

400Mental Health Nursing- Clinical (2) Clinical application of the nursing process with clients in mental health setting. (C*) 412 Nursing ofthe Childbearing Family -Theory (3) Implementation of the nursing process utilizing a family-<:entered approach to childbearing and maternal health promo­ tion. Prerequisites: 302, Biology 282. (C*) 412 Nursing ofthe Childbearing Family -Clinical (3) Clinical application of the nursing pro­ cess in providing family centered maternal health care in acute and community set­ tings. (C*) 414 Nursing ofthe Childrearing Family -Theory (3) Implementation of the nursing process utilizing a family centered approach to child­ rearing, child health promotion, and care of the ill child. Prerequisites: 302, Biology 282 (C*) 414 Nursing ofthe Childrearing Family - Clinical (3) • Clinical application of the nursing pro­ cess in providing family centered child health care in acute and community set­ tings. (C*) 415 Nursing in Developing Countries (2) Implementation of the nursing process in developing countries where there is limited access to a physician. Open to Registered Nurses and Licensed Vocational Nurses and all clinical nursing majors. Offered Interterm and/or Summer Session only. 420 Advanced Medical/Surgical Nursing - Theory (2) Implementation of the nursing process with adult clients experiencing complex distur­ bances in adaptive equilibrium. Primary focus is on pathophysiology in the physical subsys­ tem. Prerequisite: 302, Biology 282. (C*) 420 Advanced Medical/Surgical Nursing - Clinical (3) Clinical application of the nursing pro­ cess with multicultural clients in the acute medical-surgical setting. (C*)

301 Nursing ofthe Family I- Theory (5) Implementation of the nursing process to facilitate adaptive equilibrium in the client. Includes normal growth and development of the infant through the aged adult. (C*) 301 Nursing ofthe Family- Clinical (5) Clinical application of the nursing pro­ cess with adult clients in acute medical-sur­ gical, convalescent and community settings. Includes Denver Development Assessment of a well child. (C*) 302 Nursing ofthe Family II - Theory (5) Continuation of 301. Implementation of the nursing process to facilitate adaptive equi­ librium in the client. Prerequisite: 301. (C*) 302 Nursing ofthe Family II - Qinical ( 4) Clinical application of the nursing pro­ cess with clients in acute medical-surgical and community settings with emphasis on the surgical client. (C*) 305 Pharmacology (2-3) A study of the characteristics of drug families, drug actions and metabolism, ther­ apeutic uses, untoward responses, precau­ tions and contradictions. Principles for malting sound nursing judgments in the ad­ ministration of medications. 310 Behavioral Concepts for Nursing Practice (2) Concepts affecting the role of the profes­ sional nurse in promoting adaptive equilibri­ um. One and one-half hours lecture; one and one-half hours discussion. (C*) 320 Directed Individual Studies (1-3) Permits students to pursue special inter­ ests related to the profession of nursing. Open to clinical nursing majors only with written consent of instructor. May be re­ peated with different content. Maximum of six units may be taken for credit. 321 Clinical Enrichment (1-4) Opportunity for additional application of the nursing process in selected health care settings. Offered Interterm and Summer School. Open to clinical nursing majors only. Prerequisite: Nursing 301. 400 Mental Health Nursing - Theory (2) Concepts related to nursing of adults with problems of adaptation resulting in psychopathology. Focus is on the applica­ tion of the nursing process to problems of psychopathology. Prerequisite: 302. (C*)

course, and maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 in order to progress in nursing. Courses may be repeated one time only. Students withdrawing at a failing level will be permitted to repeat the course one time only. Students are permitted to withdraw from courses at a failing level two times only during the total clinical nursing program. Unsafe clinical nursing practice, regardless of GPA, is ground for dismissal from the nursing program. Students who withdraw from nursing for any reason cannot be guar­ anteed a space when they plan to return. Transfer-<:hallenge students have equal ac­ cess for open spaces in nursing courses. It is recommended that microbiology (Biology 282) be taken prior to Nursing of the Family I and II. Students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 to take microbiology concurrent with Nursing of the Family I. Students will not be advanced to level II without microbiology. Mandatory comprehensive NLN achievement exams will be taken at the completion of the nursing program. DEGREE PROGRAM A BACHELOR OF ScIENCE DEGREE IN NURSING is offered upon completion of the university baccalaureate and major requirements. The nursing major requires the completion of: Biological Science 252, 281, 282; Chemistry 101,102 (totaling 17 science units); Nursing 301,302,310,400,412,414,420,430,441, 442, 450. Supporting courses: Three units of each of the following: intercultural stud­ ies, sociology, Psychology 200 and statistics. Note: The general education requirement for a foreign language for nursing majors is two years of the same high school language or four units ofa college language. Nursing ma­ jors are exempt from general education re­ quirements ofliterature (3) and history (four ofeight units required). The annual Commitment and Pinning Service is financed by assessing each prenursing and clinical nursing student $5.00 per year. COURSES 3()() Professi0nal Nm:sing Seminar (1 3) A transition seminar designed to facili­ tate socialization into baccalaureate profes­ sional nursing. Designed for transfer-<:hal­ lenge students.

430 Nursing in the Community -Theory (3)

Combines nursing theory with concepts of community health and community men­ tal health. Prerequisites: 400, 412, 414, 420.

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