

Political Science

Public Sector Employment Preparation Students interested in public service at the municipal, county, state or federal level are ad­ vised to major in Social Science with a concen­ tration in political science. The 15 units concen­ tration should include Political Science 200 and 301. In addition, 5 units of Political Science 490, Internship in Political Science, should be taken in the public sector. California Teaching Credential To qualify for a secondary teaching cre­ dential in Government, the program must be tailored to meet the guidelines for teach­ er education. The student must consult with the Departments of Political Science and Education for specifics. COURSES 200 Survey ofAmerican Government (4) The history, organization and function of the legislative, judicial and executive branch­ es of the American government Includes one hour per week involving students in a local government civic service or life experi­ ence activity. Satisfies the state requirement in institutions in American history. Meets the requirement for United States Constitution for California teacher certification. May be taken to satisfy a portion of the eight units history general education requirement 301 Fundamentals ofPublic Administration (3) Fundamentals of public administration; overview of the concepts, nature and scope of the field. Role of government in modern society and the nature of public business. 303 Great Political Thinkers (3) Selective readings in major political thinkers from classical to modern times; analysis of recurring themes including: jus­ tice, natural law, human nature, social class, order, consent, community, property, consti­ tutionalism, social change, revolution, and war. Offered alternate years. 304 Organizational Theory and Behavior (3) Key concepts central to organizing and changing public agencies to meet public so­ cial needs. Review of theories and manage­ rial approaches and methodologies in public administrators.

305 Comparative Government (3) The government systems of England, France, West Germany and Russia com­ pared to the American system of govern­ ment. Offered alternate years. 306 Public Policy (3) An analysis of public policy process and the political context of its formation. System­ atic review of the diverse financial systems in making and implementing public policy. 307 International Relations (3) Asurvey of national-state system; forces affecting international relations; sources of conflict in world politics, and their solution by power politics and international cooperation. 310 Student Government Practicum (1) The organization and function of student government at the University level; parlia­ mentary procedure, committee work and similarity to state and national legislative government. May be repeated for a maxi­ mum of four units. (limited to Biola Associated Students Council and Senate members. Students working for AS. for an hourly wage may not enroll.) 320 The American Presidency (3) Historical development of the office of the presidency; formal and informal powers of the president in executive, legislative, judi­ cial, military, diplomatic and political areas. 391 Public Finance (3) Traditional principles of public finance, government spending and fiscal impacts, development of the public sector, budgets, taxation, procurement, pollution and energy incentives, state and local expenditure pat­ terns, property taxes and revenue sharing. Prerequisites: 301; Business 201, 202, 212. 400 Political Parties (3) Analysis of the history, philosophy, orga­ nization and functioning of America's politi­ cal parties. 405 Problems in American Diplomacy (3) Growth and development of American foreign relation from the Revolution to the present. Analysis of the conduct of foreign relation, its objectives and limitations. 406 Legislation (3) The mechanical rules, procedures and customs in the making of laws in American government. Offered alternate years.

Chair: C. David Peters, Ph.D.

FACULTY Professor: Peters

OBJECTIVES The Department of Political Science seeks to equip students to understand the funda­ mental socio-political institutions of society, and their effect on contemporary life; to par­ ticipate in and contribute to the political pro­ cess; to assess the propriety of political issues and government policies; and to recognize and help meet the needs of the local, state, national and international community; all in a manner consistent with biblical Christianity. DEGREE PROGRAM A BACHEWR OF ARTS DEGREE IN SocIAL Sc!ENCE with a PouncAL ScIENCE CONCENTRATION is offered. Requirements in­ clude a 15-unit core of Political Science courses. See social science section for in­ formation on the major. MAJORS American Studies Program Biola University cooperates with the American Studies Program in Washington, D.C. This program provides work/study opportunities for students each semester in all of the disciplines offered at Biola but es­ pecially political science. Based on the prin­ ciple of integrating faith, learning and liv­ ing, students are invited to spend time in the nation's capital serving as interns, par­ ticipating in an academic seminar program and living in a unique community of Christians from different geographical re­ gions and denominational backgrounds. The American Studies Program is de­ signed for juniors and seniors with a wide range of academic majors and vocational in­ terests. Students are involved in the American Studies Program for periods of three or four months. The internship/semi­ nar opportunity is available September through early May. Prerequisite: Survey ofAmerican Government 200. To make application to the program, interested students should see the chairman of the Political Science Department, who also serves as director of the Biota/Washington D.C. American Studies Program.

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