

CAMPUS MAP KEY Alpha Chi (Women) ..................... ........ .... .13 Art Barn......................................................28 Art Department .........................................33 Audio Visual Center ..................................34 Baseball Diamond .....................................29 Biola Counseling Service ........................... 1 (aka Rosemead Counseling Service) Bookstore ............................... ... ...................7 Cafeteria ...... .................................. .............10 Camping Offices ....... ... .................. ............22 Chase Gymnasium .................................... 18 Communication Department ...................37 Crowell Hal) ..... .... .......... ....... .................... 161 (and Lansing Auditorium Drama Workshop ......................................36 Duplicating Center ....................................38 Emerson Hall (Men) .............. .. ................. 11 Feinberg Hall (Talbot) ................................3 (and Calvary Chapel) Hart Hall (Women) ........................ .......... .32 Horton Hall (Men) .................................... 12 Lansing Pool .............................................. 19 Marshburn Hall and Auditorium .............23 McNally Auditorium ........................... .. ....36 Metzger Hall ................................................4 Accounting Admissions and Records Alumni Computer Center

Deans Personnel Services President Public Information Security and Traffic Control Student Employment Student Financial Services Student Ministries Switchboard Vice Presidents

Weight Room .............................................21 Zeta Chi ................................ ....... .... ....... ....30 Parking Lots

A Sigma Lot B. Alpha Lot C. Horton Lot D. Music Lot E. Gym Lot F. Science Lot G. Myers Lot

Myers Hall (Talbot) ........ .................... ...... ..2 Physical Plant. ........................................ ... .27 Rose of Sharon Prayer Chapel .................26 Rose Memorial Library...............................5 Rosemead School of Psychology ...............9 Science Building ..........................................8 Sigma Chi (Women) .................................. 14 Soccer Field and Track .............. ............... 17 Soubirou Hall .............................................24 Stewart Hall (Men) .. .................................31 Student Health Center ..............................25 Student Union Building ............................20 Post Office

H. Feinberg Road (employees only) I. Soubirou Lot (employees only) J. Infirmary Lot (employees and visitors only) K. Metzger Lot (employees only) L. Stewart Lot M. Stewart Road N. Hart Hall Road 0. McNally V. Visitor parking available at green curb spaces

Eagle's Nest (Coffee Shop) Student Missionary Union Associated Student Body Offices Student Publications Lounge

Sutherland Hall and Auditorium ................6 Tennis Courts ........ .......... .......................... 15

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