


GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS A Satisfactorily complete 96-98 semester units. See (D) below. B. Take the courses prescribed in the Master of Divinity curriculum. C. Complete the requirements in one of the emphases. D. Submit an acceptable thesis (four units) chosen in consultation with the major advisor, or at the option of the major ad­ visor and in lieu of the thesis, complete six units of electives. Students who write theses will have a total require­ ment of 96 units and those who take six units of electives in lieu of a thesis will have a total requirement of 98 units. Five unbound copies of the thesis are to be submitted to the librarian. E. At least 24 units must be taken in this seminary by transfer students. Students are placed on academic proba­ tion if their grade point average for any semester falls below 2.5 and remain on pro­ bation as long as the single semester of cu­ mulative grade point average remains below 2.5. Students on probation are granted one semester in which to bring their academic work up to the required level (2.5) for con­ tinuance in the seminary. A student cannot graduate while on probation. CURRICULUM Two biblical languages are required: Greek and Hebrew. Either may be taken first Greek NT 503, NT 604 and NT 605 each re­ quired beyond beginning Greek. A qualify­ ing examination is available to all interested students. Those who pass the examination may enroll directly in NT 503; others must take NT 501 and NT 502 (two units each) as prerequisite to NT 503. Hebrew OT 603, OT 604 and OT 705 are re­ quired. A qualifying examination is avail­ able to interested students. Those who pass the examination may take OT 604, plus 3-4 units of Hebrew electives instead of OT 603.

career will need to pursue advanced studies beyond the Master of Divinity program).


Expositional Methodology in Daniel, Revelation....................3 PHR 602 Apologetics...............................3 PT 703 Church and Society .................3 PT 792 Internship .................................2 Electives .................. .................. ........... .. ..3 Thesis Final Draft or Electives ............. .... z. 16 *NT 501 and NT 502 are required for students without prior Greek study. Christian Education Emphasis Provides preparation for a variety of profes­ sional ministries in which responsibilities and skills in Christian Education are prominent in­ cluding pastor, associate pastor, youth pastor, women's ministries, and other leadership roles. Hermeneutics/Bible Study Methods ...................................3 BE519 Survey of Genesis-Malachi.. ...3 CE601 Educational Ministry in the Church .................. ..... ...............3 NT503 Introduction to Exegesis* ..... 3 PT591 Introduction to Field Educationl TH501 Theology of the Christian Life3 16 SPRING SEMESTER BE 520 Survey of Matthew- Revelation ........ .........................3 CE 512 Education Administration .......3 NT 604 Exegesis in the Gospels andActs ....................................3 PT510 Evangelism and Discipleship .3 PT592 Field Education ...................... .. O TH502 Theology I ................................3 15 Counseling Ministry in the Church ...........................3 OT603 Elements of Hebrew I .............3 PT609 Sermon Preparation ................3 PT691 Field Education........................0 TH603 Theology 11 ............................... 3 Elective ................ .. ............. ....................,5 17 SPRING SEMESTER Second Year FALL SEMESTER CE 603 NT605 Exegesis in the Epistles ..........3 OT604 Elements of Hebrew II ........... 3 PT602 Pastoral Ministry .....................3 PT692 Field Education........................ O TH604 Theology III ............................. 3 Elective ··········· ···· ·································· ··1. 16 First Year FALL SEMESTER BE 517


Hermeneutics/Bible Study Methods ...................................3

BE519 Survey of Genesis-Malachi.. ...3 HT505 Patristic/Medieval Theology .3 NT503 Introduction to Exegesis* ......3 PT591 Introduction to Field Education ............................. .... 1 TH 501 Theology of the Christian Life .. ....... ................. .3 16 SPRING SEMESTER BE 520 Survey of Matthew- Revelation .................................3 HT506 Reformation, Modern Theology...................................3 NT604 Exegesis in the Gospels andActs ...................................3 PT510 Evangelism and Discipleship .3 PT592 Field Education ........................ O TH502 Theology I ................................3 15

Second Year FALL SEMESTER CE 601

Educational Ministry in the Church ......................................3

HTM 555 Introduction to

World Missions ........................3 OT603 Elements of Hebrew I .............3 PT609 Sermon Preparation ................3 PT691 Field Education ........................ O TH603 Theology II ............................... 3 Elective ...................................................2. 17 SPRING SEMESTER NT605 Exegesis in the Epistles ..........3 OT604 Elements of Hebrew 11 .......... . 3 PT602 Pastoral Ministry .....................3 PT610 Sermon Preparation ................3 PT692 Field Education ........................ O TH604 Theology III ............................. 3 Elective ...................................................2. 17 Third Year FALL SEMESTER OT 705 Exegesis in Genesis and Selected Passages ...................3 PT 705 Pastoral Counseling ................3 PT 730 Biblical Leadership and Management ............................3 PT 791 Internship .................................2 Electives .......................................... ...... ...2 Thesis First Draft or Electives ...............2-4 15-17

Pastoral and General Ministries Emphasis

Provides preparation for a variety of pro­ fessional ministries including pastor, associ­ ate pastor, youth pastor, women's min­ istries, college and seminary teaching, and other leadership roles. (Students anticipat­ ing a graduate or undergraduate teaching

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