

205 Psychology ofPersonal Adjustment (3) An empirical/behavioral study of the dy­ namics of personal adjustment. Includes a focus on such issues as self-esteem, the im­ pact of parent-child relationships on adult personality, coping with anger, guilt and de­ pression and interpersonal relationships and relationship skills. Prerequisite: 200. 206 Psychology and Christian Thought (3) An introduction to the nature and pro­ cess of the application of Christian thought to the study and practice of psychology. Prerequisites: 200 and Theology 100.

310 Learning (4) Empirical findings and theoretical devel­ opment in the area of learning and their ap­ plication to human behavior. Three hours lecture, three hours laboratory. Prereq­ uisite: 305. Lab fee: $10. Fall semester. 313 Psychology ofReligious Experience (3) An examination of the nature and scope of religious experience including such is­ sues as the development of religious con­ cepts and values, conversion, the experi­ ence of prayer and spiritual maturity. Attention is also given to issues in the inte­ gration of psychology and theology.

Discussion will include timely issues of per­ sonal relevance to the college student's own development as an emerging young adult. Fall semester, alternating years 405 Social Psychology (3) Attitude formation and change, attitude measurement; prejudice, conformity, lead­ ership, affiliation drives and group process­ es. Social experiments and research. Prerequisite: 210. Spring semester. 410 Motivation (3) Physiological, psychological and social bases of motivation. Topics include drives, obesity, sexual motivation, need for achieve­ ment and aggression. 411 Theories ofPersonality (3) An overview of personality theories in­ cluding the primary representatives of the major schools: analytic or dynamic, human­ istic-existential and behavioral. 412 Physiological Psychology (3) A study of the physiological bases of be­ havior including neural, sensory, motor and chemical aspects with an emphasis on appli­ cation to human rather than animal process. (Biology 311 Neurobiology may be taken as an alternative to this course.) Prerequisite: Biology 100 or 111. Spring semester. 413 Sensation and Perception (3) Theory and research regarding the pro­ cesses of sensation and perception and their relation to motivation and learning. 414 Readings in Psychology {1-3) Reading and bi-weekly discussion with professor of record in a topic of the stu­ dent's choosing. The student is expected to work out, with the professor's supervi­ sion, a detailed course proposal and bibli­ ography and submit with a Learning Contract form available from the depart­ mental office. Prerequisite: senior stand­ ing. Either semester. 418 Seminar in Therapeutic Techniques (3) Emphasis on core facilitation skills. Supportive, re-educative and reconstructive therapies considered. Personal growth ac­ tivities incorporated. Prerequisite: consent.

210 Statistics with Computer Applications (4)

315 Industrial/Organizational Psychology (3)

Elementary statistics for psychological research; literature and computer analysis in sampling, probability, descriptive statis­ tics, basic nonparametric statistics, t-tests, correlation, regression equations and data processing. Not for general education math/science requirement. Three hours lecture, two hours laboratory. Either semester. Lab fee: $10. 303 Human Sexuality (3) An examination of the areas of human sexual functioning and behavior. Issues of sexuality are discussed within a psychologi­ cal and medical/health related framework. Prerequisite: 200 or Biology 100 or 111. 305 Experimental Psychology (4) Philosophy, methodology and analysis of the experimental method. Discussions of problems in conducting and evaluating psy­ chological research. Three hours lecture, two hours laboratory. Prerequisite: 210. Lab fee: $10. Spring semester. 306 Introduction to Measurement (3) Theory and principles of measurement including the construction, reliability, validi­ ty and application of measurement devices

A study of the application of the principles of psychology in industrial and organizational settings. Prerequisite: 200 or consent. 320 Developmental Psychology: Lifespan (3) A study of the theory and research con­ cerning life-span development. Consideration will be given to the physical, emotional, cognitive, social and moral as­ pects of human development across the en­ tire span from conception to death. Discussion will include timely issues of per­ sonal relevance to the student's own devel­ opmental pathway. Spring semester. 321 Developmental Psychology: Childhood (3) An in-depth study of theory and re­ search concerning the childhood period from conception through pre-adolescence. Particular attention will be given to the is­ sues of parent-child bonding and the impact of family dynamics and interaction upon the development of children. Genetic-matura­ tional factors along with their interaction with experiential factors will be examined as to their effect upon behavior. Both pathogenic and adaptive patterns will be ad­ dressed with a view to facilitating optimal development and socialization of children. Fall semester, alternating years.

in various professional settings. Prerequisite: 210. Fall semester.

309 Abnormal Psychology (3) Nature, causes and treatment of abnor­ mal behavior, including the full range of mental disorders identified within current categorical systems.

322 Developmental Psychology: Adolescence (3)

An in-depth study of theory and research concerning the adolescent period including the transition from childhood to adolescence and from adolescence to adulthood. Issues to be considered will include physiological, psychological and social changes, identity formation, behavior and moral development.

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