


Public and Interpersonal Communication

Public Relations When you have completed this concen­ tration you should be prepared for employ­ ment in public relations or marketing relat­ ed positions. This concentration combines business and communication courses into an interdisciplinary program. Obtaining a degree with this concentra­ tion requires 36 units of which 30 must be upper division. and must include: 334, 384, 385,387,388,458,475 or 457, and 478 and Business 330, 331, and 334. Students are required to take Communication 100 to ful­ fill the general education requirements. Interdisciplinary This concentration will provide you max­ imum latitude in creating a course of study to suit your particular needs. If you choose this option, begin by consulting with an ad­ visor from the Communication Department. Your advisor will help you choose appropri­ ate courses, which may include courses from other departments. You will then complete a form (available from the Communication Department) in which you describe your career goals and give a ratio­ nale for each of the courses selected. The form will be submitted to a commit­ tee made up of your advisor, the Communication Department chairman, and a third faculty member. The committee may accept the proposal as submitted, make minor modifications before accepting it, or reject it. If accepted, the proposal becomes part of your graduation requirements. In making its decision the committee will consider the following: (1) The pro­ posed courses should prepare you well for your stated career objectives. (2) The pro­ posal should focus study to a limited area which can be covered in depth. (3) The academic rigor of the proposal should be at least equal to that expected of other com­ munication concentrations. (4) If, in the judgment of the committee, these goals can be met better through another major or concentration the proposal will be rejected. Obtaining a degree with this concentra­ tion requires a minimum of 36 units, 21 of which must be from the Department of Communication. Two specific courses, 458 and 478 are required. A minimum of 27 units must be upper division. The interdisci­ plinary proposal must be submitted and ap­ proved no later than the first semester of the junior year. No exceptions will be made.

Chair: Diane Shanebeck

When you have completed this concen­ tration you should be prepared for employ­ ment in fields where excellent interpersonal and group communication skills are espe­ cially important. This concentration is also excellent preparation for graduate training for careers in fields such as the ministry, education, or law. Obtaining a degree with this concentra­ tion requires 36 units, 27 of which must be upper division, and include 270, 385, 386, 458,475,478. Students are required to take Communication 100 to fulfill the general ed­ ucation requirement, but it does not count toward the concentration requirements. The remaining 18 units must be selected from the following courses: 170, 181, 280, 282/382,357,383,384,387,388, 440, 450, 461,470,472,474,476,480. Writing The writing concentration is to prepare students for a variety of writing vocations such as journalism, technical writing, cre­ ative writing or for graduate study. Obtaining a degree with this concentra­ tion requires 36 units, 30 of which must be upper division, including: 230, 457,458,478; English 340, 350, 450 plus one upper divi­ sion literature course (English 360, 370, 380.) The remaining units are to be select­ ed from 245, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334, 335, 346, 356, 430 or 435. Radio-Television-Film When you complete this concentration you should have acquired entry level skills suitable for employment in the broadcast or film industries. In addition you should have a depth of background which will enable you to continue to grow and develop, lead­ ing to promotion to higher levels of respon­ sibility. Your skills will be suitable for either Christian or secular media. Obtaining a degree with this concentra­ tion requires 36 units, 24 of which must be upper division. Must include: 251, 352, 457, 458, 459, 478 and at least one of 335, 336, 356. The remaining 15 units are to be communication electives, of which 6 units must be upper division.

FACULTY Professor: Lewis Associate Professors: Cochran, Nash, D. Shanebeck Assistant Professor: Pierce OBJECTIVES It is the purpose of the Communication Department that when you complete our major you will have: (1) Well developed per­ sonal communication skills and be able to think, write, and speak clearly and effective­ ly; (2) Learning skills which will enable you to continue to develop personally and pro­ fessionally after graduation; (3) Entry level skills for employment in your chosen field or else have suitable preparation for gradu­ ate study; (4) At least the beginnings of a workable world view which unifies your life's work and your Christian faith. DEGREE PROGRAM A BACHEWR OF ARTs DEGREE IN COMMUNICATION is offered upon completion of the university baccalaureate and communication major re­ quirements with one of the following concentrations. Communication Disorders The concentration in communication dis­ orders is a pre-professional degree that pro­ vides the student with a foundation in nor­ mal communication and an understanding of the complexities of communication prob­ lems. It is the aim of the department to set this knowledge within the framework of a Christian perspective and a focus on the in­ dividual rather than the disorder. Students completing this concentration should be fully prepared for the graduate work neces­ sary for the certification or credentials in this area. Obtaining a degree with this concentra­ tion requires 42 units, 36 of which must be upper division and include: 312, 321, 324, 326, 458 and 478. Either Biology 311 or Psychology 412 is required as a supporting course. The remaining 24 units must be se­ lected with faculty advice from the following courses:220,327,328,421,422,423,424, 425,427,428,429,470.

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