

Foreign Languages


Spanish 401, 402 Survey of Spanish American Literature Spanish 403, 404 Survey of Spanish Literature Spanish 407 The Spanish American Novel Spanish 411 Literature Del Siglo XIX Spanish 412 Contemporary Spanish Literature

Chair: David Dickson, Ph.D.

Students desiring to enroll in French should do so during their freshman and sophomore years. It is impossible to com­ plete requirement for general education (BA degree) if student starts in his senior year. Students with high school French should consult with department for placement. 101, 102 Elementary French (4,4) Basic principles of pronunciation and grammar, vocabulary drill, graded reading. From the beginning, classroom conversa­ tions in French. Five hours each week. 201 Intermediate French (4) Intermediate grammar and conversation, with emphasis on reading for meaning and speed. Class conducted in French. Five hours each week. 202 Conversational French (3) Prerequisite: French 201. Typical as­ pects of French daily life with special em­ phasis on idioms, useful phrases and con­ versational patterns. Topics deal with true to life situations and practical aspects of the language. Three hours each week.

FACULTY Professor: R. Buss Associate Professor: Dickson Assistant Professors: Porter, D. Wilkins

OBJECTIVES The department's program has two lev­ els of objectives: academic and practical. At a practical level, the objective of the depart­ ment is that each student will acquire a de­ gree of proficiency in a foreign language. For all languages this entails an ability to read and write the language and a knowl­ edge of the culture and literary traditions that accompany it. For the modern lan­ guages this also includes an ability to speak and understand the spoken language. At an academic level, as a part of the liberal arts portion of the general education curricu­ lum, it also is intended that the student ac­ quire: an appreciation for the role of lan­ guage as an expression of culture, skills for using a foreign language as a research tool, and a set of attitudes and learning skills for continued language learning after comple­ tion of the program. DEGREE PROGRAM A BACHELOR OF ARTS D EGREE IN HUMANITIES with a FOREIGN LANGUAGE CONCENTRATION is of­ fered upon completion of the university bac­ calaureate and major requirements. The concentration requires the completion of 30 units, including 18 upper division units in ei­ ther language. Advisement for humanities majors with a foreign language concentra­ tion is through the Department of Foreign Languages. (See humanities section for specifics.) Note: To fulfill the foreign language re­ quirement for the Bachelor ofArts degree, it is necessary to complete three semesters ofa modern language or four semesters ofclassi­ cal language, for a total of12 units. Competency Requirement In following the sequence of courses in foreign languages the student must have a minimum grade of "C" (not "C-") to enroll is subsequent courses.

320 Studies in Language and Literature (3)

Both standard and specialized offerings : one or more sections offered upon demand in areas such as: Conversation, survey of Literature A and B, Seventeenth Century Drama, Nineteenth Century Novel. May be repeated with different content (section title) . 340 French Civilization and Culture (3) Typical aspects of French civilization and the significant historical events and major contributions of the French people. Readings in records of historical, literary and cultural importance. Conducted in English. (See History 340.) GERMAN Students desiring to enroll in German should do so during their freshman and sophomore years. Elementary German 101 will be offered during the interterm in phase with Biola Abroad program. Please see Biola Abroad for further details. Students with high school German should consult with de­ partment for placement

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