

SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY Master ofTheology Program

Program Director: Clinton E. Arnold, Ph.D.

following ways: 1) two years of college level instruction with a grade of "B" or better or 2) a satisfactory score on an examination administered by the department. Students must fulfill this requirement during their first 16 units of course work in order to con­ tinue in the program. D. Course Work The Th.M. program requires the com­ pletion of 26 semester hours course work distributed as follows: 10 units in the major department, six units in the major depart­ ment or closely related areas approved by the major adviser, 10 units in any area (two of which must be CE 720. Students major­ ing in Christian Thought must take TH 709) . Students are required to take a mini­ mum of 14 units in Th.M. courses num­ bered in the 800 series, with the remainder at the 600 and 700 levels. CE 720 is re­ quired of all students, regardless of major. At the discretion of the adviser, a maximum of four units in any department at any level may be credited toward the course require­ ments. ATh.M. student must carry nine (9) or more units to be considered a full­ time student. Those carrying less than nine units are considered part-time stu­ dents. A maximum of six (6) units may be taken by Th.M. students in "independent study" courses. It is recommended that this be done in the middle or latter portion of the program, and in any case the advance approval of the major departmental adviser and faculty member concerned is required. E. Research Seminar All Th.M. students are required to take the 890 level Research Seminar. The seminar is designed to introduce the stu­ dent to research methodology employed in the various fields of biblical research. The seminar also serves as the catalyst for cre­ ation of a research idea for the student's Th.M. thesis. The seminar is led by faculty representatives from each of the depart­ ments in Biblical and theological studies. The seminar is a foundational part of the Th.M. program and is reserved for the Th.M. students only. Students majoring in Missions and lntercultural studies will be required to take JCS 897 Research Seminar, JCS 879 Research Design, or one of the 891 Biblical research seminars in consultation with their advisor. F. Concurrent Enrollment Option Senior Talbot M.Div. students who have completed 80 or more units and are accept-

dents currently enrolled at Talbot may file for admission by submitting a written re­ quest to the Graduate Committee in care of the director of admission. All applicants are required to submit a statement of one to two double spaced typewritten pages ex­ plaining their career goals and personal ob­ jectives in seeking Th.M. training. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS Degrees are awarded to qualified candi­ dates at the university's winter and spring commencements. Students are required to be present for graduation unless advanced permission to graduate in absentia has been secured. To qualify for graduation, candi­ dates must present acceptable theses, have satisfactorily passed their comprehensive ex­ aminations and have completed all required course work with a minimum grade point av­ erage (GPA) of 3.25. No grade less than a C (2.0) will be credited toward the Th.M. de­ gree units. Students who repeat courses for the purpose of raising their GPA must adhere to the University's general policy for grades, as spelled out on in the graduate program catalog. Candidates for the Th.M. degree should also manifest promise of usefulness in Christian ministry, exhibit exemplary and consistent Christian character and evidence sound theological beliefs in accordance with the university's doctrinal statement Additional requirements are as follows: A. Residence Requirements A minimum of two semesters in resi­ dence at Talbot is required for the Th.M. degree. No more than four advanced grad­ uate semester course units from an accred­ ited seminary or theological school will be accepted toward fulfillment ofTh.M. course requirements. B. Time Limit for Degree All course, examination and thesis re­ quirements must be completed within five years, beginning on the date of the student's first registration for Th.M. courses at Talbot C. Major Areas ofAcademic Study Majors in the Th.M. program are offered in the departments of Bible exposition,Christian Thought (Theology). missions and intercultural studies, New Testament, practical theology, and semitics and Old Testament. A working knowledge of French or German is required ofTh.M. majors in semitics and Old Testament. This requirement may be satisfied in one of the

OBJECTIVES The Master of Theology curriculum is a challenging post-graduate degree program designed to equip the student with special­ ized academic knowledge and advanced pro­ fessional skills. The program represents not merely an extra year of formal theological study but a high level of academic attain­ ment, refinement of research capabilities and personal professional development The pro­ gram prepares students for both increased effectiveness in professional pastoral min­ istry and further study at the Ph.D. and Th.D. Level. Since both ATS. (the Association ofTheological Schools) and AAB.C. (the American Association of Bible Colleges) consider the Th.M. degree the minimum educational credential for teaching biblical and theological subjects at accredit­ ed seminaries and Bible schools, the Master ofTheology is of special interest to students pursuing a teaching career. Qualified stu­ dents aspiring to excellence and leadership in many areas of ministry and service for Christ find the Th.M. program personally en­ riching and academically stimulating. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS The student must present acceptable Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor or Master of Divinity degrees. Specifically, they must have maintained at least a 3.25 average in their Divinity program and have completed at least nine semester hours of Greek be­ yond beginning Greek and 13 semester hours of Hebrew, four of which may be Aramaic. Applicants deficient in the biblical languages may take the prerequisite units at Talbot while taking other Th.M. courses but such deficiencies must be made up be­ fore more than 16 units in other subjects may be taken. Divinity degrees presented from non-accredited seminaries and theo­ logical scliools are individually evaluated. Deficiencies discerned in such cases may be made up by course work at Talbot or other specified accredited institutions. Students must also have the personal quali­ fications necessary for a minister of Christ, including promise of future usefulness. They must be spiritually qualified by provid­ ing evidence of a born-again experience and a consistent Christian manner of life. Graduates of other seminaries must file a full application with the office of admis­ sions and records. Master of Divinity stu-

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