Llst the major school, community and church activities (music, athletics, work) to which you have devoted much time and effort If you have received spe cial recognition in any of these activities, please describe. If necessary, continue listing on a separate page.
Positions held and/or honors won
Length of participation
D Yes
D No
Do you regularly attend church?
How often do you attend?___________________________________________
Name and address_____________________________________________ of your church (include phone number)------------------------------------------- Strut and number City Stat, Zip .Plto•• Which was the most significant factor influencing your choice to attend Biola University? Check one square only. D Pastor's referral D Biola faculty contact D Biola counselor visited school/college D Alumni D University Day D Biola Hour D Relative attending D Magazine advertisement___________ D Present Biola student/friend_________________
Additional comments ____________________________________________
Are you applying to other colleges or universities? If so, please list ____________________________
How do you plan to meet University expenses?___________________________________
D Yes
D No
Do you consider yourself to be a born-again Christian?
When did you personally accept Christ as your Savior? _________________________________
Explain in your own words the scriptural basis for your salvation and hope of eternal life (give references if you wish).
Why do all people need Christ today?_______________________________________
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