STM 680 WORLD MISSION AND THE LOCAL CHURCH (2 or 3) Designed to integrate principles of cross-cul tural communication and theology and strategy of missions within a total conceptual framework to aid the local church in mission involvement. STM 691-692 TUTORIAL (3, 3) Aself-study course for experienced field work ers, under direction of a faculty mentor, in the subject area of the D.Miss. core requirement. This course is limited to D.Miss. students who can demonstrate prior knowledge and competence in the subject area of the required core. STM 721 CROSS-CULTURAL EDUCATION (3) Exploration of socio-cultural factors that affect teaching and learning strategies in education both here and abroad. STM 760 URBAN PRACTICUM INTERNSHIP (3-6) Aprogram of cross-cultural internships in the urban metropolitan area of L.A. Bypermission of instructor only. STM 762 ADVANCED CHURCH GROWTH (3) Atheological and missiological understanding of church growth principles and their application to the missionary task. STM 770 DEMOGRAPHIC RESEARCH (3) The study of human populations by behavioral and statistical research. STM 773 FIELD METHODS (3) This course is a practicum for applying proce dures of language analysis and description as they could be coordinated with learning a foreign lan guage. Students will interact with a speaker of non-European language throughout the semester. STM 774 ADVANCED PHONOLOGY (3) Hierarchical, generative, and natural gener ative approaches to the study of sound systems of languages. Advanced training in the analysis of often subconscious factors affecting pronunci ation, implicational meaning, and language change. This course is necessary preparation for Bible translation and literacy mrk. Prerequisites: BIGS 413, BIGS 414. STM 775 ANTHROPOLOGY/LINGUISTICS FOR BIBLICAL INTERPRETATION (3) An integration course, exploring how methods and perspectives in anthropology and linguistics may illuminate linguistic and cultural features of scripture, building upon the foundation of the grammatical historical method of Biblical inter pretation. Prerequisite: TBE 505 Hermeneutics. STM 785 MISSION GROWTH (3) An investigation into the missionary sending process. STM 800 STRUCTURALISM OF CLAUDE LEVI-STRAUSS (3) The importance of symbolic analysis of culture in encouraging personal Christian growth, church growth and sound Bible translation in culture specific settings.
STM 850 CROSS-CULTURAL IMPLICATIONS IN THEOLOGY (3) The application of cross-cultural communica tion principles to the study of theology, critique and evaluation of such theologies and the design and implementation of culture specific theologies for various cultures. STM 860 THE CHURCH IN THIRD WORLD SOCIETIES (3) The message, method and role of the evangeli cal church in societies undergoing socio-techno logical change. Elective for Th.M. students, others by department permission. STM 863 AREA STRATEGIES IN EVANGELISM (3) Intensive case study analysis, by socio geographic areas; of evangelistic and church planting strategies. May be repeated with different course content. STM 871 THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION BY EXTENSION (3) The concept of theological education by exten sion, including its history, objectives, methodolo gy and the writing of programmed instruction with particular emphasis on missionary applica tion. Elective for Th.M. students, others by depart ment permission. STM 872 ADVANCED BIBLE TRANSLATION (3) Discourse considerations in translating from Greek into indigenous languages. Prerequisite: Advanced Linguistics, Greek. SEMINARS** !CS 590 SEMINAR IN PRACTICAL MISSION TRAINING (1-9) (does not apply to a degree program) JCS 591 TEACHING PRACTICUM (1-3) (course may be repeated) STM 760 SEMINAR IN EVANGELISM (3) JCS 791-792 FIELD PRACTICUM (2, 2) Aprogram designed to give experience in var ious phases of intercultural ministry. Field in volvement 100 hours each semester, and regular meeting for reporting and discussion. Prerequi site: 48 units of class mrk. Prescribed for and limited to, M.Div. students majoring in missions. JCS 793-794 INDEPENDENT STUDY (1-4, 1-4) In-depth investigation of a topic under the guidance of the faculty using standard research procedures. Topic selection and course enrollment by advisor's approval. JCS 796 THESIS (0) Prescribed for Master of Arts in Missions. JCS 810 SEMINAR IN ANTHROPOLOGY (3) !CS 815 SEMINAR IN INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION (3) JCS 820 SEMINAR IN LINGUISTICS (3) !CS 830 SEMINAR IN SOCIOLINGUISTICS (3) Fee: $125. HTM 840 SEMINAR IN ETHNOTHEOLOGY (3) HTM 850 SEMINAR IN THEOLOGY OF MISSION (3)
HTM 855 SEMINAR IN HISTORY OF MISSIONS (3) STM 865 SEMINAR IN MISSION STRATEGY (3) STM 870 SEMINAR IN BIBLE TRANSLATION (3) !CS 880, 881 DISSERThTION FIELD RESEARCH (3,3) JCS 891-892 DISSERThTION (3, 3) !CS 897-898 RESEARCH SEMINAR (1-4, 1-4) Supervised research into some problem of spe cial interest to the student approved by the profes sor. May be taken for one semester or continued throughout the year with the same problem under consideration. Elective for Th.M. students, others by permission. *Undergraduate seniors may access course by permission of school dean. **These seminars consist of supervised re search, in the respective fields , into some problem of special interest.
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