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Activities (School, Church, Community) List the maJor school , community and church activities (music, athletics, work) in which you have devoted much time and effort. If you have received special recognition which would indicate excellence in any of these activities, please describe. (If necessary continue listing on a separate page.) ACTIVITY POSITIONS HELD AND/OR LENGTH OF PARTICIPATION HONORS WON
Denomination _ ___________
Yes __
Do you regularly attend church?
How often do you attend? ------------------------------- ------
Name and address of your church (include phone number) ---------------- ----------
Which was the most significant factor influencing your choice of Biola University? (Check one square only) D Present Biola student/friend D Pastor 's referral D Biola faculty contact D Alumni D Biola counselor visited schooVcollege D Magazi ne advertisement D Relative attending or alumnus D College Day D Biola Hour __________ D Other (list) _________ ______________ ________ ______ _
Additional comments: - - ----------- ---------------------------
Are you app lyi ng to other colleges or universities? If so, please list: ___ _____________________
How do you plan to meet universit y expenses? --- - - --------------------------
Do you consider yoursel f to be a born-again Christian? Yes__ No __
When did you personally accept Christ as your Savior 1 ---------------------------
Explain in your own words the scriptural basis for your salvation and hope of eternal life (give refe rences if you wish).
Why do all people need Christ today? --------- -----------------------
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