

Intercultural Studies

vide an information center which will an­ swer inquiries concerning missions and en­ courage students and faculty to pursue aca­ demic excellence and spiritual maturity so that they can carry out with competence the Lord's program of discipling all peoples. DEGREE PROGRAM A BACHELOR OF ARTS DEGREE IN lNTERCULTURAL STUDIES is offered upon completion of the university baccalaureate and major require­ ments. The intercultural studies major re­ quires the completion of 36 units consisting of a core of 18 units with a remaining 18 units chosen to support the particular ca­ reer interest of the student. A personalized interdisciplinary pro­ gram may be designed by the student and the student's adviser. The 18-unit core in­ cludes: 300, 322, 340, either 310 or 313, 420, and 451. For the interdisciplinary program, 12 upper division units are to be chosen from outside of the major in a discipline that supports the student's career objectives. All students in the major are required to take theology 468 to ful:fill the Bible elective require­ ment. All students must have 24 upper division credits in their major program design. Students with senior standing may take 500 level courses (see School of Intercultural Studies graduate of­ ferings) by permission. Note: For the Intercultural Studies majors only, Intercultural Studies 300 is prerequisite to all anthropology coursework. Other pro­ grams include: Field Internship The student is encouraged to participate in a summer mission or semester intern­ ship program during the study program. Teacher Credential Programs In cooperation with the Education Department, lntercultural Studies provides waiver programs leading to a California Teaching Credential. The Diversified Studies program combines the Intercultural Studies core with liberal studies courses leading to a Multiple Subject credential suit­ able for teaching in the elementary school. The Social Studies/Intercultural Studies waiver program combines the Intercultural Studies core with required coursework leading to a Single Subject Credential suit­ able for teaching in high school. Those in­ terested in a teaching credential should consult with lntercultural Studies and the Education Department.

MINOR An INTERCULTURAL STUDIES MINOR is offered with the completion of 18 units, 12 of which must be upper division, including 300. The student is expected to take theology 468 for Bible elective. Students must consult with department adviser. . 300 General Cultural Anthropology (3) The nature of man and his culture; worldview and perception; culture change; a study of the subsystems of cultures, includ­ ing social organization, religion, language and related topics. COURSES ANTHROPOLOGY 322 Interpersonal and Intercultural Adjustment (3) Issues relating to intercultural living with focus on personal and interpersonal adjust­ ments with nationals and other missionaries. 331 Peoples ofEthnic America (3) A study of non-caucasian ethnic groups in America in the light of their historical and socio-cultural background. Practical field experience in an ethnic community. Fee: $35. 332 Peoples of the World (3) Specific area studies with emphasis on customs, social structures, religion, arts, his­ tory and intercultural communication. May be repeated with different course content.


Dean: Marvin K Mayers, Ph.D. Undergraduate Coordinator: Marguerite G. Kraft, D.Miss.

FACULTY Professors: Cook, Kwast, S. Llngenfelter, Mayers Associate Professors: Dollar, Kraft, Liao, J. Lingenfelter OBJECTIVES The objectives of the Intercultural Studies major are: (1) to enable every student to demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of the theological, historical, sociological, an­ thropological and linguistic issues of the cross-­ cultural communication of the gospel; (2) to enable every student to demonstrate a person­ al responsibility to the mandate given by the Lord Jesus Christ to make disciples of every nation; to enable every student to understand man and culture, (3) to increase his or her un­ derstanding of linguistic and cultural diversity, to relate more meaningfully to people with a different linguistic and cultural background and to be encouraged to analyze and under­ stand intercultural problems and develop Christian perspectives toward these problems. The careers open to intercultural studies major are diverse, and include such areas as missions outreach, cross-cultural health services, development programs and agen­ cies, social welfare, translation work, infor­ mation research, bilingual and multicultural education, cross-cultural communications, and public and foreign service. The Intercultural Studies major is de­ signed to allow students to pursue options which will best prepare them for their ca­ reer objectives. The interdisciplinary con­ centration offers a unique opportunity to combine Intercultural Studies with other disciplines in the University to prepare the student for careers such as bicultural educa­ tion, cross-cultural mass media communica­ tions, social work, cross-cultural counseling, missions political liaison, urban program ad­ ministration, etc. Missions outreach has been the major thrust and the spiritual strength of our pro­ gram. It is the desire of the faculty that each student in the program will find in their par­ ticular career choice the means to effective cross-cultural personal ministry and evange­ lism. Toward that end the School will pro-

400 Comparative Folklore and Mythology (3)

Major traditional and recessive elements in western civilization and culture from the time of an Indo-European unity to the pre­ sent. Cross-cultural influences; relationship of history, myth and Bible; university of some mythological manifestations. Major schools of interpretation and tools of re­ search. (See History 450.) 401 Magic, Witchcraft and Sorcery (3) A treatment of conceptions of the super­ natural, the function of religion in society, religion and social control, the nature of re­ ligious ritual and paraphernalia, sacred

places and religious practitioners. Prerequisite: approval of teacher.

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