ined. Attention is give to urban issues such as ministry to the poor and homeless, pas toring and raising a family in the city, and planting urban churches.
Zechariah, and Malachi, with and exposi tion of each of these three books.
church and the Roman Empire; ecclesiasti cal organization; development of theology and dogma; Christian life and worship. ITS 572 Reformation Church History (3) W. Robert Godfrey, Ph.D. A study of the development of the theol ogy, the piety and the churches of the Reformation against the backdrop of the so cial, political and intellectual character of the sixteenth century. ITS 573 The History ofChristianity in America (3) John D. Hannah, Th.D., Ph.D. A study of the Protestant churches in America from colonial beginnings to the present with emphasis on the numerous in fluences that have forged the current reli gious scene. ITS 574 The Theology ofJonathan Edwards (3) John H. Gertsner, Ph,.D. An examination of the theology of Jonathan Edwards in detail. Taking a topical approach, the course covers Edwards' teach ings regarding all the major points of System atic Theology with particular emphasis on Edward's unique theological contributions. ITS 581 Introduction to World Christian Missions (2) William D. Taylor, Ph.D. An introductory survey of the theology, history, culture, politics, and methods of the Christian mission, with special emphasis on recent developments, crucial issues and fu ture trends, ending with a study of missions in the local church. ITS 582 The History ofMissions (3) J. Herbert Kane, L.H.D. This course traces the historic develop ment of the Christian mission in chronologi cal sequence from Pentecost to William Carey (1793) . The modern period is devel oped along geographical lines: Asia, the Middle Ease, Africa, Latin America and Europe. The course closes with an attempt to evaluate the achievements of the past and the prospects of the future. ITS 583 Urban Mission and Ministry (2) Roger S. Greenway, Th.D. A course that focuses on Christian Missions and ministry in the world's grow ing cities. The Biblical basis for urban min istry is presented and case studies of effec tive urban strategies worldwide are exam-
ITS 520 The Sermon on the Mount (2) John R. Stott, MA., D.D. The course, originally presented at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, is a con secutive exposition of]esus' Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7. The emphasis is upon the distinctive character that is expect ed of the Christian and upon the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ. For the student desiring seminary credit, a programmed syllabus requires an expository and ready study with emphasis on the practical and spiritual application of the Sermon on the Mount and upon the theological issues and historical interpretations of that passage. ITS 524 The Epistle to the Romans (3) Harold W. Hoehner, Th.D. , Ph.D. An exegetical-theological study of Paul's epistle to the Romans in the Greek text. It involves the treatment of selected historical, grammatical, structural, and lexical data which evaluate the meaning of this impor tant New Testament document. Special em phasis is given to the theological themes and over-all argument of the Epistle. This course assumes a basis skill in Greek exe gesis and the ability to make grammatical and textual critical evaluations and to do Greek word studies. ITS 527 The Pastoral Epistles (3) John R. Stott, MA., D.D. An exposition of I and II Timothy and Titus. Emphasis on the authority of Paul and his message and the need to guard that message, as well as the responsibilities of the local church and its leaders.
ITS 550 Church Leadership and Administration (2) Kenneth 0. Gangel, Ph.D.
A course designed to develop leadership potential in students and to give them a fa miliarity with the various elements of the administrative process, including: goal set ting and achieving, organization, delegation, human relations, group dynamics, supervi sion and the training of other leaders. Though the principles are universal, in the focus of the course is the Christian organi zation, particularly the local church. ITS 571 The Ancient Church (3) Richard C. Gamble, Th.D. From the close of the New Testament in 95 AD. to approximately 600 AD.; the
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