
Application for Undergraduate Adniission to Biola University

The Family Education and Privacy Act

The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 permits enrolled university students access to certain credentials in their files. Biola University has long permitted access for the st udent to his previous educational records such as high school transcripts and col lege transcripts (if a transfer), his SAT or ACT scores and his educational record at Biola University. . Because of the importance of preserv­ ing the confidentiality of letters of recom­ mendation the Famil y Education Rights and Privacy Act permits an educational institu­ tion to suggest an applicant may waive his right to access to letters of recommenda­ tion. Signing such a waiver is not required as a condition for admission, receipt of fi­ nancial aid form or receipt of any other services or benefits from Biola University. In order that Biola University may have valid recommendations it is suggested that the applicant consider waiving his right to see such letters of recommendation. Please be assured that letters of recom­ mendation (along with transcripts, SAT/ACT scores, and your own applica­ tion) are used solely to determine an appli­ cant's qualification for admission. Biola Uni­ versity will furnish (upon the applicant's re­ quest) the names of all individuals supplying references. However, the applicant usually knows the identity of those to whom he gives the reference forms. Signing the waiver statement on the ref­ erence form is all that is necessary on your part

Application and reference forms are on following pages.

To apply for admission...

After you've filed...

I File application. Specify when you plan to enroll (fall, interterm, spring, summer). Every advantage goes to the early appli­ cant. Late applicants may find admissions closed. Address mail to office of admis­ sions and records. 2 Remit the $25 application fee (non­ refundab le). Do not send cash . 3 Applications for spring semester filed after January first or for fall semester filed after August first must remit a $35 applica­ tion fee rather than $25. 4 Request transcripts from high school and schools attended after high school graduation If enrolled at the time appl ica­ tion 1s filed, be sure to request transcripts of work you have finished and final tran­ scripts upon completion of course of study Aptitude Test (SAT) or ACT (SAT is pre­ ferred ). SAT or ACT is required of all ap­ plicants except those who w ill have sopho­ more classificat ion upon entrance (requ ires 27 semester units of accepted course work). The education department and nursing will require SAT scores regardless of classification. 6 Request recommendations (forms supplied). One reference must come from a member of the pastoral staff of your church. The uther may come from school or employer. Forms must be addressed to the director of admissions. whether it is high school or college. 5 Arrange to take the Scholastic

I You will be notified of items needed to complete fi le. Failure to comply only postpones a decision and admissions could close in the meantime. 2 Acceptance Notice certificate will be sent upon completion of file if you qualify for admission. 3 Remit required $50 enrollment de­ posit along with Validation of Acceptance certificate and the residence information card. Sent these three together to the di­ rector of admissions. 4 If you plan to live on campus, please remit a deposit of $50 (in addition to en­ rollment deposit), to the director of admis­ sions. 5 The medical examination form includ­ ed with the acceptance notice must be completed and returned by a physician of the student's choice. Address to the health center. If your plans change and you do not plan to complete your application or to enroll if accepted, please not ify the office of admis­ sions and records.



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