YI'/ 714 Conflicts in the Integration of Psychology and Theology (2) A consideration of tensions between psy chology and theology in areas such as self esteem, corporal punishment, sex roles, egalitarianism, and divorce. A synthesis model is used for thinking constructively about such tensions and identifying strengths and weaknesses of traditionally conflicting viewpoints. Elective. YI'/ 715 Psychoanalysis and Religion (2) A survey of the views of Freud and later psychoanalysis of religion. Classical psy choanalytic explanations and interpretations of various phenomena and beliefs are exam ined along with more recent object relations and philosophical viewpoints on psycho analysis and religion. Elective. YI'/ 721 The Nature and Scope of Integration (3) This required course includes a discus sion of the models, levels and areas in which integration of the theological and psychological can occur, as well as a frame work for conceptualizing the scope of inte gration. Prerequisites: THE 521, 522, 603 and second year standing. Required for Ph.D., Psy.D. YI'/ 722 Systems ofIntegration (3) A critical evaluation of the works of spe cific theologians and psychologists who have attempted to integrate the disciplines of psychology and theology. Attention is given to the approaches of such theorists as Adams, Browning, Crabb, Gothard, Mowrer, Oden, Tournier, Van Kaam and Wagner. Prerequisites: THE 521, 522 and 603. Required for Ph.D., Psy.D. PT/ 730 Missions and Mental Health (2) A study of the contributions psycholo gists can make to the missionary enter prise. Special consideration is given to the selection, preparation and evaluation of mis sionary candidates. Unique crosscultural adjustment issues facing missionary fami lies are also discussed. Elective. PT/ 731 Theological Contributions to the Practice ofTherapy (2) A consideration of scriptural passages and theological doctrines relating to a vari ety of clinical problems and issues. Includes a biblical discussion of topics such as identity, self esteem, guilt, anger, depres sion, anxiety, and assertiveness. Elective.
PT/ 741 Guilt, Conscience and Socialization (2)
ecology and human control of human being. Required for Psy.D., Ph.D.
A discussion of guilt and conscience, in cluding both biblical and psychological the ories on the origins of guilt and conscience and the expressions of these theories in therapy. Prerequisite: commencement of individual didactic and THE 603 and 604. Elective. PT/ 742 Anger, Aggression and Hostility (2) A consideration of anger and related emotions and behaviors, including the catharsis hypotheses and aggression in fan tasy. Elective. PT/ 744 Integration and Therapy (2) The focus of this seminar is on "explicit integration" in psychotherapy. The distinc tives of the Christian therapist and his ther- · apeutic conceptualizations and intervention are examined. (Course may be repeated with different emphasis.) Elective. PT/ 745 Maturity: Psychological and Theological Perspectives (2) Various approaches to the concept of ma turity are reviewed, including the psycho logical, biblical and devotional. A major focus is placed on the similarities and differ ences between biblical and psychological maturity as seen by such integration theo rists as Carter, Clines, Grounds and Oakland. Elective. PT/ 746 Selected Topics and Issues in Integration (2) Occasional seminars are offered under this course designation with focus on some contemporary integration issue, controver sy or special research interest. Elective. PT/ 748 Christian Community (2) A study of the potential impact of the church as a social system upon the growth and maturity of its members. Prerequisites: THE 604 and permission of instructor. Elective. PT/ 749 Values in Psychotherapy (2) A consideration of the role of values in the psychotherapy process. Includes dis cussion of the presence and impact of the implicit and explicit values of both therapist and client. Elective.
THE 730 Independent Study {1-3) Individual work, directed reading or spe cial problems in theology. Such study must be done with the approval and supervision of a faculty professor of record. The stu dent is expected to submit a detailed course proposal and a bibliography on a learning contract form available from the registrar's office. Required courses may not be taken through independent study. Elective. INTEGRATION OF PSYCHOLOGY AND THEOLOGY Rosemead's curriculum is distinguished by a series of seminars designed to investi gate the mutual relationships between theo logical and psychological concepts and data. These seminars constitute an essential part of Rosemead training and offer students an opportunity to become involved in a cre ative application of shared insights from these related disciplines. Each student must take ITI 500 and ITI 721 or 722 and five additional integration seminars. Completion of ITI 721 or 722 is a prerequi site for all other integration seminars. (14 units are required.) YI'/ 500 Psychotherapy and Religion ( 1) An introduction to the contributions a biblical understanding of human nature can make to the psychological practitioner's un derstanding of the therapeutic process. Special attention is given to the relational di mension of human growth and develop ment. Required of all first year students. YI'/ 705 Psychology ofReligion (Same as PSY 605) (2) A survey of the psychology of religion re search emphasizing both content and method ological issues. Topics covered include reli giosity and mental health, measures of reli giosity, religious development, correlates of religiosity and psychological aspects of conver sion and other religious aspects. Elective. YI'/ 710 Sin and Psychopathology (2) An advanced seminar exploring the con cepts of sin and psychopathology. Includes a discussion of the nature and essence of psychopathology and the relationship of per sonal, parental and societal responsibility in personality development and functioning. Prerequisites: PSY 515 and 615, THE 604 and permission of the instructor. Elective.
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