



PT691 Field Education ............... .. ....... O TH603 Theology II ........ .... .... ............ .. .3 Electives ........... ..... ....... .... ................ .. ..... .2 17 SPRING SEMESTER H T506 Reformation, and Modern Theology ........ .... ... ..... ... ................ .. .... ......3 NT 605 Exegesis in the Epistles ... .......3 OT 604 Elements of Hebrew II ............3 PT 692 Field Education...... .. .. .. .... ....... . O STM 661 Introduction to Church Growth ....................... .3 TH 604 Theology III ........ .... .. ... ... ......... 3 Elective ............. ... ..... ... .. .... ....... ..............2 17

the faculty advisor and filed with the regis­ trar's office. BIBLE ExPOsmoN ALTERNATrvE: For one of the four required Bible Exposition courses (excluding BE 517 or BE 726) the student may substitute three units of Greek or Hebrew exegesis electives.

Patristic/Medieval Theology .3

HTM 555 Introduction to

World Missions .......................3 Exegesis in Genesis and Selected Passages .. .................3

OT 705

PT 791 lnternship .................................2 CE Elective ............................................... ..3 Thesis First Draft or Electives** .. ... .... ..2-4 16-18 SPRING SEMESTER BE 726 Expositional Methodology in Daniel, Revelation....................3 HT 506 Reformation and Modern Theology....... .......... ..................3 PHR 602 Apologetics ...................... .........3 PT 703 Church and Society .................3 PT 792 Internship ..... .... .. ......................2 Thesis Final Draft or Elective** ........ ....... .2 16 *NT 501 and NT 502 are required for students without prior Greek study. **Students who do not write a thesis are required to take CE 621 and CE 622 toward elective requirements. Missions Emphasis Provides preparation for a variety of pro­ fessional skills in missions and cross-cultur­ al ministries.


ICS 502 Social Organization .................3 ICS 791 Field Practicum.. ... ...................2 OT 705 Exegesis in Genesis and Selected Passages .......... .. ... ... .3 PT 705 Pastoral Counseling ...... .... .... ..3 TH 501 Theology of the Christian Llfe ... ........ ...............3 Thesis First Draft or Electives .. .......... .. .2-4 16-18 SPRING SEMESTER BE 726 Expositional Methodology in Daniel, Revelation....................3 HTM 751 Theology of Missions .......... ....3 ICS 792 Field Practicum....... .................2 PHR 602 Apologetics ...............................3 Electives ............................... .. ... ...............2 Thesis Final Draft or Elective ... ........... .....2 15 *NT 501 and NT 502 are required for students without prior Greek study. Please Note HrsroRicAL THEOLOGY: Students transfer­ ring HT 506 from another seminary must take HT 710 to obtain denominational dis­ tinctives unless this requirement has al­ ready been met. THESIS CouRSE SEQUENCE: If a student elects to write a thesis, the course 'Thesis First Draft"will be taken at the completion of 64 units and 'Thesis Final Draft "at the comple­ tion of 80 units. Neither is applicable toward graduation unless both have been complet­ ed. Some preliminary steps must be com­ pleted by the end of the semester prior to taking Thesis First Draft. See the Talbot graduate student handbook for details. PRACTICAL THEOLOGY ALTERNAT!VE: For stu­ dents anticipating a career teaching in high­ er education, the courses PT 791 and PT 792 may be replaced by CE 791 and CE 792. A written petition is necessary, approved by


Hermeneutics/Bible Study Methods ...................................3

BE519 Survey of Genesis-Malachi.. ...3 ICS 520 Interpersonal Adjustment... ....3 NT503 Introduction to Exegesis* ......3 STM560 Urban Research and Ministries ................................. .3. 15 SPRING SEMESTER BE520 Survey of Matthew-Revelation3 HTM640 Cultural Anthropology ............3 NT604 Exegesis in the Gospels andActs .......... ................ ... .......3 PT592 Field Education ........................ O TH502 Theology I ...... .... ......................3 Elective ···················································1 16

Second Year FALL SEMESTER CE 601

Educational Ministry in the Church .......................... .....3 Patristic/Medieval Theology... ...... ..... .....................3 Elements of Hebrew I .............3 Sermon Preparation ...... .... ..... .3

HT 505

OT 603 PT 609

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