

101, 102 Elementary Spanish (4, 4) The fundamentals of pronunciation, grammar, conversation and reading, Taught by the Audio-lingual method with emphasis on diction, comprehension, reading and writing. Five hours each week. 103, 104 Basic Spanish For Health Personnel (4, 4) Basic skills in Spanish with emphasis on communicating in health-related terms. Offered when demand is sufficient for a class of 20 students. 201 Intermediate Spanish (4) Advanced grammar, composition, in­ creased facility in reading and conversation. Five hours each week. Either semester. 310, 311 Advanced Spanish (3, 3) Advanced work in reading, writing and conversation. Prerequisite: 201 or equivalent 401, 402 Survey ofSpanish American Literature (3, 3) A survey of literature of Hispanic America to modern times; reading and dis­ cussion of outstanding literary works and movements. Conducted in Spanish. Prerequisites: 310, 311 or equivalent and consent of instructor. Alternate years. 403, 404 Survey of Spanish Literature (3, 3) A survey of the literature of Spain from earliest times to present; reading and dis­ cussion of the outstanding literary works and movements. Conducted in Spanish. Prerequisites: 310, 311 or equivalent. Alternate years. 407 The Spanish American Novel (3) Representative novels of Spanish America; emphasis an characteristics and .styles; literary movements and influences. Prerequisites: 401, 402. Alternate years. 408 Hispanic Theater (3) Significant works of the drama of Spain and Latin America. Prerequisites: 401, 402. Alternate years. 411 Literature Del Siglo XIX (3) Works of Larra, Galdos, Pardo, Bazan, Clarin, Unamuno, Azorin, Baroja. Prerequisites: 403, 404. Alternate years. 412 Contemporary Spanish Literature (3) Current literature and developing trends. Prerequisites: 403, 404. Alternate years.

480 Directed Research {1-3) Individual research and writing for ad­ vanced students by special arrangement. Prerequisites: senior standing and consent (student must have taken 401, 402, 403, and 404 or equivalents). May be repeated with different content.

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