-economic factors. 356 SOCIOLOGY OF ADULT LIFE AND AGING (3) Nature, theory and functions of aging; existing approaches to death and dying Western and non-western experiences compared. 357 SOCIOLOGY OF WORK AND PRO FESSIONS (3) Development of occupat ional roles with emphasis on specialization, division of la bor and mobility; impact of occupations on thelamily, economy, government, educa tion and re ligion; special focus on develop ment of work and professions in the United States. 362 SOCIAL PROBLEMS (3) Major problems of social maladjustment from the view point of the underlying pro cesses of ind ividual and social disorganiza tion; deviant behavior, such as mental dis orders, crime and delinquency, su icide, drug and alcohol addiction; social disorga nization, such as population problems, family, poverty and war.
uisites: Psychology 21 O; I 8 units of sociology. including Sociology 44 3.
470 INDEPENDENT STUDY ( 1-3) Prerequ isi te senior status with sociology major and prior to registration, consent of a professor to act as sponsor. The student must have the ability to assume responsi bility for independent work and to pre pare written and oral reports. Project se lected in conference with faculty sponsor before registration; progress meetings held regularly. 480 SOCIOLOGY SEMINAR (3) Brief consideration of selected works of pioneer sociologists; emphasis on current trends and developments in sociology; in dependent student work stressed. Limited to seniors majoring in sociology.
Outstanding social thinkers to the 19th century ; ideas of men compared and con trasted within the various societies as back ground to the development of contempo rary sociological theory. 442 CONTEMPORARY SOCIOLOGI CAL THEORY (3) Survey of sociological theory with em phasis on 20th century contributions; sta tus of sociological inquiry and theory; rela tionship of sociology to such allied fields as anthropology, psychology, economics, edu cation and political science. Prerequisites: Psychology 21 0; Sociology 441 and I 8 units of sociology. 443 METHODS OF SOCIOLOGICAL RE SEARCH I (3) Survey and evaluation of methods of planning, collecting, classifying and analyzing social research data: Detailed study of the scient ific method of inquiry: Introduction to the use of experimental designs in so ciological research. Prerequ isites: Psychol ogy 21 O; I 8 units of Sociology.
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