Master ofMusic in Church Music
610 Christian School Finance (2) Design, development and implementation of a budget in a Christian school; fundraising procedures and school building design. 612 School Law (2) Constitution, statutes and court deci sions which affect schools, administrators, teachers and pupils. Attention given to laws and regulations relating to private schools.
Eight units of Bible (including both Old Testament Survey and NewTestament Survey) on the undergraduate level are re quired. If a deficiency exists, the applicant may take these studies (for zero graduate music credit) at Talbot School of Theology. Submit scores on the Graduate Record Examination Aptitude Test (GRE). This ex amination should be completed before the first semester of study and no later than the end of the first semester. International students and resident aliens whose first language is not English must take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (fOEFL). Additional information may be found in this catalog under general University Admissions, Registration and Graduation Requirements. All international student applicants should submit their ap plications at least six months in advance of the semester in which they intend to enroll. Music qualifying examinations will be given in written and aural theory, sight singing, piano proficiency, music history and conducting. These examinations are to be taken before the beginning of the semester in which the student enrolls. Should a stu dent be unsuccessful in passing any of the above, the student must enroll for a unit(s) in Directed Research 480. This unit(s) does not apply to units within the required cur riculum. No student may register beyond 20 units or after the second semester in resi dence without successfully passing all of the music qualifying examinations. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS 1. Satisfactorily complete 39 semester units as outlined in the appropriate curricu lum. 2. At least 24 units must be taken at the University, including Worship 501. 3. Nine units of course work is consid ered full-time status for all graduate students. 4. Obtain a 3.0 grade point average with no grade in any subject in the music sec tions below 3.0. Any such subject must be repeated. 5. The applicant's progress will be re viewed by the music faculty upon the com pletion of 20 units. 6. A church program planned, orga nized and conducted by the student is to be presented during the semester when Practicum 631 is taken and a recital-service is to be presented on campus during the semester when Practicum 632 is taken. 7. The final project, for which there are no units, is to include a formal paper stating the
Program Director: William Lock, D.M.A
OBJECTIVES The Master of Music degree in Church Music is a comprehensive program of both concentrated studies and practical experi ence which offers two distinct emphases; one for ministry in a local church in the United States, and one for the musician planning a cross-<:ultural experience. Since some churches and mission organi zations do not have the financial resources to warrant the hiring of a full-time minister of music, students enrolled in the Master of Music degree program may wish to consid er some studies in a second area of ministry, such as: adult Christian education, youth or children's ministry, church school music ed ucation, private music teaching, composi tion/arranging, accounting or journalism. The objectives of the Master of Music degree in Church Music are: 1) to promote the development of a per sonal philosophy of church music which in tegrates a biblical theology with a study of historical practice and current trends; 2) to emphasize the priority ofboth indi vidual and corporate worship as well as the need for revitalized congregation participation; 3) to create an understanding of the pur poses of church music for various cultural, age, and doctrinal groups; 4) to increase the awareness of the many available resources - literature, mater ials, organizations, and personnel; 5) to encourage further development of specific musical skills and to gain some knowledge and competency in the areas of children/youth choirs, handbells, instru mental conducting, and music/arts; 6) to search out the significant qualities of Christian leadership and the important techniques of effective communication and group dynamics; 7) to study biblical exposition and theol ogy with seminarians at the Talbot School of Theology. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Applicants should hold a baccalaureate degree in music from an accredited or rec ognized institution and should have a 3.0 grade point average (on a 4.0 scale). College graduates without a major in music may be admitted to the program while re moving any deficiencies through class study and private instruction.
613 Principles ofCurriculum Development (4)
Essential elements in curriculum forma tion; intensive study of varied existing cur ricula; analysis of contemporary trends in curriculum production. Attention to Christian school curriculum. 623 Evaluation ofTeaching and Learning (2) Theory and function of tests and mea surements in education, including practice in the use and interpretation of specific test and measurement devices used in schools. 628 Instructional Research (2) Nature of educational research, research writing, and analysis of research content and methodology, including research de sign, measurement, methods of analysis, computer use in research, and evaluation of research reports. 630 Project (2) Optional. Intensive study of curricula and/or instruction of significant practical value to an educational instruction or setting, culminating in a formal written report. Prerequisite: permission of graduate advisor. 632 Thesis (2) Optional. Empirical study culminating in a formal written report. Prerequisite: per mission of graduate advisor. 640 Seminars in Education (1-4) In-depth studies in areas such as: curricu lum, instruction, instructional media, class room control and management, organization of schools, management of personnel, public relations, implementation of Christian philos ophy, early childhood education. May be re peated for up to 8 units of credit. Prerequisite: permission of graduate advisor. 650 Comprehensive Written Exam (0) Covers the field of study; must be taken prior to graduation.
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