Theology/lntercultural Studies Emphasis Theology 9 SIX UNITS FROM: TH 502 Theology I 3 TH 603 Theology II 3 TH 604 Theology III 3 plus PT 602 Pastoral Ministry 3 or Intercultural Studies 9 HTM 550 Christianity and Culture 3 HTM 751 Theology of Mission 3 HTM 640 Cultural Anthropology For Missionaries 3 TOTAL 14 UNITS Total Units 39
student's personal philosophy of church music. Concurrent with the completion of the above paper will be an oral examination cover ing the following topics: worship, church music in the United States, music cultures of the world, and church music administration. PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS Prerequisite: eight units of Bible, includ ing both Old and New Testament Survey. Students are advised to choose one of two emphases, (western culture or intercultural) and then select all of the courses which per tain to that emphasis. 2 502 Church Music in the United States or 503 Music Cultures of the World 3 611 Church Music Administration 3 631/632 Practicum 2 +2 TOTAL 12 UNITS Church Music 501 Worship
9 THEOLOGY/lNTERCULTURAL STUDIES EMPHASIS: Theology Six units from: TH 502 Theology I 3 TH 603 Theology II 3 TH 604 Theology Ill 3 plus PT602 Pastoral Ministry 3 or Intercultural Studies 9 HTM 550 Christianity and Culture 3 HTM 751 Theology of Mission 3 HTM 640 Cultural Anthropology for Missionaries 3 TOTAL 19 Program Total 39 COURSES 501 Worship (2) A study of the meaning and practice of Christian worship, its biblical basis, as well as its historical and contemporary dimensions. 502 Church Music in the United States (3) A survey of the practice of church music for congregation, choir and instruments. 503 Music Cultures in the World (3) An introductory study of the interrela tionships between music and culture through the examination of the music of varying cultures. 521 Handbell Workshop (1) The basic skills of handbell ringing and resources for developing a handbell choir. 522 Instrumental Workshop (1) The use of instrumental music in the local church. 523 Children/Youth Choir Workshop (1) The organization and administration of graded choirs for children and adolescents: choral literature and resources materials. 524 Music/Arts Workshop (1) The integration of various media: the use of drama, audio-visual, lighting, sound re production. 532 Vocal/Choral Techniques (2) The proper care and use of the voice: the diagnosis and correction of vocal problems, for the choral conductor.
Church Music in the United States or Music Cultures of the World3
CM 503
CM 533, 534 Voice
1,1,2 1,1,2
Performance 532 Vocal/Choral Techniques
CM 535, 536 Conducting
CM 532 CM 521 CM 522 CM 523
Vocal/Choral Techniques 2
533/534 Voice
1 + 1 1 + 1
Handbell Choir
535/536 Conducting
Instrumental Workshop 1
Children/Youth Choir Workshop Music/Arts Workshop Hermeneutics/Bible Study Methods
1 1
PERFORMANCE ELECTIVES 3 A minimum of 3 units is allowed in any one area. 633 Voice Elective 1 635 Conducting Elective 1 545/546/547 Arranging Elective 1,1,1 551/552/553 Instrument Elective 1,1,1 555/556/557 Keyboard Elective 1,1,1 540/541/542 Ensemble Elective 1,1,1 (Chorale, Symphonic Band, Orchestra, Chamber Music Ensemble, Handbell Choir)
CM524 BE517
3 2
Psalms *or
BE703 BE702 OT707
The Poetical Books *or Old Testament Poetry*
Second Year CM 611
Church MusicAdministration3
CM 631, 632 Practicum
3 1
WORKSHOPS 521 Handbell Workshop 522 Instrumental Workshop
CM 633 CM 635
Voice Elective
1 523 Children/Youth Choir Workshop 1 524 Music/Arts Workshop 1 Total 13 units
Conducting Elective 1 CM 545, 546, 547 Arranging Elective 1,1,1 CM 551,552,533 InstrumentElectivel,1,1 CM 555,556,557 Keyboard Elective 1,1,1 CM 540,541, 542 EnsembleElective 1,1,1 (Chorale, Symphonic Band, Orchestra, Chamber Music Ensemble, Handbell Choir)
BE 517 Hermeneutics/Bible Study Methods
3 2
BE 703 Psalms* or
BE 702 The Poetical Books* or OT 707 Old Testament Poetry*
(* A third three unit theology course may be substituted for one of the book studies under Bible electives.)
533, 534 Voice (1, 1)
535, 536 Conducting (1, 1)
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