
Social Science Major Dietrich Buss, Ph.D., Chair Objectives: The social science major is an inter-departmental program offered by the departments of history, political science and publ ic administration and sociology. Upon completion of the social science ma­ jor, it is intended that the student will gain a w ider perspective of the nature of man; recognize that his present perspective is based upon the experiences of history; be aware that value systems have definite im­ plications for society as a whole; be able to think analytical ly and develop an under­ standing of and a commitment to Christian values; synthesize fragmented knowledge; have an increased awareness of his own social and political responsi bilities; have an appreciation of the wor-th of a free society; and be prepared for graduate study or ca­ reer opportunities in education, law, ser­ vice professions, research, business, gov­ ernment or Christian service. Major Requirements: 30 units beyond general education, of which 24 must be upper division. The student must choose a concentration of 15 units in history, politi­ cal science/public administration, or soci­ ology. Students electing a concentration in history or sociology must take six units of political science/public administration, in­ cluding pol itical science/public adminstration 200. The remaining units must be from the various offerings in the social sciences, such as intercultural studies, geography and economics. California Teaching Credential: To qualify for a secondary teaching credential in Social Science, the program must be tai­ lored to meet the guidelines for teacher education. See the history or publi~ admin­ istration departments for specifics.

367 FIELD INSTRUCTION I (3) Opportunity to integrate classroom learning with actual on-the-job training in a social work agency. Variety of available agency settings with placement based upon interest and academic background. 368 FIELD INSTRUCTION II (3) Professional services to clients by inte­ grating knowledge, attitudes and skills in more complex social work goals; applica­ tion to a wider variety of client problems in a social work agency. 402 SOCIOLOGY OF RELIGION (3) Analysis of religious practices that affect society and societal factors that affect reli­ gious practices; Christian and non-Chris­ tian beliefs and institutions.

444 METHODS OF SOCIO LOGICAL RE­ SEARCH II (3) A continuation of the Methods of Socio­ logical Research I course where the stu­ dent will be involved in plann ing and con­ ducting a minor research project. Prereq ­

354 SOCIAL INTERACTION (3) Sociological contributions to theory and research in social psychology bearing on the relationships between culture and group life to human behavior and person­ ality; analysis of symbolic processes, role behavior, psycho-social processes and so­ cial reference groups; socialization and the social aspect, attitudes, values and beliefs in relationship to groups. Prerequisite: Psy­ chology 210. 355 MEDICAL SOCIOLOGY (3) Sociological description and analysis of the health and medical inst itutions; cultural factors in conceptions of disease, health and the healing profession. Social structure and the role of personnel in medical facili ­ ties; relation of illness to income, housing, occupation, place of residence and other socio-economic factors. 356 SOCIOLOGY OF ADULT LIFE AND AGING (3) Nature, theory and functions of aging; existing approaches to death and dying Western and non-western experiences compared. 357 SOCIOLOGY OF WORK AND PRO­ FESSIONS (3) Development of occupat ional roles with emphasis on specialization, division of la­ bor and mobility; impact of occupations on thelamily, economy, government, educa­ tion and re ligion; special focus on develop­ ment of work and professions in the United States. 362 SOCIAL PROBLEMS (3) Major problems of social maladjustment from the view point of the underlying pro­ cesses of ind ividual and social disorganiza­ tion; deviant behavior, such as mental dis­ orders, crime and delinquency, su icide, drug and alcohol addiction; social disorga­ nization, such as population problems, family, poverty and war.

uisites: Psychology 21 O; I 8 units of sociology. including Sociology 44 3.

470 INDEPENDENT STUDY ( 1-3) Prerequ isi te senior status with sociology major and prior to registration, consent of a professor to act as sponsor. The student must have the ability to assume responsi­ bility for independent work and to pre­ pare written and oral reports. Project se­ lected in conference with faculty sponsor before registration; progress meetings held regularly. 480 SOCIOLOGY SEMINAR (3) Brief consideration of selected works of pioneer sociologists; emphasis on current trends and developments in sociology; in­ dependent student work stressed. Limited to seniors majoring in sociology.


Outstanding social thinkers to the 19th century ; ideas of men compared and con­ trasted within the various societies as back­ ground to the development of contempo­ rary sociological theory. 442 CONTEMPORARY SOCIOLOGI­ CAL THEORY (3) Survey of sociological theory with em­ phasis on 20th century contributions; sta­ tus of sociological inquiry and theory; rela­ tionship of sociology to such allied fields as anthropology, psychology, economics, edu­ cation and political science. Prerequisites: Psychology 21 0; Sociology 441 and I 8 units of sociology. 443 METHODS OF SOCIOLOGICAL RE­ SEARCH I (3) Survey and evaluation of methods of planning, collecting, classifying and analyzing social research data: Detailed study of the scient ific method of inquiry: Introduction to the use of experimental designs in so­ ciological research. Prerequ isites: Psychol­ ogy 21 O; I 8 units of Sociology.


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