305 Advanced Calculus (3) The real number system, elementary topological concepts in Cartesian spaces, convergence, continuity, derivatives and in tegrals. Prerequisite: 298 or consent. 315 Modern Algebra (3) Introduction to abstract algebra with top ics from elementary ring, field and group theories. Emphasis on ring of integers, con gruences, polynomial domains, permutation groups. Prerequisite: 298 or consent. 321 Numerical Analysis (3) Functions of one variable, approximate numerical solutions of non-linear equations and systems of linear equations, interpola tion theory, numerical differentiation and integration, numerical solutions of ordinary differential equations. Prerequisites: 291, Computer Science 101. Fee: $10. 331 Probability (3) Samples spaces, axioms and elementary theorems of probability, combinatorics, in dependence, conditional probability, Bayes' Theorem, one and higher dimensional ran dom variables, special and multivariate dis tributions. Prerequisites: 112, 205. 332 Statistics (3) Estimation: consistency unbiasedness, maximum likelihood, confidence intervals. Testing hypothesis; type I and II errors, likelihood ratio tests, test for means and variances; regression and correlation, Chisquare tests, decision theory, nonpara metric statistics; application of statistical methods. Prerequisite: 331 or consent. 333 Operations Research (3) Mathematical foundations of model building, optimization, linear programming models, game theoretic models. Prerequisites: 291, Computer Science 101. Fee: $10. 410 Topics in Advanced Calculus (3) Implicit function theorems, main theo rems in integral calculus. Jacobian transfor mations, infinite series. Prerequisite: 305. 415 Number Theory and the History of Mathematics (3) The history of mathematics from Euclid through the nineteenth century as seen by exploring developments in number theory including congruences, Diophantine equa tions, divisibility, theorems of Fermat and Wilson, primitive roots, indices, quadratic
reciprocity and the distribution of prime numbers. Prerequisite: 298.
software design and development and is de signed to prepare students for careers that include systems analysis, computer pro gramming and operations and various com puter-oriented business occupations and to enable those who wish further study to pur sue graduate work in computer science or in closely related fields. Such fields include business administration and applied mathe matics. There is a concerted attempt by the department to integrate faith and learning in the study of modern computer systems and their impact upon our society. MAJORS A BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE IN COMPUTER SCIENCE is offered upon completion of the university baccalaureate and the computer science major in one of the following em phases. Information Systems (51 units) This emphasis must complete: 101, 102, 201, 300, 325, 402 and 425. One of 202, 302 or 400. Business 202, 211, 212, 330, 370 and 415. Math 103, 112 and 210. Scientific Application (50 units) This emphasis must complete: 101, 102, 202, 300,302, 310, 400 and 480. One of 201, 326 or 402. Math 105, 106, 112, 291 and 333. Two of 315, 321, 331, 332 or 430. Note: The general education requirement for mathematics and science is three units of science for a computer science major. The general education requirement for a foreign language for those following a com puter science major may be met by two years of high school language or the first four units of a college language. MINOR A COMPUTER SCIENCE MINOR is offered with the completion of 21 units. Students pursu ing a minor are required to take a core cur riculum of 101, 102 and one of 201 or 202. The remaining requirements are fulfilled according to interest and in consultation with department adviser. At least two courses must be at the 300 or 400 level. COURSES 100 Introduction to Computers (3) Elementary concepts of computers and data processing. Simple problem solving techniques using the computer. Application to statistics, life science, business and social
420 Modern Geometry (3) Homogeneous projective coordinates in variants, duality, Desargues's and Pappus's theorems, transformations, point and line conics, various axioms systems for Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometry. Prerequisite: 298. 435 Mathematics for the Physical Sciences (3) First order differential equations and second order linear equations, series solu tions, Laplace transforms, numerical meth ods, partial differential equations and Fourier series, boundary value problems and Sturm-Liouville theory. Prerequisite: 205, 291 or consent. 440 Complex Variables (3) Complex variables, analytic functions, com plex integral theorems, power series, confor mal mappings. Prerequisite: 205 or consent 450 Topics in Abstract Algebra (3) Topics from groups, ring and fields. Galois theory. Prerequisite: 315. 480 Research Seminar (1-3) Special studies in mathematics. Prerequisite: senior standing or consent.
Computer Science
OBJECTIVES Computer science is the discipline which studies the representation, storage and transformation of information utilizing a computer. The Department of Computer Science at Biola University provides two pri mary areas of concentration in addition to a basic core curriculum. These two areas are information systems and scientific applica tions. The department also offers a selec tion of courses for those majoring in other fields who wish a minor emphasis in the area of computer science. The resources available to the department include a Digital Equipment Corporation VAX 11/780, and Apple Ile, Macintosh, and IBM PC mi crocomputers. The department endeavors to provide each student with an understanding of the organization and operation of modern com puter systems. The curriculum emphasizes
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