Applications to business, scientific, engineer ing, and real-time problems. Prerequisites: 202 and 302 or consent. Fee: $15. 325 Management Science (3) Application of quantitative techniques in business organizations, linear programming, queueing, and inventory models, network analysis and dynamic programming and pro duction scheduling and control. Prerequisite: 100 or 101, Math 210 or BUS 190, Math 103 or BUS 223 or consent. Fee: $10. 326 Systems Simulation (3) Development and analysis of systems models through computer simulation, opti mization in continuous models, linear pro gramming queuing and inventory models. Prerequisite: 325 or Math 333. Fee: $15. 400 Theory ofAlgorithms (3) Analytic techniques for the determina tion of algorithmic efficiency, NP-complete problems, complexity hierarchies, probably intractable problems. Prerequisite: 300. Fee: $15. 402 Database Management (3) Integrated database systems, logical or ganization, data description language (DDL) , data manipulation language (DML), of hierarchical networks and relational databases, overview of selected database
science. BASIC programming. Cannot be counted toward the major. Fee: $15.
101 Introduction to Computer Science I (3) Introduction to computer hardware and software. Problem solving methods. Elementary concepts of algorithm develop ment. PASCAL programming. Fee: $15. 102Applications Program Development (3) Elementary concepts of data structures, file organization and processing. Comuter problem solving methods. PASCAL pro gramming. Prerequisite: 101. Fee: $15. 201 Systems Analysis and Data (3) Business computing systems. Systems development life cycle. Techniques and tools of system documentation and logical system specifications. Concepts and tech niques of structuring data on bulk storage devices. File processing techniques. COBOL programming. Prerequisite: 102. Fee: $15. 202 Assembly Language Programming (3) Basic concepts of computer systems and computer architecture. Assembly language programming. Micros, program segmenta tion and linkages. Prerequisite: 102. 230 Programming Languages (3) Organization and structure of program ming languages. Run-time behavior and re quirements of programs. Introduction to programming language specifications and analysis. Study of various alternative lan guages. Prerequisite: 202. Fee: $15. 300 Data Structures (3) linear lists, strings, arrays and orthogonal lists; graphs, trees, binary trees, multilinked structures, searching and sorting techniques, dynamic storage allocation; applications. Prerequisite: 201 or 202. Fee: $15. 302 Computer Organization (3) Organization and structuring of the major hardware components of computers. Mechanics of information transfer and con trol within a digital computer system. Fundamentals of logic design. Communications systems. Prerequisite: 201 or 202. Fee: $15. 310 Systems Programming (3) Design and implementation of operating systems, loaders, language translators, and utilities. Programming techniques.
management systems (DBMS). Prerequisite: 201 or 202. Fee: $15.
425 Applied Software Development Project (3) Integration of knowledge and abilities gained through other courses in the cur riculum within a comprehensive system for development project. Prerequisite: 402 or consent. Fee: $15. 480 Research Seminar (1-3) Special studies in computer science. Prerequisite: senior standing or consent.
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