332 Statistical Physics (3) Introduction to the statistical theory of physical systems. Including the theory of temperature dependent properties and rela tionship between statistical theory and ther modynamics. Prerequisite: 331. / 341 Wave Motion, Optics and Special Relativity (3) Wave motion, optics and an introduction to special relativity. Prerequisite: 222. 411 Quantum Mechanics I (3) An introduction to quantum mechanics. Prerequisite: 341.
MINORS A PHYSICAL SCIENCE MINOR is offered with the completion of Chemistry 105, 106; Physics 211, 222 and six units of electives. A P!lYsics MINOR is offered with the comple tion of 20 units consisting of Physics 211, 222, 331, 341 and 6 upper division units in Physics. COURSES GENERAL EDUCATION COURSES 101 Physical Science and Geography Survey - Lecture (4) Experimental facts and physical theory applicable in geology, meteorology; includ ing the basic physical elements of geogra phy such as climate, land forms, soils and natural vegetation and their patterns of world distribution. Either semester. 102 Physical Science and Geography Survey - Laboratory ( 1) Introductory labwork to accompany the lecture course. Must be taken concurrently or subsequent to the lecture. Three hourslab. Eether semester. Lab fee: $10. 110 Astronomy (3) Descriptive general education course, designed to acquaint the student with the current state of knowledge of the solar sys tem, the Milky Way, galaxies, quasars and cosmology. Three hours lecture, one hour laboratory. Field trip fee: $5. 250 Science and Origins (3) A survey of basic scientific theories, their crucial experimental evidences, and their applications in physics, chemistry, ge ology and astronomy. Particular attention will be given to comparison of scientific the ories of origins and biblical revelation. PHYSICAL SCIENCE: SCIENCE MAJORS 201 Introduction to Appropriate Technology (3) The principles and methods of physical sci ence applied to the introduction of small scale, self-help, relatively simple technology into unde veloped, non-technical communities. This course involves extensive off- campus field work and is normally offered during Interterm. (General education science credit will be grant ed to intercultural studies majors.) Prerequisite: Departmental consent Trip fee: $250.00 (In cludes room, meals and transportation) .
420 Special Projects (1-3) Research or industrial internship. To pro vide practical experience in a field of the stu dent's interest. Designed primarily for stu dents working off campus in a situation where special projects are possible. Prereq uisite: junior or senior standing with consent. 450 Special Topics in Physical Science (3) Varying course content according to stu dent and faculty interest. Topics such as special relativity and nuclear physics rou tinely offered.
PHYSICS 111 Physics I (4)
Mechanics, heat, and sound. Designed primarily for students not taking calculus. Three hours lecture and three hours labora tory each week. Prerequisite: Math 101 or equivalent. Lab fee $15. 122 Physics II (4) Electricity, magnetism, elementary cir cuits, and optics. Designed primarily for student not taking calculus. Three hours of lecture and three hours of laboratory each week. Prerequisite: 111. Lab fee $15. 211 General Physics: Mechanics (4) Elementary Newtonian mechanics; con servation of energy and momentum; oscilla tions. Prerequisite: Mathematical Sciences 105. Three hours lecture, three hours labo ratory. Lab fee: $15. 222 General Physics: Electricity and Magnestism (4) Electrostatics; conductors and currents; magnetic fields; electromagnetic induction; electromagnetic waves. Prerequisite: 211. Mathematical Sciences 106. Three hours lecture, three hours laboratory. Lab fee: $15. 321 Circuits and Instrumentation I (3) An introduction to electronic circuit anal ysis and design. Prerequisite: 222.
322 Circuits and Instrumentation II (3) A continuation of Physics 321.
331 Thermodynamics (3) Introduction to energy, heat, work, en tropy, temperature and states of matter. The first, second and third laws of thermo dynamics with an emphasis on applications. Prerequisite: 211.
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