HTM 640 Cultural Anthropology for Missionaries (3) The nature of man and his culture, spe cial emphasis on intercultural communica tion of the Gospel. HTM 655 Contemporary Theology of Mission (3) An overview and critique of the various theologies of mission advocated by various branches of the Church down through the centuries, beginning with Edinburgh 1910 to the liberation theology debate of our day. HTM 742 History ofMissions (3) The background, development and spread of Christianity through world mis sions; geographical thrusts, growth dynam ics and church structures. HTM 751 Theology ofMission (3) An analysis of the tensions within the Church focusing around the mission of the Church in the contemporary world with an attempt to formulate a biblical-contempo rary expression of the theology of the Church's mission in light of these tensions. SOCIE1Y, TECHNOWGY AND MISSIONS STM 560 Urban Research and Ministries (3) The use of social science techniques to learn about the people, needs and opportu nities for evangelism in the city. STM 562 Culture Change (3) The study of how cultures change, the dynamics and processes of change, the place of change agents and the speed and intensity of change. Implications of such processes are examined in social, political, economic and religious aspects of society. STM 570 Introduction to Bible Translation (2 or 3) An introduction to the principles and problems of intercultural communication with special emphasis on translating the Bible into indigenous languages.
STM 665 Leadership (3) Cross-cultural study of leadership includ ing diverse patterns of authority, legitimacy, public support, leadership recruitment, and training as they affect communication, Church growth and development worldwide. STM 672 Bible Translation (3) Principles of the semantic analysis of dis course structure. Prerequisite: Advanced Linguistics. STM 680 The Local Church and World Missions (3) Designed to integrate principles of cross cultural communication and theology and strategy of missions within a total conceptu al framework to aid the local church in mis sion involvement. STM 775 Anthropology/ Linguistics for Biblical Interpretation (3) An integration course, exploring how methods and perspectives in anthropology and linguistics may illuminate linguistic and cultural features of scripture, building upon the foundation of the grammatical historical method of Biblical interpretation. Prerequisite: BE 517 Hermeneutics and Bible Study Methods. STM 860 The Church in Third World Societies (3) The message, method and role of the evangelical church in societies undergoing socio-technological change. Elective for Th.M. students, others by departmental permission. STM 871 Theological Education by Extension (3) The concept of theological education by extension, including its history, objectives, methodology and the writing of programmed instruction with particular emphasis on mis sionary application. Elective for Th.M. stu- . dents; others by departmental permission. STM 872 Advanced Bible Translation (3) Discourse considerations in translating from Greek into indigenous languages. Prerequisite: Greek.
STM 661 Introduction to Church Growth (3)
A basic understanding of church growth concepts as related both to the local congre gations and to the task of worldwide evan
For additional courses see the School of Intercultural Studies.
gelization, with due emphasis on the Church Growth school of thought.
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