(9) Dissertation A dissertation evidencing high attain ment in original scholarship must be sub mitted by all candidates within two years of the completion of the Qualifying Examinations. Extensions must be ap proved by the Ed.D. Committee. The dis sertation topic and proposal must be ap proved by the candidate's advisory commit tee before gathering the empirical data. No later than three weeks prior to expected graduation the candidate must submit to the Ed.D. Director the original and four copies of the dissertation signed by the stu dent's dissertation committee. Detailed guidelines are found in the Ed.D. Student Handbook. (10) Oral Defense ofDissertation The final examination is an oral defense of the dissertation before the student's doctoral committee and other invited professionals.
EDD 803 Human Development and Christian Nurture(3) Principles and characteristics of life-span development with particular attention to cognitive, moral, psychosocial, values - commitment, affective, and physical devel opmental theories and research; investiga tion of relationships between developmental characteristics for nurture in the family and in church-related ministries. (Prerequisite CE 550 or permission of professor) EDD 804 Administrative Organization and Leadership (3) An investigation of current theories and principles of effective administration with an emphasis on the integration of administrative theory with theology. Administrative and leadership patterns analyzed relating to the ministries of churches, parachurch agencies, and religious institutions. (Prerequisite: CE 512 or permission of professor) EDD 805 Models .ofTeaching(3) A laboratory course for developing a repertoire of teaching skills and strategies based on several contemporary modes. Provides an opportunity for students to dis cuss issues and questions fundamental to teaching. (Prerequisite CE 521 or permis sion of professor)
2. Research: Total 10 units CE 633 Principles of Research ..... .... ...2 EDD 885 Statistical Analysis .... .. ...... ...3 EDD 888 Research Design .... ..............3 EDD 890 Advanced Research Seminar... ........ .... ....... ........... ..... ... ....... ..2 3. Theology: Total 18 units a. 700-800 level courses.... ..... ..... .........6 b. Electives* .. ... ...... .. .... .. ........ .... .... .... 12 *The student must take either EDD 821 or 837 to meet this requirement. 4. Emphasis:Total 18 units Specialization developed by student with advisor combining courses from across the university. At least two (2) courses must be taken from faculty outside of Talbot School of Theology.
5. Dissertation:Total 12 units EDD 891 Dissertation
Program Total: .... .......... ..... ......... ....90 units
CURRICULUM 1. Foundations:Total 32 units a .History: Total 2 units
Note: 1. *At least thirty units must be taken at the 700-800 level. 2. **May be reduced up to 30 units from Master's degree work.
EDD 801 History of Biblical Education ...... .. ....... ......... .... ... .... .... ..2
b.Philosophy: Total 6 units CE 621 Philosophy of Ministry 1... .2 CE 622 Philosophy of Ministry IL .. .. ... ..... .. .. ... ... .. ..... ...... ....2 EDD 802 Philosophy of Christian Education ..... ... ..... ............ ................2 c. Human Development: Total 6 units CE 550 Life Span Development .....3 EDD 803 Human Dev. & Chr. Nurture .... ..... .. .. .. .... .. ... .. ...... ....... .. ... .3
EDD 806 Integration ofFaith, Learning & Life (3)
EDD 801 History ofBiblical Education (2) History of Christian Church's education ministry traced through the educational ap proaches of the Hebrew nation, the early Christian, the Roman Catholic Church, the Protestant Reformation and the modern era of the church. Special attention given to the development history of certain agencies, such as the Sunday School, the Christian school movement and the history of current educational practices of the church, such as age-level ministries and professional, voca tional staff. EDD 802 Philosophy ofChristian Education (2) An advanced investigation of the west ern and eastern philosophical bases for the educational ministries of the church. The ways in which educational ideas and prac tices are shaped by philosophical systems and specific philosophers discussed. (Prerequisite CE 621 and 622 or permission of professor)
An investigation of models of integration which serve to incorporate the various dis ciplines of study appropriate to Christian ed ucation into an evangelical Christian theolo gy in a consistent and Biblical fashion. Also to be considered are the broader implica tions of such an integration as the church interfaces with society as a whole. This re quired course will explore several areas and levels of integration in Christian education in order to introduce the nature and scope of the task to be continued in the student's choice of doctoral emphasis.
d. Administration
and Leadership: Total 6 units CE 512 Educational Administration. ...... .... .. ....... ..... ........3 EDD 804 Admin. Organ. & Leadership... ..... .......... ........ .. ........ ....3 e. Communication: Total 9 units CE 521 Psychological Foundations3 TCE 560 Personal Interpersonal Dev ....... .... .......... .. ...... ....... ......... .......3 EDD 805 Models ofTeaching ...... ..3 f. Integration: Total 3 units EDD 806 Integration of Faith, Learning & Life .... ... ... .. ... .... ...... ......... ....... ........ ..3
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