


TH 815 Advanced Ecclesiology (2) An intensive study of significant aspects of the church related to its nature, purpose and organization. Particular attention di­ rected to current problem areas. Prerequisite: TH 604 or the equivalent in ec­ clesiology. Elective for Th.M. students; oth­ ers by departmental permission. TH 827 The Doctrine ofthe Kingdom (2) An investigation into the meaning and purpose of the Kingdom of God and its pro­ gressive development within history. The course includes discussion of historical and contemporary theological positions with em­ phasis upon the biblical teaching in its his­ torical framework. Elective for Th.M. stu­ dents; other by departmental permission. TH 880 Directed Research {1-3) Supervised research in selected areas of theology. Elective for Th.M. students. TH 891-892 Research Seminar (3,2) Discussion and application of the central areas of theology research and related fields of study. Instruction in research methodology, including the identification of a problem, the steps taken to resolve it and writing the results. Required for the first semester of the Th.M. (TH) program. A second semester may be taken to continue research in the area of interest.

TH 729 The Theology of the Gospels (2) An examination of the theological teach­ ing of Jesus as recorded in the four Gospel narratives. Special attention is paid to the chronological development of themes taught by Christ in the light of His presenta­ tion and rejection. (Cross listed with NT 729). Elective. TH 730 Pauline Theology (2) The main themes of Paul's doctrine from the biblical theological perspective. (Cross listed with NT 759) . Prerequisite: NT 501- 502. Elective. TH 740 The Doctrine ofthe Atonement (2) A study of the biblical meaning and sig­ nificance of the atoning work of Christ in­ cluding a survey of the significant historical interpretations of the doctrine. Elective. TH 761 Directed Study (1-4) Supervised reading and research in se­ lected areas of systematic theology. Elective. TH 802 Millennial Views (2) A careful and intensive study of the three main eschatological views relative to the mil­ lennium; the historical and biblical strength of the premillennial system; consideration of the leading amillennial writings. A detailed analysis of the four positions relative to the time of the rapture; a biblical and theological defense of the pretribulational view, with exe­ gesis of crucial passages of Scripture. Prerequisite: TH 604. Elective for Th.M. stu­ dents; others by departmental permission. TH 806 Theology Seminar (1-4) Selected problems in the field of theolo­ gy; emphasis upon independent research; extensive reading and written thesis re­ quired. Elective for Th.M. students; others by departmental permission. TH 810 ]ohannine Theology (2) The theology of the Johannine writings, with emphasis upon the concepts that the writer himself emphasizes. Prerequisite: NT 501-502. Elective forTh.M. students; others by departmental permission. (Cross listed with NT 823) . TH 811 Theological Problems (2) The in-depth study of certain theological areas, such as the divine decree, the problem of evil, the person of Christ, the atonement and ministries of the Spirit. Specialized re­ search is emphasized. Elective for Th.M. stu­ dents; others by departmental permission.

TH 717 Theology ofHuman Nature (2) Exploration of key areas relating to the nature of man from both a theological and psychological perspective; the biblical nature of man in comparison to teaching theories of human development. The meaning and sig­ nificance of man created in the image of God; nature and dynamics of sin which lead to sins or psychological maladjustments; practical application of the above concepts to the areas of personal growth and disciple, ed­ ucation and child rearing and church min­ istry. Team taught by faculty with strength in theology and psychology. Prerequisite: TH 603, or equivalent. Required for reduced MAC.E. students. Elective. TH 718 Theology ofChristian Nurture (2) Designed for the student with back­ ground in the biblical and theological knowl­ edge of soteriology. Consideration of the na­ ture of personal transformation in regenera­ tion, the means and dynamics of nurture including the relation of cognitive and rela­ tional aspects. Examination of the nature of spiritual maturity and its relation to psycho­ logical maturity and hindrances to growth. Team taught by faculty with strength in the­ ology and psychology. Prerequisite: TH 603 or equivalent. Required for reduced MAC.E. students. Elective. TH 720 The Theology and Practice of Prayer (2) A study of the biblical theology of prayer including its meaning, purpose and prac­ tice. Elective. TH 724 Eschatological Problems (2) Typical exegetical and doctrinal prob­ lems in the area of Bible prophecy. Lectures, assigned problems with written and classroom reports, discussion and li­ brary research. Elective. TH 725 The Dispensational System (2) An intensive study of that system of bib­ lical interpretation known as dispensational­ ism; its historical background, modern form and objections. Emphasizing primary theological and exegetical issues or dis­ agreement between dispensational and non­ dispensational positions. Elective. TH 728 Theological Systems (2) Several major theological systems of thought emphasizing those within the Protestant perspective, but also including significant Roman Catholic and Jewish sys­ tems. Elective.

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