Semitics and Old Testament
OT 717 The Old Testament in its Near Eastern Context (2) Examination of the archeology, history and literature of the Ancient Near East as these subjects relate to interpretive issues in the Old Testament. Required for M.A. (O.T. emphasis). Elective.* OT 718 Archaeology ofPalestine (2) The history of excavation, the history and geography of the land and the bearing upon the Old Testament. Elective.* OT 725 Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha (2) Consideration of the non-canonical litera ture from the period between the Testaments. Emphasis on the development of Jewish thought during the centuries be fore the advent of Christianity. Elective.* OT 730 The Dead Sea Scrolls (2) A survey of the discoveries, the origin of the Qumram Community, its belief and practices and the relationship of the finds to Old and New Testament studies. Elective.* OT 731 Biblical Aramaic (4) A study of the grammar with emphasis on comparisons with Hebrew; translating of
strengths and weaknesses of contemporary methodologies for the interpretation of the biblical text Prerequisite: OT 604.Required for M.Div., M.A. (O.T emphasis) students. OT 706 Advanced Hebrew Grammar (2) A study of the details of Hebrew grammar and syntax along with readings in the Hebrew text Prerequisite: OT 705. Elective.* OT 707 Old Testament Poetry (2) The nature, scope and principles of Hebrew poetry in the Old Testament. Comparisons with the poetry of the Near East. Elective.* OT 708 Advanced Hebrew Reading (2) Selected passages of Hebrew text with emphasis on reading and translation. May
Chair: Thomas J. Finley, Ph.D.
FACULTY Associate Professors: Finley, Rigsby
OBJECTIVES The department aims to acquaint stu dents with the life, customs and thought of the Hebrews and their neighbors in the bib lical and related periods; and to give stu dents an accurate foundation in Hebrew grammar, syntax and exegesis, so that their expositions of the English Bible will reflect this sound basis of interpretation. The de partment purposes not to be exhaustive, but rather directive in the matter of further inde pendent study from the original languages. COURSES OT 506 Old Testament Introduction (2) A study of the canon of the Old Testament and an examination of the foun dations and conclusions of modern histori cal-critical methods with particular refer ence to Pentateuchal criticism; introduction to the separate books. OT 603 Elements ofHebrew I (3) Basic grammar with translation and writ ten exercises; readings of selected biblical texts. A non-credit lab with computerized review and tapes will be required for all stu dents. Required for M.Div. and M.A. (B.E., N.T. and O.T. emphasis) students. OT 604 Elements ofHebrew II (3) Additional grammar and syntax with emphasis on reading and translation in selected texts. A non-credit lab with com puterized review and tapes will be required for all students. Required for M.Div. and M.A. (B.E., N.T. and O.T. emphasis) stu dents. Prerequisite: OT 603. OT 704 Old Testament Prophecy (2) The character, extent and personalities of Old Testament prophecy, with a treat ment of principles of prophetic interpreta tion. Elective.* OT 705 Exegesis in Genesis and Selected Passages (3) Readings and exegesis from the Hebrew text of Genesis and selected passages with dis cussion of text criticism, background issues (historical and compositional) and exegetical methodology. Special attention given to the
be repeated with different content. Prerequisite: OT 705. Elective.
OT 709-710 Reading ofSelected Psalms from the Hebrew Text (2, 2) Particular emphasis upon the devotional and practical values. Prerequisite: OT 604. Elective.* OT 711-712 Messianic Prophecies (2, 2) The Messianic prophecies in their pro gressive unfolding on the basis of the Hebrew text. Prerequisite: OT 705. Elective.* OT 714 Exegisis in the Minor Prophets (2) Application of exegetical methodology to selected passages from the Hebrew text of the Minor Prophets. Special emphasis will be devoted to historical, text critical, linguis tic, and interpretive issues. Prerequisite: OT 705. Elective.* OT 715 Studies in the History and Culture ofIsrael (2) Historical and cultural examination of a particular period in Israel's history (Exodus . and Conquest, Judges, United Monarchy, Divided Monarchy, Judah to the Fall of Jerusalem, Post-Exilic), using available bib lical and extra-biblical materials. May be re peated with different content. Prerequisite: BE 519. Elective. OT 716 Old Testament Text, Canon and Introductory Studies (2) Text, canon and examination of the foun dations and conclusions of modern histori cal-critical methods, with particular refer ence to Pentateuchal criticism; special intro duction of selected Old Testament Books.
all the Aramaic of Daniel and Ezra. Prerequisite: OT 705. Elective.*
OT 732 Seminar inHebrew Exegesis (2-4) A consideration of selected Old Testament passages with emphasis on his torical background and detailed exegesis from the Hebrew text. Prerequisite: OT 705. Elective.* OT 801 The Book of]ob (2) The underlying problems in the book, the interpretation of the text, its light on the problem of suffering, and comparison with the poetry of Ras Shamra and other Near East texts. Elective for Th.M. students; oth ers by department permission.* OT 803-804 Exegesis ofIsaiah (3, 3) A treatment of the text in the light of its historical background and style, with empha sis on the fullness of the Isaianic contribution in the field of Messianic prophecy. Prerequisite: OT 705. Elective for Th.M. stu dents; other by departmental permission.*
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