


................. Registrar's Office Extension 5504

Double Major A student may be graduated with two majors. The following information is for those pursuing two majors: All prerequisites, supporting courses and depart­ mental requirements for each major must be completed. The second major must have minimum of 18 upper division units unique to that major (i.e., minimum of 48 major units and 148 total units required- see individu­ al major requirements) . The student must confer with the departments in which he will major and with the Registrar's Office. Minors Although Biola University does not require the student to have a minor for graduation, there are a number of instances in which a student may wish to take a minor, especially in planning for a career in teaching. By checking the various departments in the catalog, a student may determine if a minor is offered. Aminor usually requires a minimum of 18 units, 12 of which should be upper division and six of these should be unique to the minor, i.e., not counted toward any other requirements. Writing Competency Exam Before graduation from Biola, a student must pass the Writing Competency Exam. This exam will not be given separately from the standard curriculum. Instead, each department has designed an exam to suit the particular demands of its major. Several upper-division courses will offer the exam as part of their regular requirements. The exam normally should be taken during the student's junior year, preferably during the first s.emester. Students with junior status should enroll in at least one of the Writing Competency courses offered within their major (most departments will identify their Writing Competency courses in the Schedule of Classes, although some departments distribute their own information sheet on the exam). Several departments offer more than one Writing Competency course. If a student enrolls in more than one Writing Competency course, that student may choose the course in which he or she will attempt to pass the Writing Competency Exam. Students who do not pass the exam must enroll in another Writing Competency course during the follow­ ing semester. After a second failure, students must take English 210 (Writing for Competency). A grade of C+ or higher in this course will satisfy the Writing Competency requirement. Students cannot enroll in English 210 until they have failed the exam twice.

Pre-Seminary: Biola University provides an excel­ lent background in undergraduate education for semi­ nary training. The requirements in general education, Bible, and major fields meet the requirements for admission into seminary. The pre-seminary student should check his program at Biola University with the requirements of the particular seminary he plans to enter.

DEGREES OFFERED School ofArts and Sciences

The BACHELOR OF ARTS degree. Offered with majors in art, communication, English, history, humanities, liberal studies, music, social science and sociology. The BACHELOR OF Music degree. Offered with empha­ sis in composition, music education, and performance. The BACHELOR OF SCIENCEdegree. Offered with majors in art, biochemistry, biological science, busi­ ness administration, chemistry, computer science, mathematical science, nursing, physical education and physical science. The MAsrERoFARTS degree. Offered in education. The MASIBR OF Music degree. Offered in church music. School ofIntercultural Studies The BACHELOR oF ARTS degree in the lntercultural studies. The MAsrEROF ARTS degree in intercultural studies and world missions. The DOCTOR OF M1ss10LOGY and the DOCTOROF EDUCATION degree. Talbot School ofTheology The BACHELOR OF ARTS degree in biblical studies and Christian education. The MASTER oF ARTS degree in biblical studies, ministry, Christian education, theological studies and marriage and family ministries. Talbot also offers the MAsrER OF DIVINITY degree, the MAsrER OFTHEOLOGY degree, the DOCTOR OFMINISTRY degree and the DOCTOR OF EDUCATIONdegree. Rosemead School ofPsychology The BACHELOR OF ARTS degree in psychology. The MASTER OF ARTS, the DOCTOR OF PsvcHOLOGY and the DOCTOR OF PH1LOsoPHY degree in clinical psychology.


Students seeking a second baccalaureate degree must complete a minimum of 30 distinct units in a second area of major studies. Aminimum of 160 total units are required for graduation with a double degree. All prerequisites, supporting courses and departmental requirements for each major must be completed. The student must confer with the departments in which he will major and with the Registrar's Office.

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