RPSY 690 PREPRACTICUM (2) Primary interpersonal skills and counseling techniques are assessed and facilitated prior to the student's first practicum field experience. Various training techniques are employed in a small group setting. These include empathy training, demonstrations and audio-video feedback. Pre requisite RPSY 500. Required for M.A. , Psy.D. , Ph.D. RPSY 691-696 PRACTICUM (3) Supervised clinical experiences including di agnostic and therapeutic activities with inpatient and outpatient clientele. Hospitals, private and public clinics, mental health organizations, schools and college counseling centers are uti lized. Prerequisite: successful completion of RPSY 690 , or approval of the Professional Training Committee. Required for all doctoral programs; Ph.D. and Psy.D. RPSY 697-699 PRACTICUM ELECTIVE (1-3) For students desiring supervised clinical exper iences beyond the requirements for their degree. These are used as elective practica. Prerequisite: approval of the director of clinical training. RPSY 700 CLINICAL CASE CONFERENCE (1) Small group supervision of ongoing psycho logical cases. Elective. RPSY 701 COLLEGE TEACHING OF PSYCHOLOGY (2) Aseminar on teaching methods including the development of course objectives, outlines, lec tures and evaluations. Major emphasis is placed on the examination of the various teaching meth ods available to the teacher of psychology. Elec tive. Focuses on the social psychology of interper sonal relationships with special emphasis on inti mate relations. Prerequisite: a surveycourse (un dergraduate or graduate) in social psychology and permission of the instructor. Required for Psy.D. , Ph.D. RPSY 703 ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION OF PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES (2) RPSY 702 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY: INTERPERSONAL PROCESSES (3) Aseminar dealing with administrative issues such as personnel, finances, community relations and supervision. Elective. RPSY 704 ADVANCED RESEARCH DESIGN (3) Acontinuation of PSY 601 for students inter ested in pursuing dissertation research. The course includes advanced study of univariate and multivariate analysis of variance, regression anal ysis, canonical and discriminant analysis and factor analysis. Required, Ph.D. only. Prerequisite: RPSY 601 RPSY 705 CLINICAL PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY (3) Ageneral overview of current research on the use and effectiveness of psychotropic medication in the treatment of the psychoses, neuroses and other emotional disorders. Consultation and class presentations by area psychiatrists. Prerequisite: RPSY 607 or equivalent. Either this course or RPSY 607 or 670 is required.
RPSY 625 CROSS-CULTURAL ISSUES IN CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY (3) Aconsideration of the impact of social and cultural factors upon the utilization and dynamics of mental health services. Focuses on developing the student's sensitivity to the cultural dynamics involved in the therapeutic process. Elective. RPSY 630 PSYCHOLOGY OF WOMEN (3) Adiscussion of historical and contemporary views of women and a look at research on physio logical and psychological differences between males and females. Also includes discussion of psychotherapeutic issues, the role of women in the church, and theological perspectives on women's issues. Elective. RPSY 631 PRINCIPLES OF HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY (2-3) This course provides an overview of theory, research and roles of psychologists in the dissemi nation of psychological knowledge into the health care system. Areas of focus include concerns of the family physician for which referral might be made, adjustment to physical disabilities, coping with chronic illness, stages of adjustment by indi viduals and their families to death and dying, preventive-educative and motivational issues in medical treatment. Prerequisites: RPSY 607, RPLB 605 and/or RPLB 635 recommended. Elective. RPSY 632 RESEARCH PROBLEMS IN PSYCHOTHERAPY (2) Consideration of research approaches to study ing the process and outcomes of psychotherapy. Special emphasis is placed on measurement of process and outcomes, design and execution of research and status of psychotherapy research to date. Students are actively involved in reviewing and evaluating psychotherapy research in selected
An introduction to the use of projective tech niques in personality assessment with special em phasis on the administration, scoring and inter pretation of the Rorschach using Exner's compre hensive System. Prerequisite: RPSY 642. Required for Psy.D. RPSY 644 MEASUREMENT AND ASSESSMENT IV: ADVANCED PROJECTIVES (Special Issues) (2) Advanced interpretation of the Rorschach in cluding special issues such as forensic evalua tions, child and adolescent personality assess ment, assessment of thought disorder. Other basic projective instruments such as the TAT, CAT and Sentence Completion tests are also covered. Pre requisite: RPSY 643. Elective. RPSY 645 MEASUREMENT AND ASSESSMENT V: NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL (3) Examines the psychological, neurological and statistical bases of neuropsychology, including the two major systems of testing procedures utilized in assessment of brain impairment, the Halstead Reitan and the Indiana-Luria Neuropsychological Examination. Interpretation and utilization of data in treatment planning will also be consid ered. Prerequisites: RPSY 644 , RPSY 705 , RPSY 607. Elective. RPSY 647 ADVANCED ASSESSMENT OF THE CHIW (3) An advanced diagnostic course which focuses on the appropriate assessment and diagnosis of mentally retarded, learning disabled, emotionally disturbed and gifted children. Attention is also given to low incidence handicaps such as partially sighted, hearing disordered, etc. as well as envi ronmental assessment (eg, home environment, school environment) . Prerequisites: Measurement & Assessment I, Pre-Practicum and completion of or current enrollment in a child practicum. RPSY 650 FAMILY PSYCHOLOGY AND PSYCHOPATHOLOGY (3) Emphasizes the construction of a conceptual framework for system change as a foundation for clinical intervention. Surveys major ,approaches to systems-oriented family therapy and includes such related issues as the family life cycle, object relations integration, family pathology/dysfunc tion, family assessment, ethnicity and religious influences. Elective. RPSY 663 HUMAN SEXUALITY (3) An examination of the areas of human sexual functioning and behavior, relationships and feel ings within the cultural milieu of today. Elective. RPSY 665-667 PRACTICUM (TERMINAL M.A.) (3) Supervised clinical experiences, including di agnostic and therapeutic activities with inpatient and outpatient clientele. Hospitals, private and public clinics, schools and college counseling centers are utilized. Required M.A. terminal stu dents only. RPSY 670 NEUROPSYCHOLOGY (3) Consideration of behavioral and intellectual disorders of neurological origin. Clinical and ex perimental evidence is considered as they relate to the major syndromes. Prerequisite: Physiological Psychology. Either this course or RPSY 607 or 705 is required for Psy.D. , Ph.D.
areas. Prerequisite: RPSY 60 I. Elective. RPSY 633 ADVANCED SEMINAR IN PSYCHOPATHOLOGY (3)
Asurvey of the development, dynamics and classification of the psychological disorders from a psychoanalytic point of view Special attentions given to the neuroses and to the operations of ego defense mechanisms. Elective.
The first in a sequence of courses directed toward competence in administration, scoring and interpretation of psychological tests. The course involves a survey of basic concepts and principles of psychological measurement, includ ing factors influencing validity and reliability. Emphasis is placed on the Stanford-Binet and Wechsler scales and assessment of intellectual functioning. Cost of materials required is approxi mately $150. Required for Psy.D. , Ph.D. RPSY 642 MEASUREMENT AND ASSESSMENT II: PERSONALITY (3) Clinical interpretation of Wechsler scales with an introduction to learning disabilities and neuropsychological screening. Use of objective personality instruments with emphasis upon the MMPI. Introduction to more structured projective instruments such as the ThT and Sentence Com pletion. Prerequisite: RPSY 641. Cost of materials required for this course is approximately $150. Required for Psy.D., Ph.D.
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