Classification ofStudents: MA First Year
If geographic location prevents registra tion in person, it is the student's responsibility to contact the Registrar's Office for registra tion materials. Registration by mail is subject to the same rule as registration in person. Transfer ofCredit Transfer credit for acceptable work done in other graduate schools will be allowed for courses which are parallel to those required in the curriculum. Applications received by May 1 will be provided with transfer credit decisions at the point of acceptance. Transfer credit for late applications will be accomplished during the fall semester. Graduate courses with grades of C or above at accredited institutions or those validated with grades of B or above from approved un accredited schools are considered as accept able on a transfer basis. For validation pro cedure for unaccredited work, contact the Admissions and Records Office. Course Prefixes: Course prefixes indicate: BE Bible Exposition CE Christian Education EDD Doctor of Education HT Historical Theology HTM,ICS, STM Missions MIN Doctor of Ministry MIP Master ofMinistry - Prerequisite Track NT New Testament Language and Literature OT Semitics and Old Testament PHR Philosophy of Religion PT Practical Theology TH Systematic Theology Courses taken at the Los Angeles Extension are indicated on the transcript by the letter "L" appended to the course umber. Courses taken in Spanish are identi fied with an "H''.
1-28 units 29 + units 1-28 units 29-64 units 65 + units
Second Year
M.Div. First Year
Second Year Third Year
Pre-Seminary Study The following pre-seminary study guide lines are recommended for students who are planning to attend Talbot. The student should plan his or her collegiate curriculum so that moderate competence will be pos sessed in all of these areas and skills devel oped so that one can communicate easily, having the ability to write and speak clearly with correct English prose. Note: The numerals in parentheses indi cate the suggested minimum number of semester units for each discipline. I. General Understandings A Understanding of Humanity Philosophy (3) Psychology (3) B. Understanding of modern social insti tutions and problems Social Science (6) C. Understanding of cultural history History (6) Fine Arts (3) D. Understanding of science and technology Math/Science (8) E. Understanding of the modes of com munication English-composition and literature (9) Speech (3) II. Theological Understandings A .Bible content and interpretation (6) B .Theological methodology and inter pretation (6) III.Linguistic Skills (12) At least one of the following: French German Greek Hebrew Latin Spanish Thesis Non-Resident Students A fee of$100.00will be charged to those SUI dents who register for any "rero" unit thesis class. TheTh.M. fee forTS 892Thesis Fmal Draft is equal to 2 units * ($412.00). A student must regis ter in a thesis class each semester until the thesis is completed and accepted for binding by the li brary. A student finishing course work in December has 11/2 years to complete the thesis. A student finishing course work in June has one year to complete the thesis.
Those graduating with a grade point av erage of 3.50 or higher are elected to mem bership in Kappa Tau Epsilon, the Talbot scholastic honor society. This honor is noted on the permanent record card. For graduation honors, students com pleting their course with a grade point aver age of 3.50 are graduated with Honors. Students with a 3.70 G.PA are graduated with High Honors. Students with a 3.90 G.PA are graduated with Highest Honors.
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