

Christian Education

404 Physical Chemistry II (3) Quantum chemistry, molecular struc­ ture, spectroscopy, macromolecules and surface chemistry. Prerequisite: 402 411, 412 Biochemistry I, II (3,3) Fundamental concepts of metabolism, bioenergetics, biosynthesis and other chemistry of life processes. Three hours lecture. Prerequisite: 302. 420 Special Topics in Chemistry (3) Short subjects in such areas as the chemical literature , various instrumental methods, polymers, organometallics and in­ dustrial chemistry. Prerequisite: depart­ mental approval. 422 Laboratory Methods in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2) An integrated laboratory course to ac­ company 411. Modern techniques in molec­ ular genetics, metabolic processes, bioener­ getics and enzyme mechanisms. Six hours laboratory. One hour discussion/quiz. Prerequisite: Biology 312 and Chemistry 411. Alternate years. Lab fee: $30. 450 Seminar in Chemistry (1) A series of seminar topics dealing with current research subjects, vocational oppor­ tunities, philosophy of science and faith. Every student presents one seminar on some area of research. Prerequisite: de­ partmental approval. 480 Special Project in Chemistry {1-3) Research or industrial internship. Requires a written report. Prerequisite: de­ partmental approval.


The general education requirement for a foreign language for those majoring in Christian education depends upon the num­ ber of years that were completed in high school of the same foreign language. Specific requirements are listed under "gen­ eral education requirements" for the Bachelor of Arts degree. All specialization courses are subject to departmental approval. The specialization areas offered are: Children Vocational opportunities with this option include children's director or minister in a local church, a staff member with organiza­ tions that minister to children in the United States or on a mission field, a writer of ma­ terials for use with children. Youth Vocational opportunities for youth spe­ cialization would include a local church youth director or minister, a club director for youth parachurch agencies, a youth camp director, a Christian education direc­ tor in a church that emphasizes youth or an assistant or associate pastor with responsi­ bilities for youth. Intercultural Vocational opportunities with this option include service on a foreign mission field or service in one of the many subcultures in the pluralistic society of the United States. Diversified This option is for those who wish to de­ sign a specialization unique to their inter­ ests such as church-related camping, coun­ seling, communication, business, music, computer science, etc.

Dean: W. Bingham Hunter, Ph.D. Associate Dean: Dennis H. Dirks,Ph.D. Chair: Michael J. Anthony, Ed.D. Undergraduate Coordinator: E. Stan Leonard, D.Min.

FACULTY Associate Professors: Anthony, Leonard, Radcliffe, Wilson Instructor: Garland

OBJECTIVES The Christian education major is de­ signed to prepare its graduates for profes­ sional ministries in church and parachurch agencies and to provide a foundation for graduate training. Therefore, at the com­ pletion of this major, the student will have: realized his identity in relation to his posi­ tion in Christ and his spiritual gifts and abil­ ities related to Christian ministries; demon­ strated the essential knowledge and skills to study scriptures inductively and to commu­ nicate biblical truths effectively; established a basic philosophy of Christian education which incorporates the biblical concepts of discipleship and leadership; demonstrated his ability to be sensitive to others as per­ sons, understanding how people function in both individual and group learning experi­ ences; developed and demonstrates his abil­ ity to function successfully in teaching roles and/or in leadership roles. DEGREE PROGRAM A BACHELOROF ARTS DEGREE IN CHRISTIAN EDUCATION upon completion of the university baccalaureate and major requirements. The Christian education major requires the com­ pletion of a core of 33 units, 24 of which must be upper division and include: 150, 251, 252, 260, 261, 350, 360, 382, 450, 460, 490 and two of the following: 372, 373, 374. Bible 220 must be taken as the Bible elective. In addition to the 33-unit core, each stu­ dent is required to select a specialization of 15 to 23 units. Half of the courses taken within the specialization must be C.E. courses. There are eight specializations from which a student may choose that re­ flect a broad variety of ministry options in this field. The diversified specialization al­ lows the student to design a program that best suits his/her vocational interests.

Elementary Teaching Credential Program

This option combines the C.E. major core with liberal studies courses. This specializa­ tion requires more units than the others do but some units in the C.E. core are substitut­ ed for credential requirements. Students must pass the general knowledge section of the National Teachers Examination (NTE) prior to student teaching. Pre-seminary in Christian Education If a student plans to pursue graduate work in Christian education, there are spe­ cialization courses appropriate to a broader foundation in specified areas.

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