

3. To provide a broad theory base as a foundation for dynamic nursing practice required to meet current and future health care needs of society. 4. To foster intellectual inquiry and compe­ tency in critical and creative thinking es­ sential for continued growth as a person, citizen, and professional. 5. To prepare the graduate for independent practice, for collaborative activities, and for involvement in research required to fulfill the responsibilities of the profes­ sional nurse in a broad variety of settings. Objectives To demonstrate the caring essential to the practice of professional nursing the graduate is expected to: 1. Base nursing practice on a philosophical foundation consistent with what Biola University and the department of nurs­ ing believe about the nature of man. 2. Integrate knowledge of behavioral, biological and physical sciences in nurs­ ing practice and in understanding the de­ velopment of nursing science. 3. Base nursing practice on a formulation of theoretical knowledge incorporating communication/collaboration, teaching/learning, problem-solving/deci­ sion-making and leadership/manage­ ment principles. 4. Utilize research techniques to collect relevant data systematically from all per­ tinent interactional systems, the environ­ ment and the knowledge base to facili­ tate effective use of the nursing process and contribute to the existing body of nursing knowledge. 5. Demonstrate application of synthesized concepts related to stress/adaptation. developmental, interactional and system theories in the purposeful and systemat­ ic use of the nursing process to facilitate optimal adaptation through appropriate use of the prevention, conservation and restoration modes within the three inter­ actional systems. 6. Identify and utilize knowledge of the relevant cultural, economic, political and social factors and the interactions between them that affect the practice of nursing and the delivery of health care services. 7. Demonstrate personal and professional development consistent with the goals of Biola University and baccalaureate nurs­ ing education.

ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS Admission into Biola University does not guarantee admission into clinical nursing. A student may be admitted to the depart­ ment of baccalaureate nursing upon meet­ ing of the requirements of university admis­ sion, including: SATS, high school chem­ istry and algebra with at least a grade of "C" and/or passing an entrance examination in these two subjects, and (1) completing the prescribed prenursing curriculum (avail­ able from the Nursing Department) with a minimum grade of "C" (2.00) in chemistry, anatomy and physiology, and a cumulative G.P A of 2.5 or above; (2) taking the NLN prenursing exam; (3) filing the departmen­ tal application and paying the required non­ refundable $20 deposit by January 15; an additional $10.00 late application fee will be levied on those received after the deadline; (4) submitting proof of current certification in cardiopulmonary resuscitation through the American Red Cross or American Heart Association; and (5) meeting approval of the faculty of the Department of Nursing. Applicants whose educational and profes­ sional experiences qualify them for ad­ vanced standing are welcome. Those in­ tending to challenge nursing courses should make an appointment with the Department of Nursing as soon as accepted by the University.

Consistent with our belief about the na­ ture of the individual, each student is viewed as a unique person with a unique cultural, ethnic, and social background. It is the role of the educator to provide the learning cli­ mate and facilitate access to resources that will enhance each student's ability to meet his/her individual learning needs. It is our belief that the goal of learning is behavioral change in the cognitive, affec­ tive, and psychomotor domains. Learning is a purposeful, dynamic process and in­ volves a change in knowledge, skills, atti­ tudes, values, and/or beliefs. It occurs more efficiently, is more pervasive, and more enduring when the learner actively participates in all phases of the learning process. Previous experience provides the foundation for current learning. Learning is facilitated when experiences move from the familiar to the unfamiliar and from the simple to the complex. Learning which in­ volves discovery of organizing principles rather than specific content facilitates the transfer of learning to novel situations. We believe critical and creative thinking are essential for the professional nurse. Development of these skills is fostered in a learning environment that: (1) provides op­ portunity for involvement in problem-solv­ ing and decision-making early in the learn­ ing process; (2) creates tension as a stimu­ lus to inquiry and discovery; (3) provides exposure to a variety of problems in a vari­ ety of settings; (4) encourages maturation of the ability to utilize internal and external evaluative feedback; and (5) promotes in­ creasing self-direction and independence. The educator as a role model enhances the learning process by demonstrating the skill of inquiry and discovery. Acting as a facilitator and resource person, the educa­ tor guides the learner through the educa­ tional experience. We believe that the edu­ cational process is part of the continuing de­ velopment of the learner's potentialities for continued growth as a person, citizen, and professional nurse. Statement ofPurpose 1. To provide a liberal and professional education in a Christian setting as a foundation for practice, advanced educa­ tion, and productive living. 2. To develop graduates who are sensitive to the total needs of their fellow men and who recognize and respect the value of each individual as uniquely created in God's image.

After Being Accepted Into Biola's Nursing Program

A student is required to have, at his own expense, a yearly physical examination and specific laboratory tests and immunizations by June 15. Students will not be permitted in the clinical agency without this. Each student is assessed for liability insurance through the University when participating in clinical courses. The University and cooperating agencies assume no responsibility for illness or accidents occurring during the school pro­ gram. A student must arrange for his own transportation to clinical agencies as the University does not provide transportation. The senior nursing student in community health nursing must have a valid driver's li­ cense and access to a car. Valid CPR certifica­ tion is required and must be renewed annual­ ly throughout the clinical nursing program. Theory and clinical must be taken concur­ rently in courses with a clinical component Due to the importance of course and clin­ ical orientation, attendance is mandatory to proceed in nursing courses. A student must earn a minimum grade of 2.0 in English, mi­ crobiology, statistics and in each nursing

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